Death of burglar in Seremban puts self-defence on trial

ricky l • Remove
The victim family is going through 3 trauma.Reply
(1) The family was robbed by 3 armed robbers at their home.
(2) The family mother was slashed and injured by a deadly weapon - a knife by the robber when she resist being robbed at her home.
(3) When the family members try to protect the woman from being seriously injured by dangerous weapon - and in so doing out of self-defense - is being charged for murder punishable by death sentence - when the robber die.
Is the robber has more right than the victims?
Why are not the robber charge with armed robbery, attempted murder through the use of deadly weapons to cause harm and grievous hurt?
Has the cause of robbers' death being established - ie. did the victims family attacked him to prevent the robbers from causing more harm to the woman or was it a deliberate assault after he was being tied up - before charges are brought to the victims' families' members?
Will future robbers be embolden as the law seems to be protecting the robbers' right than the household safety?
Will future crime rate and armed robberies go up - as the law seems to be protecting the robbers?
What protection will it have on the household from armed robberies - as armed robberies that cause injuries and death seems to be a regular occurrence? Are household subject to more danger from robbers?
ricky l • Remove
Armed robbers will be rubbing their hands gleefully if murder charge is brought to the victim.Reply
Robbers will rob more household with impunity and will be more willing to use force and hurt the household in future - as they know that many household will not retaliate fearing a murder charge will be brought to them.
Soon crime rates will go up.
Armed robberies will go up.
Police also will not fire at the armed robbers - in case murder charge will be brought against the police.
ricky l • Remove
Security guards employ to protect against household will also not confront and arrest the armed robbers in case the robbers run and fall, hit the head and kick the bucket ---- and the security guards will be charge with murder.
Then robbers become a good profession - because armed robbers will be protected with impunity.
ricky l • Remove
And the best that can come up from armed robbers that rob a home is that :-
They can walk into a home and chant - don't touch me in case you cause me injuries and death and you will be charged with murder.
The household will then surrender their belongings to the robbers and kowtow to them - and the robbers will dance and walk "ya-ya" with their gateways - and all neighbours, police and security guards will pretend not to see - in case they are charged with murder if they lay a hand on the robbers.
ricky l • Remove
In future, when a household is robbed and start to shout "robbery" - all the neighbours will switch off their lights and close their doors and pretend to sleep instead of coming out to help ----- as they fear they will be charged with murders if they confront the armed robbers.
Police and security guards when answer to robbery calls - will sound their sirens, and detour until the robbers left - so as not to confront the robbers in case when police and security response with firearms when they are attacked by robbers - they will be charged with murder and sentenced to death.
ricky l • Remove
Attorney-General Tan Sri Abdul Gani Patail said the father and son should not have been charged with the capital offence.
"I agree that it cannot be murder," he said In a text message to The Star. "I have already asked my officers for an explanation. I will be looking at the matter directly," he said.
He added that the matter would be discussed before he decides how the case should proceed.
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