Tuesday, January 19, 2016

COMMENT: What's wrong with electorate choosing the President?

ricky l
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Ricky L • a second agoRemove
Firstly, everyone has to agree that there is merit for the Presidential functions :-
(1) Safeguard our National Reserves (acting as the custodian of the 2nd key)
(2) As figurehead of the State

A President can exercise independent judgement together with the Presidential Counsel make up of a group of qualified professionals in safeguarding the National Reserve and to release some for used in the event of emergency.

A President also play an important role in representing the State for diplomatic engagement with foreign Head of State and foreign delegates - and thus the President will also have to represent our Nation's interest.

Thus a President is an important function for our Country and as such must be not only qualified but must be well-verse in every aspects of the Governance functions and work well with the Prime Minister, the Cabinet and the Civil Service.

ricky l
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Ricky L • a second agoRemove
Having understood the importance of the role of a President, then we will analyse whether will the best qualified person be elected for the position of the President.

If voters are rational, among the Presidential candidate being put up for election, the most qualified & best candidate that can work well with the Government will be elected.

But if voters wanted a President that not only perform the above 2 defined roles - but want the President to provide additional check on the Government - the chances of electing an "antagonist President - normally from the Opposition party" maybe elected because the voters may feel that since PAP is elected as the Government, there is no danger of Singapore losing PAP, and as such will be more willing to elect an "antagonist President - from the Opposition party" to "check" on the Government and interfere with the day-to-day Governmental functions.

Then everyday, we will see the President lockhorn with the Prime Minister, the Cabinet and the Civil Service - and there will be tension and there will be inefficient and ineffectiveness in the governance ----- just like what is happening with the US President and the Congress whereby the US President is the Executive Government where the Congress (is like our Presidential function) - the reverse role.

ricky l
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Ricky L • a second agoRemove
Having say so, we must also be mindful that :-

- Assume a "rogue" Government through freak election is elected.
- A President role will need to exercise his independent judgement to protect the National Reserve to safeguard from its misuse.

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