Wednesday, March 18, 2015

IS extremism fight may take a generation: Australia

ricky l
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ricky l • a second agoRemove
The malignant ideology appeal to & magnify Human's 3 inherent evil roots of :-
(1) Ignorance of Universal Law
(2) Greed, Attachment to Self
(3) Hatred, Anger, Jealousy

The only counter to such malignant ideology is to appeal to & magnify Human's 3 inherent wholesome roots of :-
(1) Panna Wisdom - Win-Win instead of "win-lose" or "lose-win" solutions to issues or problems.
(2) Selflessness - care about others in addition to self.
(3) Compassion, Kindness - to self and others.

Buddhism is an ideology - that do not have single trace of violence, bloodshed, hatred, sensual desires etc in its practices, teachings, in religious books / sutras ---- and is appealing to Human's Panna Wisdom, Selflessness and Compassion.

ricky l
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ricky l • a second agoRemove
Buddhism sutras comprise of only :-
(1) Panna Wisdom
(2) No-Self
(3) Compassion

---- not a single trace of violence, bloodshed, hatred, sensual desires etc - all human undesirables traits are found in Buddhism sutras because :-
(1) It is a manifestation of Buddha & His "Attained" disciples Heart and Mind.
(2) Buddha preaching of good and bad karma - walk the talk - that good deed bring about good karma, bad deed result in bad karma.
(3) Thus no trace of Hatred, Greed, Selfishness - are documented in the Sutras - because if violence, bloodshed, hatred, sensual desires etc - future generations like us will pick it up and justify killings, violence and bloodshed ---- because the holy books say so.
ricky l
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ricky l • a second agoRemove
Buddhism is the only ideology that have no :-
(1) Jihad
(2) Crusade
(3) Winning a war - & will become a "god" or "goddess"
(4) 天兵天将
(5) 封神榜
- a True Compassionate ideology. 
ricky l
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ricky l • a second agoRemove
Because in Nirvana, 3 inherent evil roots of Human:-
(1) Ignorance of Universal Law
(2) Hatred
(3) Greed, Attachment to Self
- have been fully eradicated.

What is left in the Heart and Mind (inherent and inherited) of Buddhas, Bodhisattvas, Pacekka Buddhas, Arahats are :-
(1) Panna Wisdom
(2) No-Self
(3) Compassion
---- thus no violence, fighting, bloodshed, sensual desires etc - the undesirableness of human traits that will lead to war and bloodshed. 

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