Iraqi forces, militias sweep into Islamic State-held Tikrit

ricky l • Remove
FIBUA - fighting in built-up area is the hardest fight as opposed to open area or forested area.Reply
There is a need to clear building by building, unit by unit - as IS may booby-trap unit, sniper hiding, protected by concrete wall.
Also there may be civilian around.
Thus slow and steady, with preserverance, bravery will be required - to capture the city.
It will be a tough fight, but preserverance. courage will be required to win the fight in the build up area.
It will also be a fight, a battle - that is pivoted to win the eventual war against IS.
And do remember to treat the civilian well and not ill-treat them after winning the battle and re-capture the city. Else, it will be tough to win the city and in future rule the city - if civilians are ill-treated.

john • Report Abuse
Okay you win against is to replaced by what? Therein lies the problem. This is iran fighting and gaining ground in iraq.
ricky l • Remove
IS group and its ideology is anti-humanity, a hardcore terrorist - the group and its ideology must be eradicated and cease to exist anywhere in the World.
When the Iraq troop win, the Iraq Government must establish a coalition Government that comprise the Shiite, Sunni, Kurd and minorities - that aptly represent the people of Iraq.
Only with "Mutually Inclusive Government and Policies that are mutually inclusive - can peace be sustain in Iraq.".
This not only apply to Iraq, but also to Middle East - if Middle East want to achieve peace.
Middle East has seen no Peace ever since human civilisation - because it did not adopt "Mutually Inclusive policies - that can accommodate other minorities, races, religions".
ricky l • Remove
If Shiites can coexist peacefully with Sunnis.
If Muslims can coexist peacefully with non-Muslims, then Middle East can achieve peace.
ricky l • Remove
Mutually Inclusiveness is the solution for Middle East.
Mutually Inclusiveness comprise :-
(1) Acceptance of self and others
(2) Tolerance of self and others
(3) Patience of self and others
(4) Understanding of self and others
(5) Coexistence of self and others
(6) Compassion and kindness of self and others
(7) Governance, policies, welfare and benefit of self and others
Only then, Middle East can achieve Peace and Harmony.
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