IDA and MDA to merge and form IMDA
January 18, 2016

ricky l24 seconds ago
1stly, to understand why media board and telecom board need to merge as one, we have to understand how technology evolved.
Only by understanding how technologies evolved will we understand why media and telecom board are merged and put under 1 roof.
In the past, media and broadcasting technology are analogue based and not digitised. Thus media and broadcast are not carried through the telecommunication network.
Now with media and broadcasting are being digitised (HDTV) (video-streaming) into IP (internet protocol technology) running over IP-network via IP multicast, unicast and broadcast that are managed by telco and ISPs - with HDTV over IP, video-streaming over CDN (Content Delivery Network) ---- it make sense to merge the media regulatory board and telecom regulatory board under 1 roof - to formulate media, broadcast and telecom regulation ---- isn't it?
As for GTO (Government Technology Office) - previously known as GCIO (Government Chief Information Office) - that plan and propose IT solutions - and now expand into robotics, AI, IoT (Internet of Things) and Big Data - it make sense to standalone as a single entity separate from the merged regulatory body.
Just a thought off my hat, with pervasive used of AI and Big Data - the Government can harvest sufficient metadata from big variety of database to form profile of say mature Singaporean PMETs and match it to available job vacancies that are required by the industry - and hasten the employment and job matching process.

ricky l4 seconds ago
In case many people still don't understand judging by the posting here.
Now TV signal are carried by FTTH (Fiber to the Home) - eg, running over Singtel Mio, Starhub SCV - previously run by analogue cable or coaxial cable - which now has been replaced by single-mode fiber that replace all the old copper cable. Fixed telephone is also run on IP over the fiber. Internet service also run over this fiber - no longer the telephone line on category 3 copper running over ADSL DSLAM.
With high-capacity fiber running on light freqency over lambda - TV signal, media broadcast, telephone voice - run on fiber by telecommunication company --- it means media, broadcast, telephone, internet are all running fiber over IP - which is a telecomm network function.
Thus media and telecome converged and merge ---- thus media regulatory board and telecom board must merge to regulate ----- understand now?

ricky l4 seconds ago
Media is the content.
Telecom is the transport that carry the media to the public user.
Thus :- Media + Telecom (transport) --- therefore Merged.

ricky l4 seconds ago
It look very complex stuff.
But actually very easy to understand.

ricky l23 seconds ago
Something go through my mind :-
(1) Is driverless car - IoT (Internet of Thing) --- as driverless car require many sensors to detect obstacles and react and respond to road condition. In addition, it also has internet function, GPS function, and may even be remotely controlled etc.
Given the pervasive use of technology and IoT -- will IMDA merge with LTA to regulate driverless car in future?
Even home-based appliance are increasingly IoT (Internet of Thing) - eg. fridge can be remotely controlled over IP, CCTV / web-cam can be remotely controlled over IP and internet, light / air-con / door access / TV / security alarm etc all can run over IP and remotely access ----- wonder all these are govern under IMDA?
Even energy, water sensor, traffic monitoring system -- that can be IP based and remotely controlled - will it be consider IoT (Internet of Thing) --- and energy, water boad come under IMDA and merge with PUB?
And all these are known as CII (Critical Information Infrastructure) ----- remind me of Diehard 4.

ricky l3 seconds ago
In fact, the use of AI and big data - can facilitate metadata search through job bank database, various private job data bank, social media (eg. linkedin, etc) - using hadoop to pull metadata to storage with powerful search engine - indexing, collating, do graphing, matching, profiling, analysis :-
(1) this will help in economic planning, manpower planning, skillset matching, skill training, job matching ------ "fitting bolt to nuts" very nicely.
So nothing so difficult ........
- C
- Ricky L • a second agoRemove
Nothing so chim here.
1 minutes to read and digest the article.
30 seconds to understand the wider implication and impact.
5 minutes to pen the posting - which are higher level policies paper that mention the technologies - not even mention how the techologies are deployed and how it works and how it integrate into a larger critical information infrastructure.
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