Monday, March 23, 2015

Remembering Lee Kuan Yew

Tribute Wall

(24 Mar 2015)

Mr Lee Kuan Yew, you have given your whole life building Singapore from nothing (a marshland) to what Singapore is today (a modern city).

Singaporeans (indirectly the World) have benefited from your vision, your wisdom, your compassion and your selfless contribution.

With your passing, I will like to offer the Divine Values that commensurate with your values as Singapore Founding Father thas has make Singapore so successful :-

(1) Selfless (大舍,无我)- 精神。
(2) Panna Wisdom - (般若智慧)
(3) Compassion - (慈悲)

南无阿弥陀佛 !!!
十念往生净土 。。。。。。。。。。

(1) Selfless --- lead to Clarity

(2) Panna Wisdom --- lead to Insight

(3) Compassion --- lead to Wholesome resolution of Issues

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