The Latest: Kerry urges both sides to engage in Syria talks
February 1, 2016

ricky lin 12 seconds
ISIS daesh and its caliphate can only be successfully defeated and eradicated - only if peaceful settlement can be achieved in Syria.
Thus Syria peace settlement - shall not fail.

ricky lin 12 seconds
It is a very high stake Peace Deal ---- where everyone lose (including the Whole World).
The only winner if this Peace Deal fail - will be the ISIS daesh.
Satan win all ---- and Humanity lose ---- if this deal fail.

ricky lin 12 seconds
For ISIS daesh can and will continue to terrorize the whole World - if the Syria Peace Deal fail.

ricky lin 12 seconds
Humanity must have the collective wisdom - to strike a Peace Deal.
Failing which - Satan will rule and terrorise Humanity.

ricky lin 12 seconds
Because Humanity has succumb to their own 3 inherent evil roots of :-
(1) Ignorance of Universal Truth === unable to empathise and compromise with collective wisdom.
(2) Hatred, Anger, Distrust === unable to forgo hatred and give sympathy.
(3) Greed, Strong attachment === unable to let go on self-serving issues that will be able to break the deadlock and achieve a breakthrough that will benefit all.

ricky lin 12 seconds
When Humanity succumb to the 3 inherent evil roots ----- Satan take over and rule Humanity ----- Middle East the most impacted, follow by the West and then the rest of the World.
Now Humanity will have to decide :-
You want Satan to rule over you ---- or you want Humanity to prevail?
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