Rouhani: All happy about deal except Israel, US hard-liners

ricky l24 seconds ago
Actually, Israel and Palestine can make biblical history such as what Iran and the World is enjoying now - to ensure Peace, Harmony and Prosperity - by going for a "Win-Win" deal to end the bibilical enimity between Israel and Palestine.
But unfortunately, both did not seize the Golden Opportunity to forge a "Win-Win" outcome - and instead both go for a "Win-Lose" outcome - and as a result both ended up in a "Lose-Lose" outcome.
Now, both Israel and Palestine continue to live in a "Living Hell" - where one side, civilian use knives or car to kill the other side, and the other side of the civilian have to bring gun to shoot the other side.
Both sides must be able to empathise, to be able to give and take --- so that in the end, both will emerge with a "Win-Win" outcome.
If both sides adopt a hardline approach in negotiation - without the spirit of EMPATHY, Give-and-Take - and want to win all ----- if will end up LOSING ALL.

ricky l3 minutes ago
Intelligent people go for "Win-Lose" resolution --- eventually it will result in "Lose-Lose" outcome.
Wise people go for "Win-Win" resolution --- eventually it will result in "Win-Win" outcome.
This is the main difference between an "Intelligent" person and a "Wise" person.
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