As Xi heads into Middle East feud, China says aims for balance

Ricky L • Remove
China can play a role in trying to reconcile Saudi and Iran - which hopefully can cool tension and mend their differences.Reply
Business, trade is one counter-weight to pacify Saudi and Iran with the dramatic drop in oil price and result in depletion of wealth.
Conflict, tension and unwilling to sit down and talk and use diplomatic means to resolve problems will always result in war, sponsoring in terrorism - that inflame a situation that can be amicably managed.
In fact the worldwide Islamic terrorism is largely due to :-
(1) Sunnis vs Shiites differences - whether in religion, political, economical influences - arising from Saudi vs Iran power struggle. Both can share power and share influence through peaceful means - and not through conflict and sponsoring of terrorist groups - that have now manifested beyond control and boomerang back - hitting both Sunnis and Shiites interest.
(2) Muslim vs Jews differences - both take a hardline approach in religion and political differences.
(3) Luckily Christianity and moderate Muslims - has become more and more amicable and difference can be solved through peaceful means.
The holy mission is to 1st resolve Sunnis vs Shiites differences - to urge them to reconcile and look at peaceful means to resolve differences and to accomodate one another. Both sides should stop sponsoring their respective terrorist group and militant groups - and look for ways to resolve differences through peaceful means - and look at business, trade and investment to grow both interest.
By doing so, this will reduce the Islamic terrorism worldwide and the World can focus on ISIS daesh terrorism.
Jews and Muslims difference will come later when both Jews and Muslims are ready.
Ricky L • Remove
Human can coexist peacefully - sharing interest and promoting wealth collectively.
Unlike animal realms that are rule by jungle law - where the fittest survive.
Human realm must not follow the animal instinct - of rule by jungle law - where the fittest survive ------ otherwise no way to progress spiritually into a Pureland state --- it will descend into the 3 Paranormal realms of sufferings.
Only Peace, Harmony, Mutual Prosperity - that alleviate Human sufferings, miseries and Pain - is Pureland bound.
Ricky L • Remove
ReplyThe new World Order is to promote Peace, Harmony and Mutual Prosperity ------ not resolving problems and issues through conflict, war, sponsoring terrorism ---- that will bring great sufferings, miseries, pain, poverty, destruction to human realm.
Human realm is a higher realm above Animal realm (that is characterised by jungle law, fittest survive, fight one another to death - for food, for territory, for space).'
Human realm must coexist, thrive and interoperate - with higher spiritual cultivation and must not descend into animal realm instinct.
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