The Malaysian Insider
January 26, 2016

ricky l6 seconds ago
Suicide bombers will not go to heaven as believe.
Killing - will go straight to hell (according to Universal Law of Karma).
Suicide - also killing - which is killing of own-self - will also be propelled to hell (according to Universal Law of Karma).
Who give them the wrong impression that killing others and killing self - will go the heaven?
Human will only go to heaven - only through kindness and doing good.
Killing others or killing self - is evil - and according to the Universal Law of Karma - will be hell-bound.
No heavens will receive anyone that kill others, kill self and harm others or harm self - as Heavens are not signify by bloodshed, violence.
Killing (including suicide) refer to :-
(1) Termination of 5 mental aggregates - of 5 sense-consciousness and other mental aggregates.
(2) Termination of 4 Great Elements of physical body.
which are the attributes of Hell - to terminate hell beings - mental aggregates and physical bodies.
Why this suicide bombers - so misled by deviant teachings - the teachings of Satan - who not only want their lives on Earth but also in Hell.

ricky lin 14 seconds
If suicide bombers believe what ISIS daesh leadership tell them to do suicide bombings will go to heaven, why aren't ISID daesh leaders do suicide bombings themselves so that they can go heaven immediately - instead telling all these ignorant people to do suicide bombings for them?

ricky l1 minute ago
No heavenly realms - are associated with blood-stained and killings.
Formless Heavenly realms - are associated with formless, subtle, subconsciousness wholesome supramundane attributes.
Form Heavenly realms - are associated with form wholesome consciousness supramundane attributes.
Sensual Desire Heavenly realms - are associated with mundane wholesome consciousness and feelings attributes.
Non on the Heavenly realms are associated with hatred, exclusiveness, anger, bloodshed, violence, killings, massacre, cruelty - which are associated with hells attributes.
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