Friday, January 25, 2019

National Day Rally 2018
21-22 Aug 2018

Part 1 - Background - Crisis Inflexion of Labour Force
When a Society or the Globe reach a "State of Crisis" - that threaten "Emptiness" - everything collapse (labour force collapse, business collapse, economy collapse, govt collapse, Society collapse) ---- the antidote is "Back to the Basics".
This is an analogy of how Mr Lee KY and PAP started - from zero - going through crisis after crisis - emerge from Marshland to today's Cosmopolitan City.
Similarly, we have also reached an inflexion point of "crisis" - as we can see how the Globe react - the Trump protectionism syndrome, trade war, Europe growing nationalism, Arab Spring etc --- due to Raw Capitalism reaching its peak - where disruptive tech, robotics and automation can replace human as the labour force.
At this juncture, with no worker - it means no income. Even if Organisations replace all workers with robots in production, there will be no one with income to buy.
This applies not only to our Domestic Economy, but also Global Economy - and Trade collapse.
Society collapse, Government collapse.
Sounds like a Doomsday without even a WW3.....

Part 2 - Central Planned vs Free Hand - to handle a "State of Crisis"?
In a State of Crisis, Businesss, Labour Force --- cannot be left to Market Force of free hand - because it will continue to produce an "Elongated Pyramid" --- where very few reach the top, some in the middle and the rest of the majority fall into bottom that form the base of the pyramid.
Because Meritocracy -- the hallmark of a Free Hand Capitalism - will continue to fight competition ruthlessly (such as replacing the whole production floor of workers with robots) - to reap the maximum profits - as they do not need to pay monthly salary - only one time cost of robots and some maintenance.
In short term, this elite boss will reap tremendous wealth earning tremendous profit - because it will take time for Societies and Countries to respond and do likewise.
But in medium term and long term - it will cause Society and Countries to collapse.
Thus an Authority Central Planned will need to step in to manage this "Crisis".
This is liken the 1960s when Singapore just achieved Independence - and emerge Mr Lee KY and the PAP.

Part 3 - An Economy is make up of 3 Cardinal Players of the Government, the Business and the Labour Forces Alliances

In an Ideal State, I mentioned before - Centrally Planning and State-Run Economy will be very "sub sub water" 湿湿碎.
Why is it so simple ;-
(1) Government go to every industry - ask each company to decide how they want to conduct their business, how they want to transform according to international market trend in their industry, how much automation or robots they build, what type of skillsets they need.
(2) Publish the job and job description to a Central Job Portal (rather than a disparate portals all over the place) - classified according to industries and job categories -- to allow for Central Planning of Human Resources - so that Universities, Poly, ITE, JCs etc can provide the relevant courses to train the skillsets.
(3) Labor Union, Government and Business will discuss wage remuneration, plan how labour force will be fitted into the jobs and job description.
Eg. Assume we have 1.75 million adults who can and want to work and are trained in various skillsets according to the planned skillsets and individual's abilities.
But assume 2.5 million labour forces are required by the Planned Economy - and Singapore can only produce labour force of 1.75 million, we need to bring in foreign talents and foreign workers to fill up the gap.
As it is Centrally Planned - "rightfully" foriegn talents or workers will not displaced local workers.
Similarly, foreign talents and workers will not come in with no jobs.
There will be some "plus" and "minus" --- but there should not be way out.
(Currently, I think Singapore is in a State of restructuring and transforming --- that is why - the "plus" and "minus" look quite large) --- but hopefully, when the planning reached a steady state --- the "plus" and "minus" wil be narrowed and manageable.

In 2012, the above concept is proposed to REACH.
In 2016, it was accepted and officially announced and launch by the Minister of Finance in the Budget Speech - naming it as ITM (Industry Transformation Map). This is the "Vertical ITM or Silo ITM" per industry.
I think each MOS lead ine industry --- altogether 23 industries - and 15 industries were completed with the ITM - and skillfuture training is ongoing full force for these industries (while the businesses transform according to the ITM).
In 2018,the Minister of Finance - take ITM one step further by doing "Horizontal ITM" - by clustering similar synergy industries together - to provide synergistic and economies of scale.
(Note :- ITM cannot stay constant - and will need to evolve and adjust as the industries disrupt).
Someone will ask, will businesses be ruthless enough to use robots to replace all labour?
Through a Central Planned Economy, Government and Labour Union can influenced. Also we need to work with Overseas Countries to have the same understanding.
In addition, it is not possible to have all robots with no humans. Human labour force will be needed to manage, control, do marketing, do sales, do management, do R&D, do delivery, see customers etc.
In addition, the more human free up in an organisation, we can attract or grow more business and make high pay to humans.
When this happens, our Economy will grow multiple fold and the Standard of Living of our people will grow significantly.

(1) For External Economy - it is collaboration rather than the US$1 politician confrontation, trade war and militarisation --- to achieve the same Domestic approach of "Central Planned, State-Managed" - Multi-lateralism, Multi-Lateral Trade, Multi-cooperation in Military Coordination --- that mirror the Domestic Arrangement --- will ensure a Peaceful and Prosperous World.
The US$1 politician --- may even bring the World into a WW3 --- like how WW2 started.

What happen if all Countries want to be equally ruthless - to replace all labour with robots ---- like suicidal politician US$1 who want to win at all cost?   He will probably be thrown out by his people.     Also i mention the Universal Basic Income.        If all use robots --- then earn and give each human a Universal Basic Income --- so that humans can buy things and World Economy can continue to function.    This is a State known as the Asura State.

Jobs in Singaporea - why are there claims of under-employment and unemployment?
Think can classify under the following categories
(1) Job available and match = Labour Skillsets, Wage Expectations ---- Satisfied
(2) Job available = Labour skillsets way above Job requirement, Wage fall below Expectation - Employed but below satisfaction (under-employed)
(3) Job available - cannot find labour due to (skillsets cannot match) or Wage (below market rate - cannot attract labour) ---- Job vacancies available - no Labour
(4) No jobs available - there are labour with certain skillsets and certain wage expectation looking for jobs ---- no job vacancies - but there are labour looking for jobs.
In the above scenarios, if the Government is able to do a breakdown of the above - identify and breakdown based on the above - such as how many are unemployed, how many are under-employed (eg. qualification vs job and wages such as graduate but a deliveryman with $1,000 salary or survey feedback by job employee that they want to change job due to underemployment).
Solution :-
(1) Then probably more targeted and proactive matching can be done for Scenario 2 - to match the right job for the right labor to right employment (find a replacement for the vacant job).
(2) For scenario 3, will need to train labour to match jobs and willing to accept the wages.
(3) For scenario 4, will need to attract overseas companies or look for business locally that need the skillsets of the labour.

This can be done by Job Bank Portal, Skillsfuture, Career Coach, Train and Placement, Career Fair etc. Again more precise data to matching via Big Data, Meta Data, AI, Deep Learning, Machine Learning --- can help tremendously to aid in the job matching.

Finally, it is the human chemistry between boss, companies --- versus labour ---- this will be more complex to tackle --- because it is about handling and managing human psychology and human relationship.

Wonder how does the Job Bank Portal, Skillsfuture, Career Coach, Train and Placement, Career Fair -- perform in matching the above jobs to labour?

NDR 2018: Ambitious housing, healthcare plans are fundamental commitments to Singaporeans, says PM Lee
The Prime Minister outlined plans to extend the CHAS scheme to all Singaporeans regardless of income, set up a Merdeka Generation Package and upgrade HDB flats twice in their 99-year lifespan in his National Day Rally speech.
By Kevin Kwang @KevinKwangCNA
19 Aug 2018 09:38PM (Updated: 19 Aug 2018 10:39PM)
Ricky Lim
If we anaylyse people's needs in a Society, it can be generally classified into 3 baskets.
(1) 1st basket - Meeting people physiological needs and security needs. (eg. housing, healthcare, education, etc).
(2) 2nd basket - Meeting people's income and earning needs.(eg. jobs, business, growing passive income)
(3) 3rd basket - Containing cost of livings to ensure people's income can cover cost of livings and there will be savings for retirement, for rainy days as well as monies for investment to grow the income.
Government, People and Business - play a pivotal roles in providing the 3 basket of needs and at the same time benefits from the 3 baskets of needs.
Government role - is to ensure balancing the 3 baskets of needs - whereby people can improve their standard of living - by increasing income of the people, maintaining physiological and ensure security needs at an affordable cost and containing the cost of living in the macro level.
As long as the Government is able to do well in maintaining these 3 Baskets of Needs - and improve the standard of living - then the Government is a good Government and will continue to win the trust of the People.
Similarly, citizens also need to play a part in maintaining these 3 baskets of needs - in a micro level.
Business also need to play a part in maintaining these 3 baskets of needs - while earning profits and create wealth - but also needs to ensure it has a "Heart" when doing so.
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Ricky Lim
In this era of data science, availability of big data and meta data, AI, machine learning and deep learning --- felt that it may be possible to come out with a generalised model for 3 income groups (low, middle, high income) - taking into account the variables of the 3 baskets to make a benchmark for each income groups.
Adjustment of the variables of the 3 baskets can be make to ensure - an equilibrium can be make.
And then policies can be targeted to improve the variables of each of the 3 baskets -- to ensure the standard of living of people can improve progressively.
Wonder for those experts or specialists in simulation model - can such model be built to become a decision making tool ---- so that this will help to produce more realistic data, more scientific data - that can help the Government in making more precise, more specific policies -- that can target at the various income groups --- and better still more precisely target at individual household to improve each income group and household standard of living.
To be able to achieve this level of precision and sophistication - will be the utopia of governance ---- is this a dream or is this achievable?
Seems like what is virutal can be a reality........
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Ricky Lim
In this Standard of Living Model - when in equilibrium (means the 3 baskets of needs are in equilibrium) for the various income group or each household - people will be generally happy with their standard of living.
This model can be build --- because all the 3 baskets can be denominated into $ and cents.
(1) 1st basket - Housing, transport, education, health, electricity bill etc are in $ and cents.
(2) 2nd basket - income are in $ and cents.
(3) 3rd basket - cost of livings are in $ and cents.
Thus building the Standard of Living Model - should not be a "rocket science".
Quite confidence that if Economic Model (that determine a Country's interest rate, currency exchange rate, fiscal policy, monetary policy etc) - are adjusted to ensure Economic growth --- this Standard of Living Model can also be build.
What is needed - is realistic data.
Any policy adjustment - that impact any of the variables of the 3 basket --- will have upset the equilibrium.
The equilibrium can be a National Equilibrium of the respective income group or Household level Equilibrium.
And any adjustment of policy - will definitely impact other baskets or some variables of the basket.
For eg. increase transport cost in 1st basket - will bring about increase in cost of living in the 3rd basket --- and this will impact the Standard of Living Equilibrium.
Thus compensating factor will need to come in - to bring it back to the Equilibrium - for eg. by Government effort or individual effort to boost income or earning in the 2nd Basket.
Individual effort will bring about household equilibrium, while Government effort will bring about national equilibrium.
--- Thinking aloud, wonder if any institution will like to take this suggestion up as a project -- e.g A*Star, NTU, NUS, SMU or other Universities.
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In this Standard of Living Model - when in equilibrium (means the 3 baskets of needs are in equilibrium) for the various income group or each household - people will be generally happy with their standard of living.
This model can be build --- because all the 3 baskets can be denominated into $ and cents.
(1) 1st basket - Housing, transport, education, health, electricity bill etc are in $ and cents.
(2) 2nd basket - income are in $ and cents.
(3) 3rd basket - cost of livings are in $ and cents.
Thus building the Standard of Living Model - should not be a "rocket science".
Quite confidence that if Economic Model (that determine a Country's interest rate, currency exchange rate, fiscal policy, monetary policy etc) - are adjusted to ensre Economic growth --- this Standard of Living Model can also be build.
What is needed - is realistic data.
Any policy adjustment - that impact any of the variables of the 3 basket --- will have offset the equilibrium.
The equilibrium can be a National Equilibrium of the respective income group or Household level Equilibrium.
And any adjustment of policy - will definitely impact other baskets or some variable of the basket.
For eg. increase transport cost in 1st basket - will bring about increase in cost of living in the 3rd basket --- and this will impact the Standard of Living Equilibrium.
Thus compensating factor will need to come in - to bring it back to the Equilibrium - for eg. by Government effort or individual effort to boost income or earning in the 2nd Basket.
Individual effort will bring about household equilibrium, while Government effort will bring about national equilibrium.
--- Thinking aloud, wonder if any institution will like to take this suggestion up as a project -- e.g A*Star, NTU, NUS, SMU or other Universities.

Some people say: This NDR focus too much on $ & cents culture, money is important but it occupies part of our life, wish to hear more ideas of ways to balance our mind, body, and soul, which will lead to true happiness and meaningful life.
Some people say: I felt that this year's NDR did not sufficiently touch on  unemployment and underemployment for Singaporeans. I reckon this topic is very important in our society now.
I say : meditate to gain enlightenment will balance mind, body and soul....
Some people say :- There are free yoga and Zumba class around some of our estate, such topic should bring out in NDR to encourage for healthy living
Ricky Lim
Jobs in Singaporea - why are there claims of under-employment and unemployment?
Think can classify under the following categories :-
(1) Job available and match = Labour Skillsets, Wage Expectations ---- Satisfied
(2) Job available = Labour skillsets way above Job requirement, Wage fall below Expectation - Employed but below satisfaction (under-employed)
(3) Job available - cannot find labour due to (skillsets cannot match) or Wage (below market rate - cannot attract labour) ---- Job vacancies available - no Labour
(4) No jobs available - there are labour with certain skillsets and certain wage expectation looking for jobs ---- no job vacancies - but there are labour looking for jobs.
In the above scenarios, if the Government is able to do a breakdown of the above - identify and breakdown based on the above - such as how many are unemployed, how many are under-employed (eg. qualification vs job and wages such as graduate but a deliveryman with $1,000 salary or survey feedback by job employee that they want to change job due to underemployment).
Solution :-
(1) Then probably more targeted and proactive matching can be done for Scenario 2 - to match the right job for the right labor to right employment (find a replacement for the vacant job).
(2) For scenario 3, will need to train labour to match jobs and willing to accept the wages.
(3) For scenario 4, will need to attract overseas companies or look for business locally that need the skillsets of the labour.
This can be done by Job Bank Portal, Skillsfuture, Career Coach, Train and Placement, Career Fair etc. Again more precise data to matching via Big Data, Meta Data, AI, Deep Learning, Machine Learning --- can help tremendously to aid in the job matching.
Finally, it is the human chemistry between boss, companies --- versus labour ---- this will be more complex to tackle --- because it is about handling and managing human psychology and human relationship.
Another solution will be become an entrepreneur, be your own boss. Get good business idea, get funding from venture capitalist, crowd-funding etc.
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Ricky Lim
Wonder how does the Job Bank Portal, Skillsfuture, Career Coach, Train and Placement, Career Fair -- perform in matching the above jobs to labour?
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Ricky Lim
Some people say :- We are quite centrally planned, there is a quota system for the courses in our schools.
My answer:- Then why still got issues of under-employed and unemployment? Is it the data science of job matching through big data, AI, deep learning - not solid enough?
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Ricky Lim
Some people say :- "We are at best central guided economy. Courses are limited by resources such as teaching staff. Further it will also not beneficial to individuals if there is oversupply of a particular profession.
You are oversimplifying stuff, there are much more difficult part than you have raised
We already have the job bank database.
My answer:- Unless everyone know the root cause. Else how to find the antidote?
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[9:02 PM, 8/21/2018] A: Its not one problem but a combination of many complex factors
[9:03 PM, 8/21/2018] Ricky Lim: such as?
[9:03 PM, 8/21/2018] A: We can't treat every one as the same
[9:04 PM, 8/21/2018] A: But there could be many other reasons why they are not hired
[9:05 PM, 8/21/2018] A: If they just lack the skills, usually companies are quite OK with people learning on the job
[9:05 PM, 8/21/2018] A: Especially if they know its high demand or low supply
[9:07 PM, 8/21/2018] A: Hiring is not straight forward and mostly a gamble
[9:09 PM, 8/21/2018] A: Most jobs now are not so simple, with high degree of autonomy. Companies are not looking for just one specific skills, but a combination of skills and attributes
[9:10 PM, 8/21/2018] A: And they can get it wrong too, by making a bad hire
[9:12 PM, 8/21/2018] A: The simple stuff has already been done, like job [9:09 PM, 8/21/2018] A: Most jobs now are not so simple, with high degree of autonomy. Companies are not looking for just one specific skills, but a combination of skills and attributes
[9:10 PM, 8/21/2018] A: And they can get it wrong too, by making a bad hire
[9:12 PM, 8/21/2018] A: The simple stuff has already been done, like job bank. Now they are focusing more on skillsfuture
[9:13 PM, 8/21/2018] A: *Cant
[9:17 PM, 8/21/2018] A: That's just my view. Some companies are more sensitive to cost, the just want cheap labour to get the job done.
[9:22 PM, 8/21/2018] Ricky Lim: Exactly. that hiring is an extremely complex issue. It is more than skillsets, human chemistry, wages --- it encompasses alot of psychological reasons that are often not articulated.          If we can achieve the level of sophistication like Cambridge Analytical throught facebook in diagnosing the psychic of the election voters like the US voters and target it with the right message, it can win the war.                        Until now, i sense that we still cannot find the real root cause of the underemployment and the unemployment problem.   What you have stated above are only a fraction of the root cause. There are much more to it.                Previously, we can start a big companies - and the skillsets are able to be quanitfiable.     But now with disruptive tech ---- it has disrupted many traditional industries.   Even this disruptive tech start up - got disrupted by others.       We are in the midst of chaotic disruption that are constantly being disrupted.    Labour employment become the lower food chain.    This is one of the main reason why businesses are slow in employing - because they are undergoing restructuring and transforming.                This is what i feel could be the main reason for underemployment and unemployment.
Eg. banking - previously people queue up in the bank to do bank transaction. Now almost many of the transactions can be done online. You don't need so many bank staff.
Eg. Shopping - previously you will need staff to service customers. Now we can buy many things online - such as Lazada, Qoo10, shoppe etc.
Eg. Manufacturing - perviously we need alot of workers to man the production plant. Now alot of robots can do alot of manual task.
Eg. Restaurant - previously need to employ waiters and waitresses. Now robots can be used to serve food to customers.
There are so many examples.
Business will toggle between automation and employing staff.
Or even think of employing staff to operate the automation.
Hiring staff got caught in the aftermath of this business restructuring.
Everyone should know that there is ITM (Industry Transformation Map) to direct the business restructuring. Until the business restructuring settle down, then hiring will become steady. Train and Placement can be more effective ---- I guess and I hope.
Then people can hopefully beef up their "earnings or income" basket - the 2nd basket.
Meanwhile, I propose the "GST Capital" as a small insurance buffer to help the citizens.
[9:22 PM, 8/21/2018] Ricky Lim: Exactly. that hiring is an extremely complex issue. It is more than skillsets, human chemistry, wages --- it encompasses alot of psychological reasons that are often not articulated.          If we can achieve the level of sophistication like Cambridge Analytical throught facebook in diagnosing the psychic of the election voters like the US voters and target it with the right message, it can win the war.                        Until now, i sense that we still cannot find the real root cause of the underemployment and the unemployment problem.   What you have stated above are only a fraction of the root cause. There are much more to it.                Previously, we can start a big companies - and the skillsets are able to be quanitfiable.     But now with disruptive tech ---- it has disrupted many traditional industries.   Even this disruptive tech start up - got disrupted by others.       We are in the midst of chaotic disruption that are constantly being disrupted.    Labour employment become the lower food chain.    This is one of the main reason why businesses are slow in employing - because they are undergoing restructuring and transforming.                This is what i feel could be the main reason for underemployment and unemployment.
[9:29 PM, 8/21/2018] A: I completely disagree with you. Even if we have what you said, there will still be people who can't find their ideal jobs.
This will only help with head hunting, identifying or competiting for talents.
It can apply for some cases where companies are looking for only their super fans.
I do not know where you intend to get the data from to try to quantify these fresh grads.
[9:31 PM, 8/21/2018] A: And even if we have your system in place, working exactly how you imagine it to be, then the new problem becomes I am not being picked by the AI thing for the jobs, like this how?
[9:33 PM, 8/21/2018] A: What's your experience with applying for jobs and hiring people?
[9:34 PM, 8/21/2018] Ricky Lim: Eg. banking - previously people queue up in the bank to do bank transaction. Now almost many of the transactions can be done online. You don't need so many bank staff.
Eg. Shopping - previously you will need staff to service customers. Now we can buy many things online - such as Lazada, Qoo10, shoppe etc.
Eg. Manufacturing - perviously we need alot of workers to man the production plant. Now alot of robots can do alot of manual task.
Eg. Restaurant - previously need to employ waiters and waitresses. Now robots can be used to serve food to customers.
There are so many examples.
Business will toggle between automation and employing staff.
Or even think of employing staff to operate the automation.
Hiring staff got caught in the aftermath of this business restructuring.
Everyone should know that there is ITM (Industry Transformation Map) to direct the business restructuring. Until the business restructuring settle down, then hiring will become steady. Train and Placement can be more effective ---- I guess and I hope.
Then people can hopefully beef up their "earnings or income" basket - the 2nd basket.
Meanwhile, I propose the "GST Capital" as a small insurance buffer to help the citizens.
[9:36 PM, 8/21/2018] A: If you create this kind of database on everyone, there will be people ending up in the risky hire or do not hire list, its like giving them a death sentence
[9:36 PM, 8/21/2018] A: If you create this kind of database on everyone, there will be people ending up in the risky hire or do not hire list, its like giving them a death sentence
[9:36 PM, 8/21/2018] Ricky Lim: Also i don't need you to agree with me. Without the real root cause, everyone could be right or no one is right.
[9:37 PM, 8/21/2018] A: Past performance do not predict future performance
[9:38 PM, 8/21/2018] A: Yes, there is no one single root cause that needs to be solved. But if you can create some kind of system that helps with headhunting talents, you will be rich.
[9:43 PM, 8/21/2018] Ricky Lim: And in case, you think i plug from the air without fact. I will quote you some examples. (1) Keppel Corp, Sembcorp - due to oil price plunge - retrenchment quite alot of people (2) NOL - got sold away due to glut in shipping line (3) SCS IT company - got broken up (4) SPH - retrench quite a number of people when some paper close up ......     there are many more where disruptive tech playing havoc.
[9:44 PM, 8/21/2018] +B: Yes agree with u. I m one good example... I  can't find  d job I want.. Singapore doesn't have d types of courses or faculty I need and I want to be in.. ��������
[9:46 PM, 8/21/2018] Ricky Lim: BTW, the death sentence database you talk about - I am refering to is the Job Bank Portal database.   I suggested that all job database including all private job database should be centralised to facilitate central source of matching employers to labour -- back in about 2015.
[9:48 PM, 8/21/2018] A: No one say you plug from air, disruption has always been happening since the beginning of civilisation and its getting more common now.
[9:48 PM, 8/21/2018] Ricky Lim: or about 2013 to 2015 - cannot really remember.
[9:50 PM, 8/21/2018] A: I am referring to your Cambridge Analytical database that aims to profile everyone.
[9:50 PM, 8/21/2018] A: You can build some prototype of your AI stuff and propose to MoM
[9:55 PM, 8/21/2018] Ricky Lim: When an employer interview a portential staff ---- you may be surprise that potential employer will have look up alot on the candidate social media - eg. linkedin, facebook, twitter, instagram etc to get a grasp of the potential candidate.   And the interviewer will already get grasp of the candidate.
[10:03 PM, 8/21/2018] A: yes, but it does not matter that much. they still hire people without social media accounts. it's part of their background checks, more to look for red flags
[10:03 PM, 8/21/2018] A: but still, it's not clear how unemployed and underemployed people will benefit from this
[10:04 PM, 8/21/2018] A: I have friends who sent 100+ resumes before they found a job
[10:04 PM, 8/21/2018] +C: Still u need paper qualifications to get a job
[10:04 PM, 8/21/2018] A: and they became top performers
[10:05 PM, 8/21/2018] A: I do not see where you get your data points of their skills and qualifications
[10:05 PM, 8/21/2018] Ricky Lim: Based on all the above discussion, until now --- I still cannot identify the root cause of unemployment and underemployment.
[10:06 PM, 8/21/2018] A: I believe you yourself are not unemployed or underemployed. if they themselves can figure out why, they would be employed already
also companies can miss out on talents, they can fail to recognise talents and not hiring them
unfortunately, I believe there is no unemployed or underemployed Singaporeans here to give their side of the story
[10:22 PM, 8/21/2018] +D: Underemployed and unemployed might be the side effect of cutting down foreign worker, company expect Singaporean to accept low wages that the foreigner worker get from the pass years. Low wages worker need to work 2 shift 6 days a week for some industries due to lack of manpower, some of them might not be able to take it.
[10:22 PM, 8/21/2018] A: yes, that
[10:23 PM, 8/21/2018] A: very true for people who went true that time period
If bringing in cheap foreign talents again that will be go back to the problem of older worker became jobless. no one have the solution...
I wont call them talent, cheap and talent don't go together
[10:32 PM, 8/21/2018] A: only foreign talent and foreign labour/workers
[10:32 PM, 8/21/2018] A: there is a reason why they are cheap
[10:32 PM, 8/21/2018] A: for people willing to leave their countries, there are many places they can go, many positions they can take up with varying salaries
[10:33 PM, 8/21/2018] A: real talents won't come cheap
[10:35 PM, 8/21/2018] A: tax foreign labour and give some financial assistant to jobless elderly
[10:36 PM, 8/21/2018] A: govt has been collecting a lot of money from foreign labour already
[10:46 PM, 8/21/2018] +B: U r not reading messages carefully....
[10:47 PM, 8/21/2018] A: I assumed you are not in this category, because Singapore does not have your ideal job
[10:48 PM, 8/21/2018] A: why not give you feedback to REACH and ask them to bring your job here
[10:49 PM, 8/21/2018] A: or do you encounter problems applying overseas for a job?
[10:49 PM, 8/21/2018] +B: How do u know? There are many unemployed ones I know... and I know their stories...
[10:50 PM, 8/21/2018] A: you wrote Singapore doesn't have the type of courses you want
[10:52 PM, 8/21/2018] +B: See dat you r typing away all d time so u don't think..
[10:52 PM, 8/21/2018] A: it's not me, you are not contributing enough of the feedback you have to offer
[10:52 PM, 8/21/2018] +B: Singapore doesn't have d types of courses I need and I want, thus.. I am unemployed...
I was bz volunteering and tonite I was at REACH  National Day Rally forum at Joyden Hall at Bugis
[10:49 PM, 8/21/2018] +B: How do u know? There are many unemployed ones I know... and I know their stories...
[10:50 PM, 8/21/2018] A: you wrote Singapore doesn't have the type of courses you want
[10:52 PM, 8/21/2018] +B: See dat you r typing away all d time so u don't think..
[10:52 PM, 8/21/2018] A: it's not me, you are not contributing enough of the feedback you have to offer
[10:52 PM, 8/21/2018] +B: Singapore doesn't have d types of courses I need and I want, thus.. I am unemployed...
[10:54 PM, 8/21/2018] +B: I was bz volunteering and tonite I was at REACH  National Day Rally forum at Joyden Hall at Bugis
[10:55 PM, 8/21/2018] A: in that case, if possible you should go overseas to get the job you want. And bring back the skillset and setup something here when you are successful
[10:55 PM, 8/21/2018] A: Singapore is a small place and we can't expect everything to be here
[10:56 PM, 8/21/2018] +B: Many unemployed and retrenched turned to volunteering...
[10:56 PM, 8/21/2018] A: and there are certain capitals for each industries in different parts of the world, where the best people gather
[10:57 PM, 8/21/2018] A: without a source of income?
[10:58 PM, 8/21/2018] +B: Some companies or organizations provide meals and transport..
[10:58 PM, 8/21/2018] +B: It's not easy as spoken words..
[10:59 PM, 8/21/2018] +E: Hi all, are we on NDR topic? Dun really understand what is the discussion about.
[10:59 PM, 8/21/2018] A: yes, I do not know your background, I have friends who are doing that
[11:01 PM, 8/21/2018] A: it's kind of in the grey area now, some people here find that unemployment and underempolyment are key topics that should be covered in NDP and so giving feedback
[10:59 PM, 8/21/2018] +E: I think we should not go off topic. Can discuss in another forum. Otherwise anyone can bring in their own topic here
[11:09 PM, 8/21/2018] +C: I dun think employment was a big issue in NDR
[11:10 PM, 8/21/2018] A: PM Lee started with saying income are rising
[11:22 PM, 8/21/2018] +F: Then publish all recently retrenchment data? IBM how many? Philip manufacturing how many?
[11:23 PM, 8/21/2018] A: I am surprised this year is about giving out goodies, when we are talking about increasing GST and global uncertainty
[11:30 PM, 8/21/2018] +F: So 300 many people apply 1 opening recently
[12:55 AM, 8/22/2018] Ricky Lim: To complete the jigsaw puzzle of the under-employment and unemployment.   Feedback by the business will find the real root cause.   Government will need to bridge this gap to determine (1) why local labor are not hired - for those that are unemployed. (2) why local labor are under-employed.                   Only when the real root causes are identified --- can real solutions and antidote be developed to resolve the unemployment and under-employment problem ---- to help citizens resolve the problem of the 2nd basket --- to get a good job and solve the earning and income problem --- so that equilibrium can be achieved under the Standard of Living Model.     Who knows, business are still restructuring and are still not clear about the directions they are heading --- while tackling competition and try to bring in sales to stay afloat.   Thus employing new labor become their lesser priorities.                    Without knowing the real root cause --- finding antidote will be tough. It will be a guesswork --- rather than a surgical solution,
[7:07 AM, 8/22/2018] +G: There are no perfect solutions for each and every it all problems.  Just be natural.  The more we try to have a problem fixed more problems will be created as a result.  We are responsible for our own lives and not society.  Society can assist those who are incapable to help themselves due to factors beyond their control such as illness, disabilities etc and not able people.
[8:21 AM, 8/22/2018] Ricky Lim: An afternote, cambridge analytical example is just a jest in the heat of debate. Facebook get into trouble by cooperating with cambridge analytical with US Congress and Europe lawmakers.
[8:31 AM, 8/22/2018] Ricky Lim: As for job creation and helping those who have difficulty getting jobs, isn't it a Societal effort to help those in need to get one?
Else it will be a social problem and everyone will be impacted like what we see worldwide. US, Europe growing protectionism, unrest will unsettle the entire society. Businesses also get into trouble. Look at US how trade war affect them when protectionist politicians tackle the job problem?
I don't think we want to see this happen in Singapore.
[8:47 AM, 8/22/2018] Ricky Lim: When we say that we are fully responsible for our own life and leave those in difficulty to fend for their own - then we can see how govt change hand overnight.
Malaysia UMNO fall, US Trump anti- administration, Europe liberal fall to nationalism, Taiwan blue fall to green nationalist, Middle east arab spring etc.
No one including high income, middle income, low income, business etc in a society are spare. Fully free hand raw capitalism is facing a backlash worldwide and a trade war affect everyone.
Socialist capitalism need to kicks in where societal intervention need to give a helping hands for those who fall behind.
I mention Government and Individual need to play a big role in their well being. Business was mentioned but not elaborated. In fact, business play a pivotal role to ensure a stable society. They have no way to run given that trade war will hit them anywhere in the world. Business will have to join hand with government and individual to jointly create wealth with "Heart". Business cannot be a mercenary without heart. Anything happen, it will impact business no matter how much money they hold, they can't live in peace and enjoy the wealth.
[1:32 PM, 8/22/2018] A: yes, biz plays an important role too, PAP always boast about their tripartism approach
[1:32 PM, 8/22/2018] A: yes, biz plays an important role too, PAP always boast about their tripartism approach
[1:48 PM, 8/22/2018] A: I agree that not all problems need to be fixed. But this government, having open the flood gates to let it truckloads of foreigners by signing all sorts of Free Trade Agreement, has the responsibility to fix any issues regarding fair consideration of hiring Singaporeans, whenever it arises.
Govt has taken some steps, like the Fair Consideration Framework, so it's undeniable that this is part of their responsibility to step in whenever there are issues with unmeritocratic preference for hiring foreigners.
[2:11 PM, 8/22/2018] +G: We need foreigners to complement us, if they do not come jobs will also not come.  We are living in a globalised world, people can work anywhere.  If they come here, they help to create jobs for local as well.  If they do not come they will be working elsewhere and compete with us nonetheless.  We will still have to compete.  The only local jobs they will take away will be jobs that service only the local community such as construction, cleaners, nursing etc.
[2:20 PM, 8/22/2018] +C: Thats why Singapore is a multinational and multiracial Trading Port
All foreigners of all works of life have found Singapore an attractive place to work and live in
Slowly they wld even become naturalised Singaporeans or PRs
[2:33 PM, 8/22/2018] +H: Is it? I didn't know foreigners we bring in like maids and construction workers got chance to become citizens. I thought we only allow people from certain countries?
[2:34 PM, 8/22/2018] A: that's a very idealistic view, they can be taking away jobs that are providing services to locals like dental and healthcare, which they can't be doing it anywhere else in the world and not creating more jobs. Agreements like CECA are not really scrutinised by the public
[2:38 PM, 8/22/2018] A: if we allow our core values like meritocracy to be eroded, we won't be here for long.
[2:40 PM, 8/22/2018] +F: Why not? Even if found out our saving in CPF is gone? We only return back to life of the 70th only no big deal
[2:43 PM, 8/22/2018] +F: When our country without manufacturing down the road? All the foreign people be in talent or worker ? Mostly will return to their country which is much more better than Singapore ����, thats the time we will go over to their country to work
[2:54 PM, 8/22/2018] A: I would not agee 100% that they are here to compliment us. We all hope they will compliment us, bring in skillsets that we lack, etc.
Their goal is just to get a job here for their own survival, using whatever means possible. Whether its undercutting our wages, using fake degrees, etc. Its foolish to paint them as the good guys to help us.
Refer to NE message
No one owes Singapore a living.
We must uphold meritocracy and incorruptibility.
[2:56 PM, 8/22/2018] +G: If we have sufficient locals yes, otherwise no.  Look at how long us the waiting time for dental and specialist consultation.
[2:59 PM, 8/22/2018] +F: Why would they help us? They are here to earn money �� so that back in their home �� can build and enjoy better living, eg under the home team? Army of fortune, living with high wall surrounding at Bidadari area, at the end of the Police duty contract! They are not allow to remain in Singapore ����, they had to leave! Even their children has PR status the parents has to leave our land
[3:03 PM, 8/22/2018] A: That goes back to the question of the "centrally guided" education system, does the left hand knows what the right hand is doing? Our infrastructure is overloaded, many other problems leading to PAP first GRC lost. Although many issues has been addressed, people who went through that time period cannot forget that we were told we are paying a bargain for these million dollar talents doing a mediocre job.
[3:04 PM, 8/22/2018] A: PAP cannot regain the lost trust so easily just by announcing goodies
[3:11 PM, 8/22/2018] +F: Why Long Q for dentist appointment? If daily healthy practice do we still need dental treatment? Olden day what our kampung people depend on
[3:17 PM, 8/22/2018] A: Companies come here not for the easy access of foreign labour. They come here for our excellent infrastructure, efficiency, highly skilled labour, etc. Anything that fall short of these standards will put our survival at risk.
I feel that the IDA Nisha is not well handled, should have been fired to send a strong signal. No intent to decieve when she bought a degree to be listed in her resume, out of her own interest? Keep your own interest to yourself privately...
[3:22 PM, 8/22/2018] A: Mediocracy at all levels is a threat to our survival and salary is not the yardstick.
[3:29 PM, 8/22/2018] +H: It's okay if we use 3g and eat hawker food we can save until we are no more mediocre then our survival is secured
[3:32 PM, 8/22/2018] A: Example of Mediocracy at work, replacing or retrenching qualified local engineers in favour of cheaper foreign labour, causing irreversible damage to our infrastructure.
[3:38 PM, 8/22/2018] +G: So who to blame?
[3:39 PM, 8/22/2018] +F: Present market their is no such bargain of cheap and good, any cheap must has risk and usually is no good
[3:41 PM, 8/22/2018] +F: Blame the education system? Why so many doctors degrees? And so many hospitals?
[3:41 PM, 8/22/2018] Ricky Lim: Very interesting and heated discussion on foreign workers and local workers.
To take the debate to the next level of discussion, robots will join the workforce.
Now we have local workers, foreign workers and robots fighting for the same bowl of rice.
Let hear the views...
[3:42 PM, 8/22/2018] +C: Blame Government after all they are in charge of the affairs of Singapore
[3:42 PM, 8/22/2018] +G: No one will help us especially our neighbors, so we have to survive by using others to complement our shortcomings.
[3:42 PM, 8/22/2018] +F: U think automatically can program themselves?
[3:43 PM, 8/22/2018] +F: Please define our shortcomings? What we shortcoming?
[3:44 PM, 8/22/2018] A: Not so easy, I don't think we have any state of the art robotic here. We only see simple stuff like robotic tray collector.
[3:45 PM, 8/22/2018] +F: Why cannot we return our tray ourselves?
[3:46 PM, 8/22/2018] A: Probably something to do with smart nation
[3:46 PM, 8/22/2018] +C: Thats only in Punggol Waterway Point Food Court
[3:47 PM, 8/22/2018] +G: Do we have sufficient relevant skills personnel?  We relied on international market connections, with big names MNCs this help to open doors to other business opportunities.  We invite India, EU, China, US to establish their bases here precisely for this reason.  By working with them we can establish connections through working with them.
[3:48 PM, 8/22/2018] +F: Yes ? Heartland use to has factory under Goh Keng Swee time? Why Seagate relocation? After 20 years tax free but created 20,000 jobs? MBS Say will create 30,000 jobs! Any one check on MBS? Want subway to building doorstep? Has MBS create enough job?
[3:48 PM, 8/22/2018] A: We do have some genuine shortcomings, so companies setup HQ here to service this region, lack of language and cultural understanding, no doubt there will be talents who can do better.
[3:49 PM, 8/22/2018] Ricky Lim: Just give some ideas of what robotics can do. A China factory plant works 24 hours a day using only various type of robots. Very few staff, only monitor the operational status of the robots.
[3:51 PM, 8/22/2018] A: Yes, there are some very high tech robots in Germany that can do amazing stuff, don't think we have anything good as we are not really focused on manufacturing
[3:51 PM, 8/22/2018] +G: Where is our market?  If China or any other country us our market can they not be using robots to cut cost?  What is our advantage?
[3:51 PM, 8/22/2018] +F: Our shortcomings is not enough manufacturing industry factory? What is IEsingapore doing? Not enough use of our PSA even port crane worker pick no container
[3:52 PM, 8/22/2018] Ricky Lim: In a port, a driver is required to centrally manage 10 autonomous driverless trucks replacing 10 truck drivers in the megaport.
[3:54 PM, 8/22/2018] Ricky Lim: ha ha now all in panic mode. so you see the worldwide panic that drive Trump syndrome and Europe protectionist fever?
but are we facing labour dooms?
the answer is no.
[3:55 PM, 8/22/2018] +G: Where us our market?  Investors are not stupid, they invest where the market is.
[3:59 PM, 8/22/2018] +F: The 10 driver suggest re training some to service staff, some retraining signals maintenance staff,
[4:00 PM, 8/22/2018] +F: Nowadays investors will only setups in their own countries where markets is ,
[4:04 PM, 8/22/2018] +G: So what can I do?
[4:04 PM, 8/22/2018] +G: So what can IE do?
[4:04 PM, 8/22/2018] +F: We exchange comfortable position, we go to their country
[4:06 PM, 8/22/2018] +G: Unfortunately that is likely the case, and most Singaporean are working overseas now as FTs.
[4:06 PM, 8/22/2018] +C: Where is Singapore now in its progress towards a Smart Nation?
[4:07 PM, 8/22/2018] +G: In the dump, but many still do not realise.  We are relying on investment income for our survival.
[4:07 PM, 8/22/2018] Ricky Lim: To make the discussion more interesting.
Even service sector can be almost fully automated.
eg. banking where many are familiar with.
bank transfer, payment of bills, invest in bond, paynow, etc etc.
It almost fully replace bank teller and bank staff job just by doing it online.
So what are the solutions to keep jobs.
Let hear the views and solutions.
[4:08 PM, 8/22/2018] +F: SMART or act Smart?
[4:10 PM, 8/22/2018] +F: Teller can be replaced but maintenance teller machine cannot be replaced
[4:10 PM, 8/22/2018] Ricky Lim: So when we keep hitting the foreign labour.
Are we hitting the wrong root cause, and asking for wrong antidote?
[4:11 PM, 8/22/2018] A: Our best people are working overseas in the best companies, people here are mostly second rate talent.
[4:11 PM, 8/22/2018] +G: Thought we are smart.
[4:11 PM, 8/22/2018] +F: Trade depending foreign labour are mostly industrial in ICU condition, do not waste time, ship repair industry is sun set industry
[4:12 PM, 8/22/2018] A: Its a quick fix, temporary measure, but if gov treats it as the antidote, then we have a huge problem
[4:16 PM, 8/22/2018] Ricky Lim: not hearing any solutions....
drop a hint, assume all jobs are done by robots - if people got no jobs sell to who?
[4:17 PM, 8/22/2018] +C: Humans will become useless and the world will come to an end soon as it is invaded by robots
[4:17 PM, 8/22/2018] +F: These machines need maintenance and programming, end of the day not worth using, if china ���� most industrial not using why use here
[4:18 PM, 8/22/2018] Ricky Lim: if business have no one to sell to because people no work no income.
business collapse.
economy collapse.
government collapse.
[4:20 PM, 8/22/2018] Ricky Lim: with this backdrop.
what will be the solution suppose we keep local workers, foreign workers and robots?
[4:23 PM, 8/22/2018] +G: We have to be realistic and not complain and expect the government to provide for everything.  There is no free lunch.  Many people is eyeing on the national reserves which is our safeguard for the future as a source of income for purchasing our survival needs.
[4:28 PM, 8/22/2018] Ricky Lim: also we can further increase our growth and improve everyone standard of living.
what will be the solutions.....
it is not rocket science.
think hard the answer is there.
[4:31 PM, 8/22/2018] +G: What is the solution?
[4:32 PM, 8/22/2018] A: The ultimate state is robots doing everything for us managed by just a small group of people, in a Communist/Socialist like system and we are free to do whatever we want.
[4:36 PM, 8/22/2018] A: The idea behind FTA is to allow our companies to gain access to markets while letting in foreign labour. But when arguing about influx of foreigners, defender will always point out that if they don't come jobs will be elsewhere instead of talking about the access to markets our companies get. We also read about cases of bribery, if bribery work, why sign these unfair deals in the first place.
[5:46 PM, 8/22/2018] Ricky Lim: there are always reasons why Ministers worth millions of dollars.
[5:51 PM, 8/22/2018] Ricky Lim: not like some poltician worth US$1.
[5:53 PM, 8/22/2018] A: There are always reasons why Ministers should not be paid millions too
[5:57 PM, 8/22/2018] Ricky Lim: then what is your solutions?
[6:16 PM, 8/22/2018] A: Please elaborate
[6:23 PM, 8/22/2018] A: Its very naive to expect random people to be able to come up with good solution when there are already many well paid civil servants doing a full time job, with access to all the information and data can't.
Likewise, I will not expect you to be able to come up with anything fantastic other than high level statements of using AI, robotics, automation, etc. As you know, there are many gaps in knowledge and you are not able to identify the root causes. Root cause analysis can work for straight forward stuff in engineering, but things get messy when you deal with humans, there are many causes and many roots.
[6:26 PM, 8/22/2018] A: We have many groups of people not from the government, trying to find solutions with their limited resources, including opposition, and also groups of concerned Singaporeans and individuals.
[6:26 PM, 8/22/2018] A: There are changes they believed in but have difficulty selling their ideas to gov
[6:27 PM, 8/22/2018] +F: Back to basic? If you agree that the solution
[6:32 PM, 8/22/2018] Ricky Lim: back to basic sounds like it.
[6:35 PM, 8/22/2018] +G: Most of the reasons are give and give how to sell.  I will also disagree.
[6:35 PM, 8/22/2018] +H: Hi last year NDR say war against diabetes but this year say eat hawker food but my house the hawker food not so healthy I'm wondering how.
[6:37 PM, 8/22/2018] A: Agree, there are certain components in the new system that encourage hawkers to use cheaper ingredients under the guise of affordability.
[6:40 PM, 8/22/2018] A: This year NDR too much on giving and no clear idea on funding other than promises.
It seems like PAP wants to be seen as the only party able to give out goodies. Everytime someone talks about giving more, they get questioned why the money will come from.
[6:41 PM, 8/22/2018] +G: Agree, now everyone is competing to give that is worrisome.
[6:43 PM, 8/22/2018] +H: Give still okay but worrisome if they promise to give something only in 20 years then raise people's hope then in 20 years they no longer govt then new govt got new priorities then the civil service under pressure to deliver based on the promise of a govt 20 years ago.
[6:45 PM, 8/22/2018] Ricky Lim: Why opposition cannot breakthrough -- always give the standard answer - not enough information.   Mr Lee KY is able to do so - with zero or not much information.  From Emptiness to Plentyness.
[6:46 PM, 8/22/2018] A: PAP is not exercising prudence at this join juncture of great uncertainty and possible collapse of global powers.
PAP seems to be taking it easy, afterall they got their endorsed President in place and will see things their way when needs arise.
[8:27 PM, 8/22/2018] +D: This NDR also talk about hawker food will be selling dishes less than $3, there will be risk of eating unhealthy food from saving money. Should encourage family to cook at home instead of wanted us to face the fate of busy culture.
[8:53 PM, 8/22/2018] Ricky Lim: What happen if all Countries want to be equally ruthless - to replace all labour with robots ---- like suicidal politician US$1 who want to win at all cost?   He will probably be thrown out by his people.     Also i mention the Universal Basic Income.        If all use robots --- then earn and give each human a Universal Basic Income --- so that humans can buy things and World Economy can continue to function.    This is a State known as the Asura State.
[8:55 PM, 8/22/2018] Ricky Lim: What is an Asura State? An Asura State is where robots and AI minds become dominant and primary.         Humans become secondary --- similar to when Human become primary, animals become secondary.    We are at similar inflexion point
[9:11 PM, 8/22/2018] A: Should encourage hawkers to sell healthier food, most people don't have time to cook, probably will ask for some subsidies for maid as mentioned before.
[9:16 PM, 8/22/2018] +F: As Hawkers purchase their supplies in weight! Why not selling their food by weight too?
[9:45 PM, 8/22/2018] +B: There are some hawker Centers with hawkers selling healthy food now..
[9:47 PM, 8/22/2018] +B: Yes... d China stalls Mala hot pot sell by weight and it's very expensive.. minimum $10+ per person..
Not wise to go by weight...
[9:50 PM, 8/22/2018] +D: Some healthier food taste very salty dont kne why. Best is no msg home cook food. The root of the problem is too busy no time.
[9:52 PM, 8/22/2018] +B: Many hawkers Centers and food courts cooks are China cooks and they are "strong taste " people...
Our Singapore food are cook by foreigners! Dats y...
[10:08 PM, 8/22/2018] +F: Halal certification only acceptable local Muslim to handle the stall , do they accept foreign Muslim? If can I shall source china ���� Muslim Chinese to work here?
[10:10 PM, 8/22/2018] +B: There are Chinese halal food stalls...
There are halal stalls with Singaporean Chinese workers.. and vice versa..
[10:23 PM, 8/22/2018] A: what do you aim to achieve with this? some stores like cai fan and yong tau foo charge per ingredients
[10:26 PM, 8/22/2018] A: it's not so simple to the new PAP leadership
[10:26 PM, 8/22/2018] A: they do not know where to find a second chief
[10:26 PM, 8/22/2018] A: even though now they can afford to pay millions
[10:27 PM, 8/22/2018] +B: By Weight? Hawkers will exploit diners... Those Mala hot pot put items on stainless steel plates to weigh d food.. I wander d weight includes d weight of d plates..
[10:34 PM, 8/22/2018] +F: Wait no more? If you keep wandering? Exploring? Photo them to social media? See if they still want make big profits
[10:36 PM, 8/22/2018] A: these unscrupulous vendors should have their licenses revoked
[10:37 PM, 8/22/2018] +F: No matter how they sell still base on supplies supplier price ? Now social media? Their must had way to be transparent trading
[10:38 PM, 8/22/2018] A: have to add in rental and manpower costs also
[10:38 PM, 8/22/2018] A: also utilities
[10:39 PM, 8/22/2018] +F: Add whatever need to be add, just sell transparency price?
[10:40 PM, 8/22/2018] A: you think they will do that for you? they will tell you it will take 56 man years to calculate the actual cost!
[10:40 PM, 8/22/2018] +F: We had a committee for fair trading? Lemon law? And business not allow cartels in our islands
[10:41 PM, 8/22/2018] +F: Tell the social media! If willing buyer than they can identify them as willing selling , open market
[10:43 PM, 8/22/2018] +F: To bring price down! Transportation cost? Public transportation council? Fare calculation formula? What happened? Why not consider fully battery operated public transportation? No oil price problem?
[10:43 PM, 8/22/2018] A: seriously, I dont think ingredients form a big part of the cost
[10:43 PM, 8/22/2018] A: I can make the same stuff myself for a fraction of the cost
[10:43 PM, 8/22/2018] A: NTUC price
[10:44 PM, 8/22/2018] +C: In future might have healthy hawkers
[10:44 PM, 8/22/2018] +F: It use to be addressed as FAIR PRICE?
[10:47 PM, 8/22/2018] A: NTUC FairPrice
[10:48 PM, 8/22/2018] A: they have some good initiatives like NTUC Foodfare
[10:48 PM, 8/22/2018] A:
[10:49 PM, 8/22/2018] +F: This company can operate in industrial property set up the commercial business? Why the company can? Industrial property price to use as commercial? Did this saving to citizens?
[10:50 PM, 8/22/2018] A: they are making huge profits according to latest report
[10:51 PM, 8/22/2018] +F: If you allow all other to do commercial business in industrial property? I also can make huge profit
[10:53 PM, 8/22/2018] A: dont be so sure, there are companies like redmart trying to disrupt them
[10:55 PM, 8/22/2018] +B: Health Care shouldn't only be bills, medisave.. it should also include health caring individuals.. in hospitals, homes, venues where patients go for healings, cures, cares... etc..
[10:56 PM, 8/22/2018] +B: I observe alot of discussions and feedbacks are on monetaries.. but not individuals..
[10:58 PM, 8/22/2018] A: dont understand what you mean by individuals
[10:58 PM, 8/22/2018] +F: Hospitals built is not charitable, all in hospital looking forward to many month bonuses, who will pick those bill to pay ��? Individual who accepted their story
[11:05 PM, 8/22/2018] +B: As I mentioned... not bills and $$$...
Health Care is caring peoples' physical health..
[11:06 PM, 8/22/2018] A: people don't care much about their health, they only go to hospitals when they are having problems, to get it fixed
[11:07 PM, 8/22/2018] +F: Self first ! Must know take care own self? So Health care can be more outreaches?

NDR 2018: Scheme planned to redevelop more old HDB flats before leases end
Residents would need to vote for the Voluntary Early Redevelopment Scheme (VERS), which will take place when their flats reach about 70 years of age.
Lease Buyback Scheme to be extended to all HDB flats: Lawrence Wong
20 Aug 2018 12:27PM (Updated: 20 Aug 2018 12:52PM)
Ricky Lim
Ricky Lim
Solving the housing problem - when HDB lease of 99 years is up :-
99-year-leasehold HDB flats will become zero value when the 99 year lease is up.
One way to ensure that its value will not turn to zero - is to enbloc them by allowing private developers to bid for it - but cap its price to be around the BTO prices.
In this way, owners of such flat can reap enbloc price per unit and private developers can redevelop the HDB flat that is reaching 99 years and resell it at the prevailing BTO prices.
By doing so, owners can retain HDB as an asset with values without becoming zero, and also the flat can be redeveoped into new flat and sell at a prevailing price with profit to developers --- and Government coffer will not be hurt.
This will also promote growth of the construction sector - with this enbloc scheme - and further contribute to the GDP of Singapore.
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Ricky Lim
Some people may say, if we allow HDB flat to be enbloc, the younger generation will not be able to afford future HDB flats.
Can we solve this problem in this manner :-
(1) Developers who enbloc HDB flat of 13 floor will pay market price to HDB owners when 99 years lease is up.
(2) When the developers build new BTO flat - they must build a 26 floor flat. The first 13 floor can be sold at market price, but another 13 floor to be sold at subsdised HDB price to younger generation.
In this way, government will have sufficient flats for young generation at affordable prices, but at the same time, current HDB owners will not have their HDB value become zero.
(3) the owners benefitted from the market price cannot buy flats at subsidised price but need to buy at resale prices.
(4) In future, when the 99 year lease is up, young owners (at the new 13 floor of flat) who bought at subsidised price can again enbloc at market prices.
Old owners (who occupy the other 13 floor of flat) will no longer be around.
Thus when enbloc again after another 99 year lease is up, the developers again build another 26 floor of flat - with 13 floor reserve for new batch of young owners at subsdised prices and another 13 floors to sell at market price.
In this way, there are 2 benefits :-
(1) Asset Enhancement of the HDB flat can be fulfilled,
(2) at the same time, young owners can afford to buy new HDB flats at a subsidised prices.
This scheme can continue to "recycle perpetually" --- hopefully the Government can considere this scheme for the just announced "VERs" programme by the PM.
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Ricky Lim
Some people say - VERs pay owners market price don't make sense.
To resolve this problem:-
Pay market price make sense - if instead of building 26 floor - build up to 50 floor. 13 floor reserved for young buyers at subsidised prices. The rest of 37 floor sell at market price. Then developers still earn, and land price can return to Government.
1 floor can have at least 10 units - build up to 50 floors will have 500 units versus 13 floor of 10 units = 130 units. Thus VERs pay a market price to existing owners, return land prices to Government and Developer can make profit make sense. Triple Wins.
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Ricky Lim
Some people say, building 26 floors of HDB flat may not be enough because the plot ratio may not be profitable to developers and thus cannot pay market prices to enbloc owners.
Pay market price make sense - if instead of building 26 floor - build up to 50 floor. 13 floor reserved for young buyers at subsidised prices. The rest of 37 floor sell at market price. Then developers still earn, and land price can return to Government.
1 floor can have at least 10 units - build up to 50 floors will have 500 units versus 13 floor of 10 units = 130 units. Thus VERs pay a market price to existing owners, return land prices to Government, Developer can make profit make sense and also young owners can afford to buy flats at subsidised price. 4 Wins.
However some people say :-
"I dont think it's as simple and straight forward as adding more floors. I am not a architect, but I believe a building needs to be twice as strong to support more floors, also issues like needing more lifts to support more occupants. The economy of scale might not be that substantial to give original owners a free unit."
My answer is: Thought some new HDB flats already built very high. Condo also build very high. Thought just need strong foundation. If they can, why old HDB flats cannot?
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Joseph Tan
You provided many interesting ideas however I tend to have a feeling that housing is one fundamental area being used as a political tools.Perhaps, I am wrong but just a hunch. Indeed there are many ways and obviously the public can share some of thier aspiration and needs to contribute to better and more suited current policy for present needs.
Everyone grows old one day and I fully understand why many are beating the drum regardless how some may appear unreasonable.....but truly one have to look deeper why are the public being anxious. We all want a decent retirement and housing and CPF is closes to everyone heart.
Reply · 1h
Ricky Lim
Joseph Tan - It is all about solving problems with practical and pragmatic solutions.
I believe anyone with some insights or with some solutions that can solve problems - why not offer?
If the solutions are adopted - it benefits everyone including the Government that uses it.
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Ricky Lim
In addition, with more flat to one plot ratio, more lands will be free up and release to the Government into the landbank -- because more people and household can be compacted and stay in the same plot of land.
Government with less HDB flat to build - as it is building higher to accomodate more people - also benefit with more land bank as when more flat is VERs - lesser plot of lands will be needed to build flat as flat go higher to accomodate more people.
The plot of land with higher rise flat - will also bring about higher values - and thus, enbloc can bring higher market price to the owners that enbloc it via VERs --- fufilling the Government commitment of Asset Enhancement or Capital Preservation --- where majority of Singaporeans are asset rich.
Also paya lebar airport has been moved out to Changi and Seletar - and free up airspace - to allow flats to build higher.
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Ricky Lim
Some people say :-
- "Cannot understand the logic. Building higher flats will be more expensive as stronger foundation and structure is required and more high speed elevators that are more expensive and also more elaborate fire safety equipment is required."
My answer: how much can be sell per unit? it will definitely cover land cost, construction cost. the more unit in one plot of land, the higher the economies of scale.
Eg. 1 plot of land - build 13 floor flats x 10 units = 130 units.
Need 3.8 plot of land - to build = 500 units.
If 1 plot of land - can build 50 floor x 10 units = 500 units --- the Government save 2.8 plot of lands.
No matter how costly the construction cost of 50 floor ---- it will not beat the saving of 2.8 plot of lands isn't it?
Also assume the Government need to incur higher cost on building foundation, lift --- but it is spread out to 500 units.
How can they be more expensive if --- 130 units are spread across 3.8 plot of land cost.?
It defy mathematics.
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Ricky Lim
That is, there is a need to build a lower cost building foundation, lifts, fire safety - 3.8 times vs a higher cost building foundation, lifts, fire safety in 1 plot of land.
No matter what 3.8 times will beat 1 (no matter how expensive).
A side note :- the tallest building in the World in Dubai is about 800 meters to 1 km --- and can go up to 200 floor.
The foundation in the desert, the lift system and the fire safety measures are even more challenging.
But surprisingly the unit cost is quite affordable --- because it is spread out by many housing units.
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You are right that costs per square feet of construction will be higher beyond a certain height. Even 4 storeys to 12 storeys there is an increase. But that value has to be compared to the cost of land divided by its plot ratio. So economy of scale of the limited resource which in this case is land outweigh the increased cost of construction. Currently I think 50 storeys is the sweet spot based on what I see around the world.
Es Loo
Joseph Tan Not just PAP. Any political animal will use this as political tool
Like · Reply · 2h
Posted by Babe at 1:56 AM No
You are right that costs per square feet of construction will be higher beyond a certain height. Even 4 storeys to 12 storeys there is an increase. But that value has to be compared to the cost of land divided by its plot ratio. So economy of scale of the limited resource which in this case is land outweigh the increased cost of construction. Currently I think 50 storeys is the sweet spot based on what I see around the world.

[2:31 PM, 8/20/2018] Ricky Lim: Pay market price make sense - if instead of building 26 floor - build up to 50 floor. 13 floor reserved for young buyers at subsidised prices. The rest of 37 floor sell at market price. Then developers still earn, and land price can return to Government.
[2:34 PM, 8/20/2018] Ricky Lim: 1 floor can have at least 10 units - build up to 50 floors will have 500 units versus 13 floor of 10 units = 130 units. Thus VERs pay a market price to existing owners, return land prices to Government and Developer can make profit make sense. Triple Wins.
[2:39 PM, 8/20/2018] A: I dont think it's as simple and straight forward as adding more floors. I am not a architect, but I believe a building needs to be twice as strong to support more floors, also issues like needing more lifts to support more occupants. The economy of scale might not be that substantial to give original owners a free unit.
[3:02 PM, 8/20/2018] Ricky Lim: Thought some new HDB flats already built very high. Condo also build very high. Thought just need strong foundation. If they can, why old HDB flats cannot?
Singaporeans income can be 2 parts. Through jobs or business - the 1st main part. The 2nd parts will be through passive income. With the advent of disrputive tech, AI, robotics, drones automation, AI, machine learning, deep learning, big data --- business increasingly automated.  This will help Singaporeans to get higher pay to develop, innovate and operate the automation. At the same time, to build a send part of income for Singaporeans (the passive income) - is in fact to build insurance similar to Universal Basic Income (whereby automation helps human to earn income).  So Singaporeans can reap and share the fruits of automation, globalisation, trade - without succumbing to protectionism, unilateralism that are experienced in US, and some headwinds from Europe.

[3:03 PM, 8/20/2018] Ricky Lim: Not Triple Wins - but 4 Wins - existing owners, young owners with subsidised flat, Government -- All Wins.
[2:02 PM, 8/20/2018] +I: Its already happened in our enbloc market
[2:06 PM, 8/20/2018] A: but you are talking about targeting all HDB and not only those that have enbloc potential?
[2:08 PM, 8/20/2018] +I: Yes, as end of lease approaches, all become target for redevelopment. Whether by HDB directly or DBSS or EC. Plot ratio determines price.
[2:08 PM, 8/20/2018] A: the truth about this elite scholar system is it's actually not a new problem created by the PAP. Lee Kuan Yew spoke about it extensively 40-50 years ago, it's clear that he understood the problem very well and is able to articulate clearly, but he ended off saying he has no solution.
[2:09 PM, 8/20/2018] +J: My opinion only. Ultimately, still boils down to lease balance. Anyone buying would probably factor in this in relation to price. And if down to per month is below market rental rates, can consider buying if one is willing to take it as advance rental.
[2:10 PM, 8/20/2018] A: so who is going to pay for the new 99 years lease for land cost?
[2:13 PM, 8/20/2018] +I: I agree but like all other policies, it needs to be reviewed and revised every few years to keep its principles sound and valid to face foreseeable challenges. This I dont see Nor feel. I see a lot of regression in mindset.
[2:14 PM, 8/20/2018] +I: The developer. They make money from the balance of the enhanced plot ratio. Some Wealth is distributed to the current owners and the government.
[2:16 PM, 8/20/2018] +J: HDB no issues. But private condo already built to max. Most 40 or above storey. Would URA approve future enbloc redevelopment to be built to 60-70 storeys. Was told by a HDB staff at HDB Hub exhibition, not likely due to airspace and flight paths and approaches into SG.
[2:21 PM, 8/20/2018] A: wouldn't make much sense for VER if they are just paid market price for it?
[2:27 PM, 8/20/2018] A: how will it be enhanced given that you propose reserving units for existing owners, unless they can built 3-4x the number of stories of the previous building?
Pay market price make sense - if instead of building 26 floor - build up to 50 floor. 13 floor reserved for young buyers at subsidised prices. The rest of 37 floor sell at market price. Then developers still earn, and land price can return to Government.
[1:34 PM, 8/20/2018] +I: I understand the declared reasoning but capital protection is my concern. While leasehold property purchases just means upfront payment of rent, a Long enough lease outstanding has a asset value preservation factor which diminishes when the remaining lease is short of
[1:36 PM, 8/20/2018] +K: Hi everyone, IMHO the NDR is focused on the only in the G helping to manage costs of living.

It doesn't say how it's going to be paid for (I suspect we will see more GST increases beyond those that is already announced).

It also doesn't say how the G is trying to help Singaporeans and our residents increase their wages.

As long as wage increases, properly distributed surpase increments in costs of living, people will still be better off.  What I think is that we do not want to be living hand to mouth, worrying when our next paycheck would come from.
[1:44 PM, 8/20/2018] +K: The assumption for this is that there are enough young people, who form the economic demand for new flats.
[1:44 PM, 8/20/2018] A: unfortunately, this does not seem to be their concern. When HDB started, it was not an investment, so we do not need to talk about capital preservation. It's about giving Singaporeans affordable housing. It was only painted as an asset because of the substantial amount of money we have to pay for it. Which is why there is a PR effort to paint it as an asset, they cannot let the price drop, else people who took up huge loans to pay for these expensive flats will suffer huge loss.

I think we just have to accept it was a huge mistake were made that cannot be fixed, and no one wants to own the mistake. A lease is a lease, although there could be fluctuations, it's not really an investment. All the housing here can still go to zero before 99 years is up if the economy tanks.
[1:45 PM, 8/20/2018] A: PM Lee already says enbloc is selective and most of those they want to enbloc has already been enbloc, so don't pin your hopes on it

SERs is a selective enbloc. VERs is a voluntary enbloc. Who say there are no more enbloc?

PM Lee to talk about cost of living, housing at National Day Rally
17 Aug 2018 07:11PM (Updated: 19 Aug 2018 03:15PM)
Ricky Lim
Solving the housing problem - when HDB lease of 99 years is up :-
99-year-leasehold HDB flats will become zero value when the 99 year lease is up.
One way to ensure that its value will not turn to zero - is to enbloc them by allowing private developers to bid for it - but cap its price to be around the BTO prices.
In this way, owners of such flat can reap enbloc price per unit and private developers can redevelop the HDB flat that is reaching 99 years and resell it at the prevailing BTO prices.
By doing so, owners can retain HDB as an asset with values without becoming zero, and also the flat can be redeveoped into new flat and sell at a prevailing price with profit to developers --- and Government coffer will not be hurt.
This will also promote growth of the construction sector - with this enbloc scheme - and further contribute to the GDP of Singapore.
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Ricky Lim
Some people may say, if we allow HDB flat to be enbloc, the younger generation will not be able to afford future HDB flats.
Can we solve this problem in this manner :-
(1) Developers who enbloc HDB flat of 13 floor will pay market price to HDB owners when 99 years lease is up.
(2) When the developers build new BTO flat - they must build a 26 floor flat. The first 13 floor can be sold at market price, but another 13 floor to be sold at subsdised HDB price to younger generation.
In this way, government will have sufficient flats for young generation at affordable prices, but at the same time, current HDB owners will not have their HDB value become zero.
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Ricky Lim
Solving the housing problem - when HDB lease of 99 years is up :-
99-year-leasehold HDB flats will become zero value when the 99 year lease is up.
One way to ensure that its value will not turn to zero - is to enbloc them by allowing private developers to bid for it - but cap its price to be around the BTO prices.
In this way, owners of such flat can reap enbloc price per unit and private developers can redevelop the HDB flat that is reaching 99 years and resell it at the prevailing BTO prices.
By doing so, owners can retain HDB as an asset with values without becoming zero, and also the flat can be redeveoped into new flat and sell at a prevailing price with profit to developers --- and Government coffer will not be hurt.
This will also promote growth of the construction sector - with this enbloc scheme - and further contribute to the GDP of Singapore.
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Ricky Lim
Some people may say, if we allow HDB flat to be enbloc, the younger generation will not be able to afford future HDB flats.
Can we solve this problem in this manner :-
(1) Developers who enbloc HDB flat of 13 floor will pay market price to HDB owners when 99 years lease is up.
(2) When the developers build new BTO flat - they must build a 26 floor flat. The first 13 floor can be sold at market price, but another 13 floor to be sold at subsdised HDB price to younger generation.
In this way, government will have sufficient flats for young generation at affordable prices, but at the same time, current HDB owners will not have their HDB value become zero.
(3) the owners benefitted from the market price cannot buy flats at subsidised price but need to buy at resale prices.
(4) In future, when the 99 year lease is up, young owners (at the new 13 floor of flat) who bought at subsidised price can again enbloc at market prices.
Old owners (who occupy the other 13 floor of flat) will no longer be around.
Thus when enbloc again after another 99 year lease is up, the developers again build another 26 floor of flat - with 13 floor reserve for new batch of young owners at subsdised prices and another 13 floors to sell at market price.
In this way, there are 2 benefits :-
(1) Asset Enhancement of the HDB flat can be fulfilled,
(2) at the same time, young owners can afford to buy new HDB flats at a subsidised prices.
This scheme can continue to "recycle perpetually" --- hopefully the Government can considere this scheme for the just announced "VERs" programme by the PM.
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Ricky Lim
Some people say - VERs pay owners market price don't make sense.
To resolve this problem:-
Pay market price make sense - if instead of building 26 floor - build up to 50 floor. 13 floor reserved for young buyers at subsidised prices. The rest of 37 floor sell at market price. Then developers still earn, and land price can return to Government.
1 floor can have at least 10 units - build up to 50 floors will have 500 units versus 13 floor of 10 units = 130 units. Thus VERs pay a market price to existing owners, return land prices to Government and Developer can make profit make sense. Triple Wins.
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Ricky Lim
Some people say, building 26 floors of HDB flat may not be enough because the plot ratio may not be profitable to developers and thus cannot pay market prices to enbloc owners.
Pay market price make sense - if instead of building 26 floor - build up to 50 floor. 13 floor reserved for young buyers at subsidised prices. The rest of 37 floor sell at market price. Then developers still earn, and land price can return to Government.
1 floor can have at least 10 units - build up to 50 floors will have 500 units versus 13 floor of 10 units = 130 units. Thus VERs pay a market price to existing owners, return land prices to Government, Developer can make profit make sense and also young owners can afford to buy flats at subsidised price. 4 Wins.
However some people say :-
"I dont think it's as simple and straight forward as adding more floors. I am not a architect, but I believe a building needs to be twice as strong to support more floors, also issues like needing more lifts to support more occupants. The economy of scale might not be that substantial to give original owners a free unit."
My answer is: Thought some new HDB flats already built very high. Condo also build very high. Thought just need strong foundation. If they can, why old HDB flats cannot?
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Ricky Lim
As successfully piloted the open energy market in Jurong, will it be roll out to the rest of Singaporeans.
As many energy service providers will participate --- with energy sources generated not only by fossil fuel, but also by solar power, LNG, waste etc --- will this help to prevent a rise of electricity bill due to the volatile oil prices.
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Ricky Lim
Mandate every hawker stall, sell at least one dish that is affordable to low income earners or retiree eg. $2.50 to $3. In this way, it will help to curb inflation and contain high cost of living on food prices.
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Ricky Lim
Some people say, building 26 floors of HDB flat may not be enough because the plot ratio may not be profitable to developers and thus cannot pay market prices to enbloc owners.
Pay market price make sense - if instead of building 26 floor - build up to 50 floor. 13 floor reserved for young buyers at subsidised prices. The rest of 37 floor sell at market price. Then developers still earn, and land price can return to Government.
1 floor can have at least 10 units - build up to 50 floors will have 500 units versus 13 floor of 10 units = 130 units. Thus VERs pay a market price to existing owners, return land prices to Government, Developer can make profit make sense and also young owners can afford to buy flats at subsidised price. 4 Wins.
However some people say :-
"I dont think it's as simple and straight forward as adding more floors. I am not a architect, but I believe a building needs to be twice as strong to support more floors, also issues like needing more lifts to support more occupants. The economy of scale might not be that substantial to give original owners a free unit."
My answer is: Thought some new HDB flats already built very high. Condo also build very high. Thought just need strong foundation. If they can, why old HDB flats cannot?
Like · Reply · 1m
Ricky Lim
As successfully piloted the open energy market in Jurong, will it be roll out to the rest of Singaporeans.
As many energy service providers will participate --- with energy sources generated not only by fossil fuel, but also by solar power, LNG, waste etc --- will this help to prevent a rise of electricity bill due to the volatile oil prices.
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Ricky Lim
To tackle the cost of living, there are always 2 sides of the coin :-
(1) Increase your own revenue and earnings.
(2) Reduce your expenses.
--- in order to maintain your standard of living and contain your cost of living.
This is the right way on how to tackle the cost of living.
By focusing how to :-
(1) increase individual household revenue or earning - by own effort &/or through government or collective help to focus on earning through passive income (eg. Singapore Saving Bond is one good eg., CPF interest is another good example.). Can we have more of such --- to help individual household boosting their income in this manner to tackle high cost of living.
(2) by reducing household expenses on non-essential expenses.
are ways to contain cost of livings and maintain standard of livings.
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Ricky Lim
Thinking aloud :-
Every year, with good Economy, the Government will give GST voucher to help household defray the cost of living.
But this time, will the Government consider dividing GST rebate into 2 parts every year:-
(1) GST voucher to defray cost of living
(2) GST capital to earn dividend (*new) - eg. each household is given say $1000 to be put as GST capital to earn interest of say 4% pa.
The GST capital cannot be drawn out, but the interest earn can be drawn out or accumulate back to the capital to earn more interest.
GST capital in fact become the passive income that the Government help each household to build to improve their earning to defray the higher cost of living.
Every year Government can give this 2 parts to every household - and the GST capital as passive income for each household can grow every year to earn more interest.
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Ricky Lim
To tackle the cost of living, there are always 2 sides of the coin :-
(1) Increase your own revenue and earnings.
(2) Reduce your expenses.
--- in order to maintain your standard of living and contain your cost of living.
This is the right way on how to tackle the cost of living.
By focusing how to :-
(1) increase individual household revenue or earning - by own effort &/or through government or collective help to focus on earning through passive income (eg. Singapore Saving Bond is one good eg., CPF interest is another good example.). Can we have more of such --- to help individual household boosting their income in this manner to tackle high cost of living.
(2) by reducing household expenses on non-essential expenses.
are ways to contain cost of livings and maintain standard of livings.
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Ricky Lim
Thinking aloud :-
Every year, with good Economy, the Government will give GST voucher to help household defray the cost of living.
But this time, will the Government consider dividing GST rebate into 2 parts every year:-
(1) GST voucher to defray cost of living
(2) GST capital to earn dividend (*new) - eg. each household is given say $1000 to be put as GST capital to earn interest of say 4% pa.
The GST capital cannot be drawn out, but the interest earn can be drawn out or accumulate back to the capital to earn more interest.
GST capital in fact become the passive income that the Government help each household to build to improve their earning to defray the higher cost of living.
Every year Government can give this 2 parts to every household - and the GST capital as passive income for each household can grow every year to earn more interest.
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Ricky Lim
To make GST Capital easy to manage - the Government can consider to open another account in CPF - in addition to Ordinary, Special, Medisave and Retirement Account.
The GST Capital cannot be draw out by the CPF members.
But the 4% interest earn by the GST Capital at the end of the years can be drawn out by the CPF members through GIRO that are credited directly to each members bank account.
The GST Capital can be top up by the Government every year depending on the growth of the Economy - and can be used to offset higher cost of living as well as future GST increase.
This GST Capital is an initiative to build a "Passive Income" for each CPF member - to build their earnings or revenue as defined below to tack the cost of living :-
"To tackle the cost of living, there are always 2 sides of the coin :-
(1) Increase your own revenue and earnings.
(2) Reduce your expenses.
--- in order to maintain your standard of living and contain your cost of living."
This GST Capital - will also seek to encourage Singaporeans to have a stake in the Singapore Economy to do well - so that they can work hard to grow the Economy - in order to earn this "passive income" for themselves.
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Ricky Lim
Singaporeans income can be 2 parts.
Through jobs or business - the 1st main part.
The 2nd parts will be through passive income.
With the advent of disrputive tech, AI, robotics, drones automation, AI, machine learning, deep learning, big data --- business increasingly automated.
This will help Singaporeans to get higher pay to develop, innovate and operate the automation.
At the same time, to build a second part of income for Singaporeans (the passive income) - is in fact to build insurance similar to Universal Basic Income (whereby automation helps human to earn income).
So Singaporeans can reap and share the fruits of automation, globalisation, trade - without succumbing to protectionism, unilateralism that are experienced in US, and some headwinds from Europe.
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