Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Unpredictability in an oasis of calm called Singapore

January 13, 2016
ricky l

The future Leadership of Singapore 1st and foremost must be able to provide and stimulate:-
(1) Economic Growth and make Singapore Economy strong and sustainable
(2) Good Jobs for Singaporean as core workers
as most other aspects of the Country is doing well and relatively in place whether Finance, Housing, Healthcare, Education, Social, Defense, Homeland, Environment, Transport. Foreign Affairs etc.
Good and sustainable Economy - will provide finances to the Country as a whole - and the rest of the functions of the Country can be finance and do well. If no Economic Growth, there will be no money to finance other Country's function.
Similarly, if every Singaporeans have good jobs, then Singaporeans can finance and sustain themselves and their families - and less reliance on the States to provide help for them.
Any candidates and team that can provide and do well in the 2 functions - will enhance Singapore future as a Successful Nation.

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