Sunday, January 6, 2019

Bilateral ties with Malaysia put to the test in 2018: Attorney-General Lucien Wong

 (Updated: )

AGC will play a very significant roles in our ongoing disputes with the old hat.
In fact, Singapore have very strong cases in all the disputes according to International Law :-
(1) Pedra Branca - where we have won
(2) HSR - where we have a strong case - and yet we extend the goodwill to the new Malaysia Government
(3) Port limit
(4) Airspace - where we have signed international agreement
(5) Water prices - where we have signed international agreement

I think as long as we stand firm in our ground - we will prevail.
K Tan Don
Let me add in for your statement, 'I think as long as we stand firm in our ground '-- so the bickering continues and more issues arise..
K Tan Don - We will have plenty of ways to deal with your old hat issues and bickering.

And it will hurt your old hat more than he can hurt us.

You think we worry about your old hat bickering or raising more issues.

In the end, your old hat will lose more than he thought he will gain.
We account for a large part of Malaysian Economy - and we can transfer our assets, goodwills and monies in and out of the old hat Economy - if the old hat provoke us further.

Let see your old hat can tahan or not.

Look at the old hat huge debt, huge debt interest to service, low financial reserve, low sovereign fund ---- the old hat will not be able to sustain one major financial crisis.
K Tan Don
Ricky Lim :Can tahan, then don't complain leh..I see you guys day and night call Tun a snake..this shows that you are pretty upset..just tahan lah..
Eric Foo
K Tan Don how long can a 93 years old man tahan? Singapore would have to take note there are serious infighting within PH. Anwar is fighting with Dr M's proxy, Bersatu is taking in Umno guys etc...just be patient for it to implode...Frankly I hope he continue to govern up to 100 years old another 7 years.
K Tan Don
Eric Foo : Sorry hoh..if you think Tun passed away, all issues will die naturally..not so straight forward hoh..if your government want to have good relationships with our new generation of leaders, there is a need to break out from these type of petty disagreement..if your government continues to play hardball like this even when Tun is not here, there is no room to back may not agree with me..but this is very possible.
K Tan Don - Singapore no need to back down.
Singapore just go according to International Law and all signed International Agreement.

This show that your old hat and you - are not capable of observing law and contracts --- unreliable people to deal with and certainly no Countries or Leaders will want to deal with - will bring about a big loss in business opportunities to your Country.
Penny wise but Pound foolish.

And yet your old hat preach observing rule of law and signed contract - a hypocrite.

No wonder your old hat Economy is going down, financial reserves are going down, not even ratifying CPTPP, cancel China investment projects etc.

Your old hat international standing is now very low.

K Tan Don - Singapore no need to back down.
Singapore just go according to International Law and all signed International Agreement.

This show that your old hat and you - are not capable of observing law and contracts --- unreliable people to deal with and certainly no Countries or Leaders will want to deal with - will bring about a big loss in business opportunities to your Country.
Penny wise but Pound foolish.

And yet your old hat preach observing rule of law and signed contract - a hypocrite.

No wonder your old hat Economy is going down, financial reserves are going down, not even ratifying CPTPP, cancel China investment projects etc.

Your old hat international standing is now very low.

Your old hat internal economy is small with low purchasing power --- and yet cannot observe international law, cannot honor international agreement --- wonder how your old hat economy can grow - when your old hat offend so many International Countries?
Ricky Lim : Yawn..please cancel the 08 Jan 2019 meeting before End of Business Day..

K Tan Don - why cancel, we have 29 years to "slowly negotiate".
K Tan Don
Ricky Lim : No need to discuss lah with this type of attitude..just cancel the meeting, please.
Ricky Lim
K Tan Don - you mean your old hat attitude very good ah?
Since your old hat instigate those issues -- we have time and abilities to slowly entertain him.

You are damn lucky we did not sink your intruded ships. Just surround and trap them.

Indonesia, China and Russia will have sink it without hesitation.
K Tan Don
Ricky Lim :Hello, you want to sink, sink loh..u happy enough loh
Ricky Lim
K Tan Don - Ha ha ha --- I will be very glad to hear how your old hat respond to your reply.

Many Malaysian lives in that ships are at risk based on what you said.

But we value lives and will not act rashly - unless they threaten us.
K Tan Don
Ricky Lim : No my quest..just sink whichever boat you like..
Raymond Goh
K Tan Don Low academic quality with just a bird brain. Talk without substance. The evident that the ringgit will still decline proved all.
K Tan Don
Raymond Goh : Yeah lah..u high academic scholar..argue with a low quality academic bird brain for what ? Of course we know your SGD dollars are very strong..strong so what ? So strong but so stingy, not willing to pay more than 3 sens for raw water..this means that you have a very strong and very rich but yet want to bully us with a very much lower currency ? Rich people but want to make sucker out of other how, rich boy, can pay more oh not ?
Ricky Lim
K Tan Don - who bully who?

Your old hat bully us or we bully your old hat?

The water agreeement is a signed contract - why you and your old hat twist it to be bullying?

Your old hat and you can certainly can distort and twist facts.

Your old hat and you don't know how to honor contracts, international laws and signed agreements isn't it?
Ricky Lim
K Tan Don -
(1) Have you signed employment contract with your boss?
If yes, your boss say he want to renegotiate your contract by cutting your pay by 20% - you ok or not?

(2) Have sign a contract to buy a house and take loan with banks?
If yes, your bank say want renegotiate your contract by increassing the bank interest rate by 20% - you ok or not?

If no why not?
Your boss bullying you, or you bully your boss?
The bank bullying you, or you bully the bank?

Do you have a sense of what is right and what is wrong or not?
Damien Vesper
K Tan Don

The contract says you can renegotiate after 25 years in 1986-1987...during Mahathir's first term

Mahathir failed to do so. Now he is complaining. Is this fair?
Damien Vesper
If we are bullying Malaysia we are doing a bad job seeing as how we keep helping Johor even till now.

'Singapore is required to supply Johor with 5 mgd of treated water, said PUB, citing the 1962 Water Agreement.

"In practice, we have been supplying 16 mgd of treated water to Johor at their request. On top of this, between 2 and 4 January 2019, we have supplied a further 6 mgd of treated water (above the 16 mgd of treated water) to Johor when it needed more water because its water plants experienced pollution.'
K Tan Don
Damien Vesper : please seperate help with business. We thank u for the help but we would like to renegotiate the water agreement once..i m sure if Singapore has any clamity we will also offer help
K Tan Don
Ricky Lim : ok based on yr latest analogy, we would like to seek to renegotiate to cut the coat of treated water charged to us by 20%. That we also accept
K Tan Don - This show that you and the old hat don't conduct your business with reasonableness and justice - but based on gangsterism and bully.

We conclude that negotiating with your old hat and you - are fruitless.

We will know how to deal with your old hat and you.

We have good track record dealing with and handling bullies and gangsters.
Damien Vesper
K Tan Don

No it's related. Johor did not wish to renegotiate back in 1987 because of our past and current aid to them. We helped them back then and now. Neither Malaysia nor Singapore has any rights to renegotiate according to the agreement. The chance is gone. If Mahathir wished to negotiate the price he should have forced the Johor sultan to do so back in 1987 but he did not.
You see it as Singapore bullying Malaysia but it's the opposite way. Malaysia is trying to break the rule of law by changing the agreement rules whenever it suits them. Look at our perspective, do you think it is fair?
K Tan Don
Damien Vesper : I support your position on yr complain on our ship intrusion but I support my government stance on the water agreement renegotiation request. If that agreement, we had already previously got one price adjustment, then there is no argument..that condition had been met..but now u guys distort led that condition
K Tan Don
Damien Vesper : My postion is very simple..if an agreement allows for one time renegotiation, that condition should be fullfilled. If that condition is fullfill then it is further argument
K Tan Don
Damien Vesper : seiously i dont know why u guys became so stingy..i read LKY n even Mr Goh allows for 30’sens n 60 sens Johor side is requesting for 50 sens..just renegotiate a bit n settle that dispute once n for all
Fake malaysia representative K Tan Don wake lah.....why bother what we Singaporeans want to think when u just a fake representative lol....
K Tan Don
用李 : Fake represntatives so what..i m making some suggestion to reduce the tension..only people from IMH are so excited to see people quarrel..
K Tan Don
Ricky Lim : ok lah..I expect there is nothing concrete coming out from our government meetings
Damien Vesper
K Tan Don

At least we agree on the ship intrusion part

When did we have a price adjustment for this water agreement? In 2001? We decided to give another chance and accepted the price of 60 sen then but Mahathir changed his mind and demanded it to be increased 10 times to RM6.25 and wanted it adjusted yearly for inflation. Malaysia even insisted that they will raise the price of water with or without Singapore's consent.

Singapore was not required to renegotiate but we tried in 2001 in order to boost relations, Mahathir arrogantly tried to take more. Don't say Singapore is unforgiving. He had two chances and he flunked both.

Here is a quote from Mahathir in 2002 about the water agreement "well international agreements have been broken before. I have seen people go to war even, which is not by agreement'. The same man who encourages the rule of law
K Tan Don
Ricky Lim : you can call us any names but please be kind to initiate that water agreement renegotiation
K Tan Don
Damien Vesper : pls drop that rm Johor MB asking for 50
Sen. I believe he would have consulted his boss, the Sultan on that..
K Tan Don
Damien Vesper : u guys can demand the addendum signing to be witnessed by Sultan Johor n TMJ
K Tan Don
Damien Vesper : Things are difference now. We have new government n Tun will not be there for long..come on if the Johor MB propose 50 sens, n if agree by Federal government, they wont changr so easily this time..if they change dont u think the Sultan will not step in. His highness is a rasonable show us u are fair now n this is a good chance to build rapport with new government
Ricky Lim
K Tan Don - We will take your old hat to the International Courts based on the Signed Agreement.

This one no need to negotiate - it is a straightforward solution - no need to waste time.
Damien Vesper
K Tan Don

It started off with 60 sen the last time and ended in RM 6.25. 50 sen now, RM 5 later. Are you sure the Johor sultan wish to renegotiate the price? The crown prince does not seem to want that. Who has more sway over the Sultan. The crown prince his son or the new minister?

It was the Johor sultanate that declined the renegotiation back then. Are you sure they wish to renegotiate? Did they come out officially backing Mahathir?

No we were kind back in 2001, our hand was almost bitten off. There is no need for renegotiation. Mahathir should have thought twice before demanding such a ridiculous amount. Malaysia has no right to call Singapore a bully. They should blame Mahathir for being too arrogant and too greedy.
K Tan Don
Damien Vesper : I m saying our JB propose 50’sen, federal government ok, suktan ok to put a stop on this issue that had been dragging for donkey years..if u guys ok with 50 sens n our PM disagree, ah hah, people will then see is not your fault..

Damien Vesper
K Tan Don

Back in 2001, when PM Mahathir disagreed, did Malaysia see it was not Singapore's fault? Until now there are many malaysians who see Singapore as the rich stingy bully who refuses to negotiate with Malaysia. How can you be certain the same thing will not happen again? That Malaysia won't pin the blame on Singapore again 18 years later?

Malaysia wish Singapore to give another third chance but it does other aggressive actions like entering our waters and claiming it as it's own. Where is the sincerity?

Lets be honest here was this an issue for you before Mahathir brought it up again. Did you ever think about this water agreement until Mahathir brought it up again?

It's not so simple that Malaysia internally agree, Singapore has to agree as well and we don't accept another renegotiation because firstly there is no need for renegotiation and secondly Mahathir's arrogant attitude towards Singapore and aggressive policies really ,as you said, upsets us. To us he flip flops and dishonour agreements whenever he wants
Ricky Lim
K Tan Don - Your old hat conduct and your conduct blatantly demonstrate you all are very far far away from :-
(1) a "clean working culture"
(2) professional working culture
(3) instead a shady, hanky panky, kopi lui culture - that your old hat fail to shed.

So for Malaysian to catch up as a clean Governance System --- is still a long way -- and it will drag the Malaysia Economy down, International political standing down.

And instead of feeling shameful and inadequate - yet got the cheek to put up a brave front - 死缠烂打。
Pauline Ng
Using laws is the most transparent and best legal way to deal with flip-flop politicians who are always try to maneouver their ways to try to take full advantage or bully their ways to suit their self serving agenda!
Rule of Law won work on those who selling prata law for a living.
K Tan Don
用李 Rule of law definitely wont work on mental problem people like will get away with punishment citing your condition
There is a clear sign that more & more countries do not follow the rule of law. A very dangerous direction how the world is moving towards.

Steven Mok
How could a issue can be achieved when agreed on Monday and then wanted to change on Tuesday without a reason. Or cancel.

Like the water issue..
Mahathir compelled LKY to talk about water price increase.

Initially LKY reluctant but give in after Mahathir constantly insisted by indirectly threatening this and that towards Singapore.

LKY agreed to raise from 3 sen to 30 sen (1000% jump) after bargained with Mahathir demands for 60 sen. Mahathir accepted 30 sen but changed his mind a week later that he wants 60 Sens
The talks temporary halted.

LKY retired from PM and replaced by God Chok Tong (Goh)

Mahathir brings up the water issue again and again want Goh to revise the water price.
Goh agreed and after months of discussions. Goh agreed to pay 60 sen per 1000 litre as Mahathir demanded.
Shocked and surprised, days later Mahathir abruptly informed Goh that the water price should be increased to $3.00 ringgits.
This led to unpleasantly to Singapore govt and Singaporeans. Goh remains his stand but still open for further discussion despite Mahathir prone changing his promises and agreement.
Mahathir continued to demand that $3.00 price is not permanent subject to change to higher prices. Goh feels inhumanilited and displeased, that Mahathir's behaviour and demands wasn't diplomacy and unreasonable.

Eventually, Mahathir sent a letter to Goh saying he wanted to cancel all pacts agreement linked with the water issue and prefers to one by one case issue to settle.. like the Malayan railway, cpf, airspaces, lighting house island etc.. in order to put more pressure on the tiny island Singapore.

Today Mahathir's hasn't changed, remains twists and turns, U-turn policies and cunning has a penchant to bully small brother national. But shamefully he bowed to China, Thailand, Japan, Indonesia because of their bigger size and populations around the region.

He did criticised UK, US and the West knowingly that they won't be able to retaliate in general compared to China, Japan and Thailand that can sabotage Malaysia easily.
K Tan Don
Thank you for your detail, now can we renegotiate the water contract ? Johor state government propose 50 sens..which is cheaper than Mr Goh agreed pricing of 60 sen..
Steven Mok
K Tan Don ,
I agreed..that's what is precisely mutual agreement and diplomacy discussion, give and take formula to settle between countries.
But hopefully, either sides "MUST NOT " change mind or u-turn after agreement signed.
And the rest and any unforeseen issues should do likewise with smiles in heart for both people enjoy life peacefully and harmony .

What a wonderful 50 sens solutions and handshake.
K Tan Don
Steven Mok : Seriously I like this type of negotiation..arrangement to stop all these petty far I hate two is China " We are operating within on our territories" and Singapore "Malaysia did not ask for price increase in 1986 and 1987..stick to agreement"..if continue to go to the meetings with this type of answer..might as well don't meet..even if Johor suggest 50 sens, you guys can do some counter propose..cham siong cham siong..otherwise..forever meetings..honestly I also get bored commenting on this issue..
Steven Mok
K Tan Don ,
There is nothing cannot be solved if monetary is concerned. And as long as reasonable and adhere to law and rules, not one sided gangsterism exorbitant demand everything can settle and save faces.

Both Mahathir and Lee Kuan Yew want "face" that's the reason all the unnecessary issues stagnanted.

Lee remains strong despite Singapore is small and zero natural resources but he did well and progress significantly.

Mahathir as elderly brother with multiple aplenty natural resources frequently fledge his muscle but each time fend off by Lee. That's the problém remained precariously hung to save faces "until today.
Hope all these petty minded issues erased once for all.
Keithfoi Foo
Respect has to be earned. Honesty demonstrated. Humility shown through sacrifice. Integrity demonstrated by not using underhanded tactics......none of these are shown.

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