Singapore's public sector construction set to surge in 2016

The Government already pump-priming the Economy - with Government expenditure and spending - $27 - 34 billion in construction sector for 2016 is a very sizeable investment.
This should trigger a multiplier effect and produce a positive circular flow of income into the Economy - stimulating business activities and creating jobs.
Next the Government can :-
(1) visit Countries of expanding Economy with business delegation to look for new market and expand current market - this will help to promote trade and business activities - and create jobs.
(2) visit Countries to attract FDI / Investments into the Countries - and create jobs.
There are also the :-
(1) TPP with US - should hasten the signing and kickstart trade with new market like Mexico, Canada
(2) One Road, One Belt with China - see whether can hasten the silk route for trade.
Singapore is a small country with 5 million population - should not be too difficult to find business and jobs for 5 million people.
How come some mature Singaporean PMETs cannot get job huh - because of unfair employment practice?
0users liked this commentThumbs UpThumbs Down0users disliked this commentKen • 2 minutes 25 seconds ago Report Abuse
with our pap in rule of singapore, we are confident of rosy and successful times
singapore's income have steadily increased over the years and most people already earn more than 10k per month.
if the opposition were to gain power some day, singapore would become a 3rd world slum like we were before independence.
ricky l
0users liked this commentThumbs UpThumbs Down0users disliked this commentRicky L • a second agoRemove
Pse substantiate your claim that most people earn 10k per month.
0users liked this commentThumbs UpThumbs Down0users disliked this commentKen • 13 minutes ago Report Abuse
myself and the people around me?
even not so, singaporeans have the highest per capita in this world
we get all the FT cheap labor to do the work for us
singaporeans get all the management positions
and all these savings goes into our bonus packages
ricky l
0users liked this commentThumbs UpThumbs Down0users disliked this commentRicky L • a second agoRemove
You are snobbish and arrogant - and you did not get the statistics right.
Let see how long you continue to be snobbish.
ricky l
0users liked this commentThumbs UpThumbs Down0users disliked this commentRicky L • a second agoRemove
I have seen many snobbish people like yourself rise and fall.
Scam • Report Abuse
Same old, same old policies to artificially boost GDP with massive gabrament construction projects. This is their BEST idea yet for economic progress? LOL.Reply
Isn't that like China building massive and unnecessary infrastructure that nobody needs? LOL
Sin-pore is already an urban jungle saturated with too many HDBs, too many condos, so many community centres, too many roads and tunnels, too many malls, too many office towers, so many universities already...and they want to build MORE buildings now? LOL.
Oh Wow, what an "efficient" allocation of our scarce resources. LOL.
- Ricky L • Remove
If you read the article carefully, the Government is not funding unnecessary infrastructure - but essential infrastructure that will bring long-term ROI that are required by the Economy.
Pse read the following statement again if you have missed it.
"The BCA said private sector construction demand is likely to slow this year due to less favourable economic conditions and an increased supply of completed private housing projects and offices.
The construction of the new National Cancer Centre, water reclamation and sewerage projects, improvement work on two expressways and package 2 of Changi Airport's 3-runway system, were among the key 2016 public sector projects cited by the BCA."Ricky L • Remove
And Government expenditure and spending ---- is an Economy strategy to invest into the future (long term) - that will bring Economic Return further down the road - while stimulate business activities and create jobs in the (short term) ---- a powerful measures to keep the Economy vibrant and dynamic.
So how can you say is an old method to prime the Economy? - when it is both a short and long term stimulus measure?
- kKok • Report Abuse
When you ask for something fr other country, they will ask somethings in return.
What you can provide? Land? Oil? Metal?
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