Wednesday, January 13, 2016

The Latest: US official: 10 American sailors now in Qatar

The Latest: US defense official tells the AP that 10 American sailors are now safely in Qatar

ricky l
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Ricky L • a second agoRemove
See - It is a good think that President Obama Administration has make many friends and turn adversaries into friends.

State Secretary Kerry did a good job to be friend with Iran Foreign Minister - and turn a crisis into resolution ---- without conflict, war, hostage, mutual trading of strong words and bullets.

This is the outcome Divinity want to help to achieve in World crisis - that transformed a potentially bloody situation into a situation that can be easily resolved.

That why Donald Duck cannot be a President - it can be a very difficult situation for USA as he ban Muslims and make enemies with Muslims.

Donald Duck may have to send in commandos to rescue the 10 American marines now - and trade fire with Iran troops - and turn an easily resolvable situation into a potential war situation.

ricky l
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Ricky L • a second agoRemove
For the sake of USA and for the sake of the World, Donald pse stay in your business and give others a chance in politics.

The World will be a more peaceful place.

ricky l
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Ricky L • a second agoRemove
When others are calling the current Administration a weakling --- Divinity is calling the current Administration a hero.

Your Administration have dissolved a potentially - bullet and missile trading situation - into an amicable resolvable situation ---- without firing a single shot by both sides.

Kudos to President Obama, and State Secretary Kerry as well as Iran Foreign Minister and Iran Government.

This is what Divinity want to see - in the resolution of International Crisis.

  • B
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    Bradley  •  1 minute 57 seconds ago Report Abuse
    Just like Regan, as soon in office all released read iran hostage history, rule by action not, these are just words and speeches, you have no clue what a real president is. Donald want screw around with this rogue nations

  • ricky l
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    Ricky L • a second agoRemove
    You can project your influence by making friends.
    You can never project your influence by pointing guns and missiles at others.
    • B
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      Bradley  •  5 minutes ago Report Abuse
      You do not know president history since the iran hostage, or carter to regan. Later Iranian hiccups will catch up with this now whitehouse
    • ricky l
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      Ricky L • a second agoRemove
      Yah, Iran take American hostages.
      Commandos are send in - but 1 helicopter crash and a couple of commandos perished.
      Rescue mission called off.

      A new President is elected and demand tough action on Iran.
      Hostages released.

      But US and Iran has been enemies from that day until now - until the nuclear deal crisis is ended by President Obama, State Secretary Kerry - that ended a military crisis to fight war with Iran.

      I knew the history - and I knew how to coax US to end very difficult crisis situation - to be resolved in an amicable manner - without sacrificing American lives and Iranian lives.

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