Thursday, January 31, 2019

Colder than Antarctica: US midwest temperatures plunge well below zero

 (Updated: )

Ricky Lim
Oh but Trump say that Global warming is a hoax and pull out of Paris Climate Agreement.

Now is it Universal Law of Karma ?

Who voted Trump as President - American voters.
Then who suffer now - American voters - while Trump snuggle in the White House - don't care.
Irwan Sumarto
Should have invested in coal in US earlier.. prices will spike for sure at this time:)
Philip Chan
Wow! Like the 2004 science fiction movie "The Day After Tomorrow"
Omar Ahmad
We will come across such weird weather from time to time.Whether we like it or not such extreme hot and cold temperatues will occur globally .This shows we have not cared our environment.Noxious gases keep spewing into the air.
Long range weapons like missiles are utising chemicals for their lofty flight are also contributing to mar the environment and the weather.
Ong Ch
The sick Earth exhibiting extreme cold and hot climate. This will impact activities on the sick Earth so that it can recuperate.
Michael Loh
Its the big freeze in conjunction with another ice age as the planets shift the alignment in the cosmos.
Niko Nishi
Trump calls for global warming to solve this temperatures plunge. He really is like a smart person.

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