Friday, January 15, 2016

Singapore’s political system must be refreshed: Tony Tan

January 15, 2016

ricky l

The President also struck a sober note on Singapore’s economy, noting that it was at a turning point. He said, “Our first 50 years saw us advance rapidly from Third World to First. But now that our economy is more mature, we will grow more slowly.”
Tan added, “Upgrading will entail restructuring. There will be winners and losers among companies, with some painful dislocation, but economic progress will ultimately benefit all Singaporeans.”
I like the statement "economic progress will ultimately benefit all Singaporeans.”
When can mature Singaporean PMETs get a job - and benefit from the economic progress?
So far it benefit young graduates and foreginers but not mature Singaporean PMETs who has difficulties finding jobs.

  • Yes I trust what he say - because PAP has delivered since Independence - and I continue to trust them to deliver.
    It is in the PAP manifesto that they will keep the promise to resolve and secure jobs for mature Singaporean PMETs.
    I look forward the fulfillment of this promise in which they have always done.

  • ricky l

    It is about the timing when it will deliver.

    1 comment:

    1. MOM's Addendum to President's address: More good jobs for Singaporeans; enhance CPF flexibility and adequacy
      MOM will be looking to speed up economic restructuring and creating more higher-quality jobs for locals in order to strengthen the Singaporean core.ST PHOTO: KUA CHEE SIONG
      JAN 19, 2016, 6:30 PM SGT
      SINGAPORE - Singapore needs to transit from a manpower-led to a manpower-lean economy, so that Singaporeans can continue to get good jobs amid challenges such as a volatile global economy and an ageing society.
      Strengthening the Singaporean core will continue to a key focus, and this can be achieved only by speeding up economic restructuring and creating more higher-quality jobs for locals, the Ministry of Manpower said on Tuesday (Jan 19) in its addendum to President Tony Tan Keng Yam's address to Parliament last Friday (Jan 15).
      The President's address outlined the Government's programmes for the next five years and beyond.
      The ministry will also continue to enhance the flexibility and adequacy of the Central Provident Fund (CPF) system while ensuring its long-term sustainability, so that Singaporeans can have greater peace of mind in retirement.
      Here's a look at the ministry's plans:

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      * Strengthen the Singaporean core in all major sectors by speeding up economic restructuring and creating more higher-quality jobs for locals
      * Companies need to embrace productivity and innovation, and reduce reliance on low-skilled foreign manpower
      * Support employers in re-designing jobs, processes, and workplaces to tap on experience of all workers, especially the mature workers
      * Help Singaporeans, especially those in mid-careers, adapt and remain employable as economy restructures
      * Ensure that Singaporean workers are fairly considered by employers during hiring, and have fair opportunities
      * Better jobs and higher incomes through quality growth. This will be achieved through three Ps - Protection, Progression, and Pride.
      * Protection: Measures include: Employment Act has been enhanced to protect more workers; Industrial Relations Act now covers more professionals, managers and executives (PMEs); re-employment age to be raised from 65 to 67 by 2017; expand dispute management services for workers and employers
      * Progression: The tripartite partners are developing Sectoral Manpower Plans to help create diverse career pathways for Singaporeans, while meeting the manpower needs of industry; special attention on the older and lower-wage workers, by helping them achieve higher wages through better skills and improved productivity
      * Pride: Work with tripartite partners to promote progressive human resource practices, among other things
      * Continue to enhance the flexibility and adequacy of the CPF system while ensuring its
      * Implement recommendations from the CPF advisory panel which the ministry has accepted
      * Implement the Silver Support Scheme, which has been announced, which provides quarterly cash supplements to elderly Singaporeans who have lesser means in their retirement years
      · LIM SWEE SAY
