Singapore says it deported 26 Bangladeshis for terror links

Ricky L • Remove
When Singaporeans are being displaced as the core workers replaced by foreigners, foreigners will be able to set their own agenda.Reply
We face this problem in the Little India riot and now these Bangladesh terrorists.
If Singaporeans form the core workers and supplemented by foreigners (we can screen them more thoroughly) as their numbers will not outnumber Singaporeans - then Singapore security and safety will be more assured.
Now with overwhelming foreigners in our workforce, our security forces will be overstretched to monitor so many foreigners - and it will be difficult to know which group will cause harm to us.
They have not only cause security and safety problem to us - but also social problem such as job displacement.
Increasingly we should calibrate the foreign workforce more carefully - whereby the goal should be foreigners to supplement Singaporean as core workers - and not reverse whereby foreigners are increasingly becoming the core workers and Singaporeans are being displaced with foreigners setting the agenda for themselves.
Not forgetting the Chinese workers that nearly cause a shutdown in the bus transport - when most decide to strike.
About 4 to 5 years ago, a group of Malaysian stage Bersih demonstration to oppose the Malaysian Government. Some Malaysians were arrested for causing social disorder. Malaysian oppositions step in to demand their release and almost trigger a difficult political situation for Singapore.
Thus it is a unhealthy situation for our workforce to be overwhelm by foreigners. Companies are seen to be staffed by 40%, 50% and some are even 70% made up of foreigners.
The implication is that it will cause :-
(1) Security & safety problem - if some foreigners have their own agenda that compromise Singapore security and safety such as those past examples that Singapore experienced above.
(2) Social problem - where Singaporeans are displaced of their jobs.
Seriously feel that foreigners should supplement Singaporean workforce and not the other way round - as seen in the percentage of the workforce in many companies in Singapore.
About 20% to 30% of foreigners is about right.
Mr Teo Chee Hean, Minister-in-Charge of the National Population and Talent Division, says the Government will aim for "a careful balance in the foreign workforce, so that Singaporeans do not feel crowded out".
- Posted 20 Jan 2016 18:30
- Updated 20 Jan 2016 18:33
SINGAPORE: While the Republic must maintain a "carefully calibrated" number of new citizens to augment the ageing population, the right balance must be struck to ensure Singaporeans “do not feel crowded out”, Mr Teo Chee Hean, Minister-In-Charge of the National Population and Talent Division (NPTD), said on Wednesday (Jan 20).
"Singapore has one of the most rapidly ageing populations in the world, with the number of seniors projected to double to 900,000 by 2030. While we encourage marriage and parenthood, we will need a carefully calibrated number of new citizens to keep our citizen population stable. We will also need foreigners to complement our Singaporean workforce in areas where we are short," said the Deputy Prime Minister in his addenda to President Tony Tan Keng Yam's address at the opening of Parliament last Friday.
"But we cannot grow our population indefinitely. We will strike a careful balance, so that Singaporeans do not feel crowded out, and we can meet the needs of our ageing citizen population and workforce. We have slowed the growth of our foreign workforce substantially, and as a result, our total population growth rate last year was the slowest in more than a decade."
The NPTD said that it would continue to tap on "a global blend of people and ideas to move Singapore ahead and in doing so, create more opportunities for Singaporeans".
The Government encourages Singaporeans to gain experience overseas, and will continue to engage them when abroad and facilitate their transition back to Singapore when they choose to return, Mr Teo said.
He added: "Our population challenges are complex and multi-faceted. There are many needs to be fulfilled, and we will strive to strike the right balance. We will take an open and consultative approach in our population strategies to ensure that all views are heard. This is critical in achieving the balance we strive for."
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