Singaporean Muslims praise arrests of 27 radicalised Bangladeshis
January 20, 2016

ricky l11 seconds ago
I think generally, Singapore Muslims have practiced wholesome Islam in Singapore and did not picked up the unwholesome and violent parts.
Notice in the Board that many violent verses were picked up and blame on Islam teachings.
But to be fair, literal interpretation of unwholesome violent form of ancient teachings which does not apply to Singapore peaceful context were not picked up and apply by majority of Singaporean Muslims.
To be fair, Christianity also preach those who do not believe in Jesus and God - will descend to hell after passing on. This is not true ---- and this teaching though articulate freely in Church --- did not openly impose on the rest of non-believers by the Christians which is good.
As such, mutual respect must be made on all faiths - and we should not criminalise the whole group based on the thoughts, speeches and actions of a small minorities which are extremists.
ricky l21 seconds ago
ricky l11 seconds agoJust to mention that - suicide will also descend into Hell.Thus for those who perform suicide bombing - will encounter double whammy of hell-bound twice. One for committing atrocities of killing someone by bombing. Another for suicide.Suicide is annihilation - that terminate own life :-(1) Cessation of 5 mental states - given by birth from Karma through 12 dependant origination of life.(2) Cessation of 4 Great Elements - given by birth from Parents.As a result, the sentinent beings that committed suicide will descend into Hell - to face the karma of :-(1) Breaking apart of 5 mental states - causing intense mental sufferings.(2) Breaking apart of 4 Great Elements of his/her physical bodies----- similar sufferings and pains for those that commit heinous sin destined for Hell.
ricky l41 seconds agoHow to alleviate sufferings of Hell beings - as they suffer intensely every second, every minute, every moment that seems Eternal?The only way is through seeking the help of a Divinity who make a Bodhi Vows to salvage Hell Beings and Hungry Ghost beings.There are no faiths that appeal to Divinity to salvage Hell Beings and Hungry Ghost beings.Only 1 Divinity has make a Bodhi Vows to salvage Hell Beings and Hungry Ghost beings ----- who will soothe the pain and sufferings of Hell Beings and Hungry Ghost beings by expounding Dharma discourse to the hell beings and hungry ghost beings to understand the sins they have committed and to repent.Only then can the pain and sufferings of the hell beings and hungry ghosts beings be expedite to repay their karma and repent unconditionally - so that they will be ready to be salvaged from Hell realms and Hungry Ghosts realms.
ricky l41 seconds ago
Universe and all beings of 10 realms cannot be salvaged from the "Sea of Sufferings" - if all sentinent beings are not salvaged.As long as even 1 sentinent being or 1 grain of sand in the Universe - is not salvaged ---- -the Universe will not be able to enter into the Final Great Nirvana of Eternal Peace and Bliss ---- and a new Universe will supernova and form again.All beings will then rebirth and go through the same cycle of 10 realms like what we are going through all over again.Hence, even the last being in Hell will need to be salvaged - before Universe can be salvaged in total completeness.Hence, the analogy :- "Leave no one behind. Leave no sand behind".
ricky l10 seconds ago
Because, Divinity is :-(1) Omni-Benevolence (Universal Compassion)(2) Omni-Science (full knowledge of Universe birth, demise and rebirth)(3) Omni-Presence (cover the full Universe and its beings)---- thus it is not possible to leave anyone behind nor leave even the last grain of sand behind.
ricky lnow
Omni --- means encompass the "Whole Universe".
ricky lnow
To be Omni - means to cover the Whole Universe ---- Divinity must be independent of Faith ---- under the armbit of Omni-Benevolence (Universal Compassion), Omni-Science (from birth, demise, rebirth of Universe), Omni-Presence (to encompass the Whole Universe).
ricky l11 seconds ago
And to leave any out - to leave beings "rot in hell" - and forsake them ----- is not :-Omni-Benevolence (Universal Compassion), Omni-Science (from birth, demise, rebirth of Universe), Omni-Presence (to encompass the Whole Universe).And this will be incomplete Divinity, incomplete Spiritualness, incomplete Pureness --- because many beings "are still rotting in hell" -- and hence did not meet the criteria of :-"Leave no one behind. Leave no sand behind".And thus Divinity is incomplete.
ricky l10 seconds ago
Divinity is complete.Divinity achieve Full Holiness.Divinity attain Spiritualness.Divinity acquire Pureness.only when Divinity meet the criteria of :-"Leave no one behind. Leave no sand behind".Only then Divinity will attain the 3 wholesome Enlightenment of :-(1) Omni-Benevolence (Universal Compassion) (大慈大悲 )(2) Omni-Science (knowledge of Universal Law, birth, demise, rebirth of Universe)(般若智慧)(3)Omni-Presence (all encompassing of the Universe) (大舍,无我)that eradicate 3 unwholesome inherent evil roots of sentinent beings :-(1) Hatred (嗔)(2) Ignorance of Universal Law (痴)(3) Greed / Attachment to self (贪)
Ls13 minutes ago
@ ricky, thanks. Great treatise.
Ls5 minutes ago
I believe the only 1 Divinity referred to who vowed to salvage all sentient beings from suffering is Bodhisattva or Kuan Imm.
ricky l20 seconds ago
Kuan Yin is one Divinity.There are others like Amituofo.Di Zhang Wang Pu Sa vow to salvage Hell beings.Countless Buddha and Bodhisattvas have Bodhi Vows to salvage countless sentinent beings.1 Divinity refer to 一真法界 - 1 Nirvana Being - where "ONE for ALL, ALL for ONE".
ricky lnow
In Nirvana ---- ONE thought for ALL thoughts.
ALL thoughts for ONE thought.
Hence 一真法界, 万佛附念。
ricky lnow
In 一真法界 (1 Divinity) - there is no "your faith, my faith" ---- it is just "One Universal Faith".
ricky l10 seconds ago
In Math :-
1 = Infinity
Infinity = 1
Hence 一真法界 (1 Divinity)
ricky lnow
Where 1 = 0, 0.1, 0.2 ................................. 0.9999999...., (infinity), 1
Hence, in Math :-
1 = Infinity
Infinity = 1
Hence 一真法界 (1 Divinity)
ricky lnow
If eg. 0.2 (sentinent being) is left behind from the Universe and left to "rot in hell" ---- is the 一真法界 (1 Divinity) of infinity of Universe complete?
Answer :- No - hence 一真法界 (1 Divinity) - is not complete.
ricky lnow
If Divinity is not complete --- then how to meet the criteria of :-
(1) Omni-Benevolence - Compassion - when 1 is left to rot in hell and not in Divinity?
(2) Omni-Science - when knowingly one suffer in hell and not salvaged into Divinity?
(3) Omni-Presence - when one fall outside the Divinity and rot in hell?
ricky lnow
In Nirvana ---- ONE thought for ALL thoughts.
ALL thoughts for ONE thought.
Hence 一真法界, 万佛附念。
means "All in Nirvana - share the same thoughts" - be it the Buddhas, be it the Bodhisattvas, be it the Pacceka Buddhas, be it the Arahats.
And All their thoughts - share the One thought - "leave no one behind. leave no sand behind". Hence 一真法界, 万佛附念。
ricky lnow
To make things easier if you understand Kuan Yin Bodhisattva.
Kuan Yin Bodhisattva - heart sutra (心经)- receive praise from all Buddhas - because all Buddhas experience the same Nirvana as Kuan Yin Bodhisattva heart sutra (心经). Hence 一真法界, 万佛附念.
ricky lnow
And Jesus disposition - is one Bodhisattva.
ricky l20 seconds ago
一真法界, 万佛附念.
Means - 1 Divinity of Nirvana, countless Nirvana Beings are in Mindfulness.
In Mindfulness means every moment, every thought, every speech, every action - are in mindfulness of Nirvana (in Divinity).
This mean "Living in the Present Moment" means "平常心“。
ricky lnow
平常心 means Permanent Eternal Blissful Nirvanic Heart and Mind.
as oppose to Impermanent, transient marked by vexation of mundane Heart and Mind - characterised by sentinent beings in Samsara Universe.
ricky l10 seconds ago
In Samsara Universe :-(1) everything is Impermanent - subject to birth, living, decaying, demise, rebirth.(2) sentinent beings is marked by Ignorance of Universal Law, Hatred/Anger, Greed/Attachment to Ego(3) Subject to karma - to every thought, every speech, every action.In Nirvana :-(1) Law of Impermanent cease - and characterised by Permanent Peace and Bliss. No birth, no death, no rebirth - where all sufferings cease.(2) 3 wholesome attributes developed - Omni-Benevolence, Omni-Science, Omni-Presence - Hence 1 Divinity (Omni - 一真法界)(3) All karma cease.
ricky lnow
And this conclude the Profound Discourse of 1 Divinity.
一真法界, 万佛附念.
(One for All, All for One).
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