Iran frees U.S. sailors with start of nuclear deal in sight

ricky l1 second ago
In fact happy to see a potential flashpoint - to be amicably resolved in such a manner.
This is what we hope to see how International crisis are resolved - through diplomacy and dialogue with mutual respect.
Not Donald Duck style ---- that may trigger an easily resolvable situation - to something explosive that may grow out of proportion.

ricky l1 second ago
Diplomacy and dialogue make big matter - small.
Donald Duck style of confrontation - will make small matter big, and big matter blow out of proportion.

ricky l31 seconds ago
So the Iran nuclear deal ---- is a right deal despite some very strong objection ----- but is a right deal for Peace.
US transformation - in foreign affair is one of the :-
(1) Saving others by making friends with others (including adversaries) through diplomacy, dialogue based on mutual respect.
This differ from the path - whereby foreign affair is marked by :-
(1) Being a policeman to save others - but pointing guns, missiles and destroy the adversaries by force if necessary.
US has transformed from a good-bad guy "hero" and willing to kill and destroy by force ---- into a Bodhisattva (Jesus way) (one that save others and project influence by making friends and even transforming adversaries to be friends.)

ricky l1 second ago
Of course, heroic - good-bad guy to deal with ISIS daesh evil will be necessary.

ricky l11 seconds ago
In retrospect, once the "stick" diplomacy is handed down on N Korea through the UN.
US and other stakeholders can seriously consider the "carrot" diplomacy through China strike a similar Iran nuclear deal template with N Korea ---- to baseline a Peace Treaty to replace the decades old Korean Peninsula armistice.
Constant hostility is not a nice feeling. By reaching out to your adversaries and start changing them by dangling a "carrot" - and slowly transformed their behavior that is acceptable by the International Community is a virtue.
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