Saturday, January 9, 2016

In final State of Union, Obama aims to define his presidency

January 10, 2016
  • President Obama performance for the past 10 years have been stellar.
    (1) He and His Administration has turned around the US Economy from a sub-prime crisis that trigger a Worldwide financial crisis into good growth for US and even trigger the 1st Fed interest rate increase for the 1st time after 10 years.
    The most notable performance that deserve mention is that, it is producing more jobs for American citizens - a duty-bound responsibility for any Government to ensure its citizens can feed themselves and their families.
    (2) Remarkable foreign affairs success that he has not only solidified the relationship with US friends but has turn many adversaries to become US friends.
    (3) His determination to do something about gun control to protect his citizens lives.
    (4) Many international crisis will have go out of control - if not for President Obama and His Administration to cool tension.

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