Thursday, January 14, 2016

US, Iran forge new relationship as nuke deal advances

January 14, 2016
ricky l

Potentially, US can play a peacemaker between Iran and Saudi - to end the long-standing decades and centuries of hostilities between Sunnis and Shiites.
Terrorism that sprout all over the World - as a result of animosities between Saudi and Iran - can be resolved by resolving the nexus of Sunnis and Shiites - ie. Saudi and Iran.
Many terror groups (with the exception of ISIS daesh) - is watching the struggle between Saudi and Iran - and translate into violent terrorist acts - that threaten not only the Western Countries but many Muslim Countries.
The World has reached a dangerous crossroad - that can escalate into more violence terrorism everywhere in the World.
But US can play peacemaker - by pulling Saudi and Iran together - to share power, to share space, to share mutual interest, to accomodate one another and to develop a forum to settle dispute amicably rather than resort to sponsoring of terrorism to attack and destroy one another's interest.
Yes US can play Jesus (because of the same biblical roots from Christianity to Islam, hence share the same karma seeds) - in this role to reconcile Sunnis and Shiites.
(Even Catholics and Protestants can reconcile centuries of terrorism, conflict and war ---- so can Sunnis and Shiites).

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