N.Korea may be readying long-range missile launch soon - Kyodo

ricky lin 13 seconds
By launching a long-range missile, it will provoke US to put more advanced anti-missile defense system and other advanced weapons in S Korea - and this will be against the interest of N Korea - and it will be difficult to push for a Peace Treaty.
N Korea should refrain from taking further steps that is against UN sanctions.

ricky lin 13 seconds
If China is push to the brim by international pressure for representing N Korea if N Korea again flout the UN sanctions - N Korea will be alone facing the hostile World.

ricky lin 13 seconds
N Korea should work with China on how to cool the tension caused by the nuclear test and not start any provocation with long range missile test.
Only after the nuclear test anger is cooled down - will S Korea and US consider reconciliation talk. If the current anger is further provoked with missile test --- it will further escalate anger and the urge for Peace Treaty will not be realised.

ricky lin 13 seconds
If you make everyone angry, you should let others vent their anger first before you can persuade others to do peace talk with you.
If you make everyone angry and expect others to talk peace to you, not everyone can do so when everyone is still angry.
You should at least let everyone vent their anger first and when everyone has cooled down, then talk peace is possible.
And when everyone is angry, you further provoke others into bigger anger, even China cannot protect you and your search for Peace talk will be in vain.
You do wrong, you must get the punishment first before you can ask for reward.

ricky lin 3 seconds
Playing hard ball should be avoided.
Because when you play hard ball, US and S Korea will hardened their stance.
Instead by softening the stance and wait for the anger to blow over, than persuading a Peace Treaty is possible through China.
Eg. Iran nuclear deal is achieved through similar approach.
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