Iran frees U.S. sailors with start of nuclear deal in sight

ricky l34 seconds ago
Expounding the discourse of Jesus :- "If your adversaries slap you at your right cheek, you turn the left cheek for your adversaries to slap".
This is a very profound discourse - and not easily understood by most common man.
But this discourse - is a transformation of mundane man to become a Saint - as this is a virtue of "Self-less", the breaking of "Ego" - to become "Ego-less" - the virtue of a Saint (超凡入圣)into Nirvana (the highest attainment - that break the vicious cycle of birth, living, decay, demise and rebirth in Samsara).
Human suffer because of strong attachment to Ego - and thus will retaliate when suffer what is perceived as humiliation - by killing, forceful retaliation - and thus result in commit sin of mass killings.
The resolution of this saga - is a wholesome resolution of very difficult situation - by breaking Ego through diplomacy, dialogue with mutual respect ---- and has aptly following the teaching of Jesus - of this particular discourse.
And this discourse, taught EMPATHY ---- ability to stand on one another shoes and see from each other position --- to amicably resolve this explosive, potentially confrontational political and military situation.
In retrospect, Shiites and Sunnis - can also end their decades and centuries of ideological and political struggle through this manner. Thousands and millions of death and sufferings can be avoided by breaking the Ego, the Self-centredness - by sharing of space, by sharing of power, by mutually inclusiveness, by empathy.
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