After Lee, no sign of welcome home for Singapore's dissidents

ricky l • Remove
Let us re-used the analogy for the sake of discussion on this topic :-Reply
An analogy :-
Mr Lee Kuan Yew is trying to piece up a jigsaw puzzle bit by bit - and someone comes along to mess up his puzzle that he has spent days putting together assuming the completion of the puzzle is a live-and-death for Singapore.
What will he do to that person who mess up the puzzle - when every Singaporeans lives is at stake?
I think he will rough up that guy and lock him up in the room (like a gangster) - and he will have to start from scratch again to rebuild the puzzle.
The above is the analogy that Mr Lee Kuan Yew used when he dealt with dissidents - where the motivation of the dissidents is to "destroy" Singapore.
Then we should asked, is it reasonable for Mr Lee Kuan Yew to keep the dissidents out if the dissidents motivation is to "destroy" Singapore?
Well the actions are tough - but not unreasonable.
Now let us tweak the analogy of the jigsaw puzzle again.
While Mr Lee Kuan Yew is piecing up the jigsaw puzzle, an "opposition" stop him (but did not mess up his puzzle) and point out to him that he should not put this jig first - but should consider putting another jig first (ie. look at and attend to the welfare of another sector that he may have overlooked - who have been suffering miserably - and cannot take it anymore).
I think Mr Lee Kuan Yew can allow that - eg. the Opposition MPs - Mr Low Thia Kiang and the WP MPs and Mr Chiam See Tong as seen in the Parliament. Because these Opposition MPs are doing it for the "good" of Singapore - not "destroying" Singapore.
This is the main difference of how Mr Lee Kuan Yew - treat Opposition vis-a-vis dissidents.
The crux is - is the Opposition motivation trying to do "good" for Singapore or is the dissidents trying to "destroy" Singapore?
But being "good" to Singapore must also come with Performance anchor on competency.
- ricky l • Remove
But being "good" to Singapore must also come with Performance anchor on competency.
Only then can Singapore SURVIVE !
Only then can Singapore THRIVE !
Only then can Singapore live with DIGNITY !ricky l • Remove
Having say so :- The key to unite Singapore together - whether those who support the Government, those who stay neutral, those who oppose the Government (but not out to "destroy" Singapore) - is "Inclusiveness" policies.
Inclusive Policies refer to :-
(1) Meritocracy and competence - to create wealth.
(2) Enough space, opportunities - for others who are trying to keep up but has not kept up - to level themselves up.
(3) Redistribution of wealth from those who have done well to help those who are trying their best to do well but have not been able to keep up - to make the society more compact, more compassionate, less elongated income divide, less social divide --- to achieve a more compassionate and caring society.
(4) Allow diversity of views and ideas - where motivation is wanting to make Singapore "better" but not a motivation to "destroy" Singapore that all Singaporeans or residents will be in deep trouble.
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