How Islamic is Islamic State group? Not very, experts say

ricky l • Remove
A wholesome Religion will have 3 wholesome Universal Values :-Reply
(1) No-Self ------ religious value that is not self-centre - it include self and others.
(2) Compassion ------- Universal Compassion - not only on self but also for others.
(3) Panna Wisdom ----- Universal Wisdom - to resolve mundane life issues and supramundane issues based on "Win-Win" solutions.
The 3 are Wholesome, Pure, Perfect - Universal Values - of the Divine, Enlightened Beings.
They are values that are opposed to 6 sentinent beings - 3 evil or unwholesome values that keep sentinent beings in Samsara sufferings, namely :-
(1) Ignorance of Universal Law - "self-centredness". ----- opposed to "Panna Wisdom".
(2) Hatred - hating others, exclusive ---- opposed to "Compassion".
(3) Greed, attachment to Self ----- opposed to "No-Self".
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