IS acknowledges death of 'Jihadi John' in magazine

Ricky L • Remove
Jihadi John represent the etho of ISIS daesh evil group and what it stand for - evil, cruel, inhumane, barbaric, vicious - unfit to be human.Reply
As a result of what he did and what ISIS daesh evil group did - he justly met his evil KARMA and retribution - and is now suffering in the deepest Hell - the Avici Hell where pain and sufferings will be immense to time of Eternal ---- until he fully repent and he repaid all his bad karma through immense sufferings and pain - before he can be salvaged.
If the 2 conditions are not met,
(1) he did not fully repent
(2) he have not repaid all his bad karmma sufferings in Avici Hell
he does not meet the criteria to be salvaged.
The sufferings are 2 fold :-
(1) Deep mental sufferings of his 5 mental aggregates - immense sufferings of his 5-sense consciousness with no respite - with every second or moment of living in hell.
(2) Deep physical sufferings of his 4 elements - body, temperatures, liquid and air - every inch of the body.
because during his lifetimes as executioner with ISIS - he committed all the heinous crimes - and he will reap his karma - which seems eternal in Avici Hell - until he repent and until he repaid his karma.
This is the sufferings observed in Avici Hell.
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