With Lee's passing, Mahathir is last of SE Asia's old guards

Passo • Report Abuse
He called a anti-Singapore rally at JB when Singapore refused to give him our public fund during the financial crisis. Conducting big scale military exercises in Johore during one of our national days. Cut off fresh water to Singapore. To build a harbour/port from east to west using the Singapore strait by removing the causeway to cut off business and kill Singapore. Limit our air space. Even without the expertise, try hard to divert investors from Singapore. Just wait and see lor.
ricky l • Remove
During the financial crisis, Singapore currency is also under attack - not only Malaysian ringgit. In fact, I recall Thai baht is the first that was attack and its value went into a free fall follow by other ASEAN countries.
Thus Singapore will need to use the public fund to fend off the currency speculators attack - where do we have enough $ to lend to Malaysia while we are fighting a currency battle?
So how can he be so vengeful to take it out on Singapore?
There are many other ways to sought help - such as from World Bank, IMF etc.
ricky l • Remove
When our currency went down considerably, our imported inflation went up drastically affecting our competitiveness in export - that hurt our Economic growth when our GDP plummet.
We need to prop up our currency against a basket of currency to maintain our values in our currency to combat imported inflation - as we need to use our $ to prop up the Sing$.
As a PM, he should understand our predicament - and not impose it on us when we are fighting for our own survival.
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