Tuesday, January 26, 2016

More Malaysians queuing to become suicide bombers, say cops
The Malaysian Insider
January 26, 2016

ricky l

Suicide bombers will not go to heaven as believe.
Killing - will go straight to hell (according to Universal Law of Karma).
Suicide - also killing - which is killing of own-self - will also be propelled to hell (according to Universal Law of Karma).
Who give them the wrong impression that killing others and killing self - will go the heaven?
Human will only go to heaven - only through kindness and doing good.
Killing others or killing self - is evil - and according to the Universal Law of Karma - will be hell-bound.
No heavens will receive anyone that kill others, kill self and harm others or harm self - as Heavens are not signify by bloodshed, violence.
Killing (including suicide) refer to :-
(1) Termination of 5 mental aggregates - of 5 sense-consciousness and other mental aggregates.
(2) Termination of 4 Great Elements of physical body.
which are the attributes of Hell - to terminate hell beings - mental aggregates and physical bodies.
Why this suicide bombers - so misled by deviant teachings - the teachings of Satan - who not only want their lives on Earth but also in Hell.

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