Saturday, March 21, 2015

Warning over president's 'victory' claims against Boko Haram

ricky l
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ricky l • a second agoRemove
Towns and lands recapture by the African coalition must held the ground until and unless replace by Nigerian or coalition forces.

Otherwise the defeated Boko Haram group may just return to take back the land.

Sustain and complete eradication of Boko Haram must be the military objectives before the African coalition can withdraw their troops.

Otherwise 斩草不除根,春风吹又生。(Cut the grass without removing the roots, wind blow the weeds grow again).

ricky l
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ricky l • a second agoRemove
Otherwise all the military gains will be wasted and eroded when Boko Haram have time to breathe and regroup.

Sustain pressure, retake their lands, erode their manpower, expend their ammo, food, water, material, supplies - will be the best strategy - until the Boko Haram break apart.
  • ricky l
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    ricky l • a second agoRemove
    Otherwise the African coalition will have to face another regrouped Boko Haram - and have to do everything all over again.

  • ricky l
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    ricky l • a second agoRemove
    Pursue the Boko Haram, chase them - until they drop their pants.

    Karma is catching up with them - let terror of retribution fill their hearts and let them wet their pants.

    ricky l
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    ricky l • a second agoRemove
    Boko Haram are like mice crossing a road.
    The moment they appear, humans who see them will whack them, hit them at all cost.
    ricky l
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    ricky l • a second agoRemove
    All the above, should also apply to Boko Haram's big brother - ISIS. 
    ricky l
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    ricky l • a second agoRemove
    Both Boko Haram and ISIS = share the same trousers.

    They will wet their pants together - and karma of retribution will come to them so that they will enjoy the hell-punishment forever - until their evil karma expired in the land of Nether. 
    ricky l
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    ricky l • a second agoRemove
    As they both hold the flag of darkness of Avici Hell - for which they book the place of inhabitants together. 

    ricky l
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    ricky l • a second agoRemove
    Boko Haram and ISIS - the unmatched indisputable Eminent Hell beings dwellers.

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