Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Iraq PM declares victory over ISIS in Tikrit battle

Published on Mar 31, 2015 11:10 PM               

Ricky Lim · Singapore
Adopting the right military strategy, it will be like 用兵如神,有如神助。(use troop like divinity. as if divinity helps in winning the battle).

It will minimise :-
(1) civilian casualties
(2) troop casualties
(3) minimise collateral infrastructure and building damages
(4) minimise redevelopment and reconstruction cost
(5) win support from civilian in recaptured city.
(6) help in reconciliation and when the war is won in future, it will facilitate Governance.

UN, Myanmar leader hail draft peace deal

ricky l
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ricky l • a second agoRemove
Peace deal to end conflict and promote peace is the best way to resolve dispute.

Ethnic representation in the Government is one way to strike a peace deal and end conflict - as this will help to formulate "Inclusiveness Policies" that will benefit all ethnic groups.

Iran says could cooperate with Saudi to solve Yemen crisis

Published on Mar 31, 2015 8:10 PM

Ricky Lim · Singapore
Channel of communication between the Shiite and Sunni should be opened - to prevent Yemen or some other places to become a proxy war - in order to lower the temperatures in Middle East.

'High chances' on deadline day for Iran nuclear talks

ricky l
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ricky l • a second agoRemove
Yes the stake are very high for everyone - if the acceptable nuclear deal is not struck this round.

A proxy war is already taking place in Yemen - a proxy war between the Sunnis & the Shiites - causing the Middle East hotspot to go one notch up while engaging the IS threat.

The stake of not completing an acceptable nuclear deal will throw the whole Middle East region into a more dangerous escalation of conflict.

As long as the technical deal of preventing the conversion of civilian atomic activities into nuclear weapons - then it will be easier to convince unconvinced parties.

The stake is high if the acceptable nuclear deal is not struck - indeed very high.
Iraq forces retake government HQ in Tikrit from IS

Monday, March 30, 2015

Iran says US drone kills 2 advisers in Iraq; US denies claim

With Lee's passing, Mahathir is last of SE Asia's old guards

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Passo  •  19 minutes ago Report Abuse
He called a anti-Singapore rally at JB when Singapore refused to give him our public fund during the financial crisis. Conducting big scale military exercises in Johore during one of our national days. Cut off fresh water to Singapore. To build a harbour/port from east to west using the Singapore strait by removing the causeway to cut off business and kill Singapore. Limit our air space. Even without the expertise, try hard to divert investors from Singapore. Just wait and see lor.

  • ricky l
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    ricky l • a second agoRemove
    During the financial crisis, Singapore currency is also under attack - not only Malaysian ringgit. In fact, I recall Thai baht is the first that was attack and its value went into a free fall follow by other ASEAN countries.

    Thus Singapore will need to use the public fund to fend off the currency speculators attack - where do we have enough $ to lend to Malaysia while we are fighting a currency battle?

    So how can he be so vengeful to take it out on Singapore?

    There are many other ways to sought help - such as from World Bank, IMF etc.
  • ricky l
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    ricky l • a second agoRemove
    When our currency went down considerably, our imported inflation went up drastically affecting our competitiveness in export - that hurt our Economic growth when our GDP plummet.

    We need to prop up our currency against a basket of currency to maintain our values in our currency to combat imported inflation - as we need to use our $ to prop up the Sing$.

    As a PM, he should understand our predicament - and not impose it on us when we are fighting for our own survival.

    Sunday, March 29, 2015

    Australia moves towards joining China-led bank: government

    ricky l
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    ricky l • a second agoRemove
    Sometimes ago - the following is posted on "Friendly or Adversary contest of Political model, Economic model and Social model". The following post is relevant to this topic :-

    Soft touch, soft approach to appeal to members is through friendly contest of ideas, contest of economic benefits, financial benefits, trade, investment etc.

    In this way new and innovative financial forum or framework, trade forum and framework can evolved - that lead to more diversities offer to the World - that will benefit World trade, Global trade, more funds for new development, infrastructure buildings, more source of finance etc blah blah blah..... $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

    When this happen, members will be entice not to leave the Bloc and new members will be entice to join the membership - because it benefit the World Community.

    However if hardline or military coercion is adopted, it will result in the opposite effect. Others will forbade hardliner to join the Trade forum, Economic forum, Financial forum, economic sanction will be imposed - restricting trade, finance supply, business, investment etc ---- that result in poor Economic performance, poverty, isolation, miseries and losing alot of friends.

    ricky l
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    ricky l • a second agoRemove
    What trigger the above post?

    It is because of the renew danger of Cold War divide that if not carefully handle - may trigger a massive conventional war and worst may even ignite a nuclear war if one side start to sense that it is going to lose in the conventional war - and it will spark the end of Human Civilisation.

    Then it is better to nail the root cause, highlight the root cause and bring it to the surface - and find a way out of Cold War divide. And the resolution is - Friendly contest of ideas, ideologies that make the World work better. Friendly contest to create wealth, prosperity and progress for human mankind.

    This is the main motivation for the above post.

    The below post thus seek to highlight the root cause, nail the root cause and bring it up to the surface - what make the Cold War divide dangerous :-

    The West-Russia hotspot is due to the following root causes :-
    (1) Ex-bloc members of Russia bloc - is moving over to the West - attracted by positive influence mainly in Economic, trade, business, investment, travel, technology, education etc as well as social influence such as political openness, freedom, democracy, human rights etc.

    (2) Russia will see this as a threat because Russia see the losing of influence from ex-Russia bloc members - where previously the ex-bloc member support the power base of Russia. Losing members will be seen as erosion of Russia power base - which trigger Russia to act - not hesitating even to use force, coercion or military intervention.

    (3) The West will portray Russia's action as hostile - as these ex-Russia bloc members are sharing borders with Europe as well as Russia. Where proximity with shared borders - will mean survival threat ---- and it is like a kinder ignited by a spark ---- and reactions are usually heated and military skirmishes will become an eventuality.

    With this background, with this historical baggage of West-Russia divide of cold war ---- there is a need to baseline a Peaceful framework on how the West & Russia handle ex-bloc members breaking from one Bloc to join another Bloc ---- without resorting to force, coercion or military intervention.

    The reason being, any military skirmishes between the 2 Blocs - will have a devastating consequences if it go out of control - as the 2 Blocs has conventional and nuclear arsenal - to destroy one another many times over.

    Engagement should focus on :-
    (1) Friendly Contest of ideas
    (2) Friendly Contest based on economic benefits, financial benefits
    (This is how China engage the West).

    Military intervention - is very dangerous - it will cause isolation, seen as hostile forces that are willing to wage war ----- will be destructive.
    ricky l
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    ricky l • a second agoRemove
    Now this is a positive, constructive example of how to entice new members to join a constructive Financial Bloc, Financial Forum, Business Forum.

    It will spur friendly contest to come up with better, more creative and innovative Global Forum - that will help to further spur World Growth, finance World development - creating more wealth for the World.

    Unlike military confrontation - it will be destructive - discourage business, trade, investment, development, travel - result in miseries, sufferings, pain and poverty. 

    Saturday, March 28, 2015

    Singapore honours Lee with grand state funeral

    ricky l
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    ricky l • a second agoRemove
    Heavy rain are pouring during Mr Lee Kuan Yew's State funeral procession - 天呈异相 where in the past few days are hot & sunny days.

    The Heaven seems to grief the passing of a Sage (伟人).

    ricky l
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    ricky l • a second agoRemove
    天人感应 - Heaven will open up with grief in the passing of a Sage - who has done many things that benefits many people at large not only for Singapore but indirectly contributed to a better World.

    Police report lodged over Amos Yee anti-Lee Kuan Yew (& Jesus Christ) video

    By Shah Salimat | Yahoo Newsroom 4 hours ago
    ricky l
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    ricky l • a second agoRemove
    I prefer to call Mr Lee Kuan Yew - the Lion Buddha (狮子佛)- who have and will look after Singapore, the Lion City.

    According to the 88 Buddhas sutra - there is one Buddha known as the Lion Buddha (狮子佛)- in this current Universe.

    The Lion Buddha (狮子佛)has the following characeteristics :-
    (1) He will preached His Discourse like a "Lion Roar" - & "walk the talk" where no one will dare to tread - to create "Nothing" into "a Miracle" - the "Panna Wisdom" attribute of a Buddha.

    (2) He do it with Courage, Conviction and Wit - due to His Profound Clarity - like the Strength and Courage of a Lion King.

    (3) He conduct His Discourse and implement His Discourse - selflessly - the "No Self" attribute of a Saint (a Buddha).

    (4) He do so with Compassion, bearing no personal grudges - but wholesome implementation of His Discourse to benefit as many people as possible in the Lion City - and as implicitly, indirectly to benefit the World - the "Compassion" attribute of a Buddha.

    Thus I would prefer to call him the Lion Buddha (狮子佛)- to continue to provide blessing to Singapore, the Lion City - in which He architect - from "Nothing" to "a Miracle" (the hallmark of Samadhi Jhana & Nirvana 3-Ring Fruition).
    ricky l
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    ricky l • a second agoRemove
    Nothing (a Marshland) (like a Black Hole) - a 1-pointedness concentration of Samadhi Jhana.

    A Miracle (a Metropolitan City) (Formation of Universe) - Nirvana 3-Ring Fruition).

    Only a Buddha can do it.
    ricky l
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    ricky l • a second agoRemove
    We are Singapore, we are Singapore, we are Nation strong and hear the Lion ---- Roarrrrrrrrrr............ 

    After Lee, no sign of welcome home for Singapore's dissidents

    ricky l
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    ricky l • a second agoRemove
    Let us re-used the analogy for the sake of discussion on this topic :-

    An analogy :-
    Mr Lee Kuan Yew is trying to piece up a jigsaw puzzle bit by bit - and someone comes along to mess up his puzzle that he has spent days putting together assuming the completion of the puzzle is a live-and-death for Singapore.

    What will he do to that person who mess up the puzzle - when every Singaporeans lives is at stake?

    I think he will rough up that guy and lock him up in the room (like a gangster) - and he will have to start from scratch again to rebuild the puzzle.

    The above is the analogy that Mr Lee Kuan Yew used when he dealt with dissidents - where the motivation of the dissidents is to "destroy" Singapore.

    Then we should asked, is it reasonable for Mr Lee Kuan Yew to keep the dissidents out if the dissidents motivation is to "destroy" Singapore?
    Well the actions are tough - but not unreasonable.

    Now let us tweak the analogy of the jigsaw puzzle again.

    While Mr Lee Kuan Yew is piecing up the jigsaw puzzle, an "opposition" stop him (but did not mess up his puzzle) and point out to him that he should not put this jig first - but should consider putting another jig first (ie. look at and attend to the welfare of another sector that he may have overlooked - who have been suffering miserably - and cannot take it anymore).

    I think Mr Lee Kuan Yew can allow that - eg. the Opposition MPs - Mr Low Thia Kiang and the WP MPs and Mr Chiam See Tong as seen in the Parliament. Because these Opposition MPs are doing it for the "good" of Singapore - not "destroying" Singapore.

    This is the main difference of how Mr Lee Kuan Yew - treat Opposition vis-a-vis dissidents.

    The crux is - is the Opposition motivation trying to do "good" for Singapore or is the dissidents trying to "destroy" Singapore?

    But being "good" to Singapore must also come with Performance anchor on competency.
    • ricky l
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      ricky l • a second agoRemove
      But being "good" to Singapore must also come with Performance anchor on competency.

      Only then can Singapore SURVIVE !
      Only then can Singapore THRIVE !
      Only then can Singapore live with DIGNITY !
      ricky l
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      ricky l • a second agoRemove
      Having say so :- The key to unite Singapore together - whether those who support the Government, those who stay neutral, those who oppose the Government (but not out to "destroy" Singapore) - is "Inclusiveness" policies.

      Inclusive Policies refer to :-
      (1) Meritocracy and competence - to create wealth.

      (2) Enough space, opportunities - for others who are trying to keep up but has not kept up - to level themselves up.

      (3) Redistribution of wealth from those who have done well to help those who are trying their best to do well but have not been able to keep up - to make the society more compact, more compassionate, less elongated income divide, less social divide --- to achieve a more compassionate and caring society.

      (4) Allow diversity of views and ideas - where motivation is wanting to make Singapore "better" but not a motivation to "destroy" Singapore that all Singaporeans or residents will be in deep trouble. 

    Friday, March 27, 2015

    Boko Haram fighters told to 'kill wives' as troops take its 'HQ'

    • ricky l
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      ricky l • a second agoRemove
      Now the Boko Haram is meeting its violent end, scrambling in all directions when the Coalition assault them in all directions.

      But yet this Satanic Boko Haram still did not repent and mend its way - by committing atrocities - killing their wives as they scramble like a running rats when assaulted.

      This Boko Haram must be nabbed, severely punished for all the atrocities, heinous crime they committed to Humanity.

      Boko Haram - the Whole World is watching your violence end - when your evil karma catch up on you - the same as your swear blood elder brother, the ISIS.
    • ricky l
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      ricky l • a second agoRemove
      Boko Haram - the running rats scattering in all directions when assaulted.

    Iraqi Sunni tribe wages costly battle against IS group

    ricky l
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    ricky l • a second agoRemove
    For Iraq to maintain long term peace, the Iraqi Government must embrace the Sunni civilians and have Sunni representatives in the Government.

    The same treatment should be given to Kurds and other minorities.

    Only when :-
    (1) Equal opportunities - in terms of jobs, housing, medical, education etc
    (2) Inclusive Policies - to treat all Iraqi citizens equally irregardless of race, language, religion

    - can long-term peace be achieved in Iraq.

    ricky l
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    ricky l • a second agoRemove
    Peace will be difficult to achieve if preferential treatment are given to certain race, certain group, certain religious belief - while ill-treating other races, other groups, other religious belief.

    Development, benefits, welfare, job opportunities etc - must not have preferential treatment - but equal opportunities to all Iraqi citizens.

    Only then can peace, stability and eventual prosperity be achieved.

    Kuan Yew and I

    ricky l
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    ricky l • a second agoRemove
    This is the kindest remarks I have ever come across from Dr Mahathir on Mr Lee Kuan Yew.

    ricky l
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    ricky l • a second agoRemove
    Even how unkind remarks like :-
    (1) cut water supply to Singapore
    (2) attack, attack Singapore
    (3) when we manage to develop a new water source - the Newater - unkind remarks like Singapore is drinking from toilet water, urine.

    But Mr Lee Kuan Yew is magnanimous and he do not take into heart and be personal about the remarks. He still maintain personal friendship and real concern when in needs.

    Such is a Great Man about Mr Lee Kuan Yew - who do not bear personal grudges but to look at the big picture --- the hallmark of the "Compassion" attribute.
    ricky l
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    ricky l • a second agoRemove
    It is very fortunate that both Singapore and Malaysia has been very rational and cool during those difficult period - as the mutual dependence in trade, business, travel, investment etc over rule the sometimes difficult ties - and both Singapore and Malaysia emerged unscathed.

    The ties between close neighbours must be one that is mutually beneficial, cordial, friendly - so that peace, stability - will give rise to prosperity.

    Fortunately we are witnessing such mutual beneficial development - and this is a blessing for both Singaporeans and Malaysians. 
    ricky l
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    ricky l • a second agoRemove
    Also remember there was once where many Malaysian states are going through a very severe drought where there are no rainfall for many months and the reservoirs, rivers, canals, water source are either all dry up or drying up.

    Singapore did a reverse to re-pipe more treated water that comes from Johor back to Johor to alleviate some of the drought problem faced by many Malaysian states.
    Singapore did not pipe Newater back to Malaysia.

    You see we 以德报怨 (we repay kindness despite receiving sometimes unkind remarks on us).

    Singapore continue to drink from Newater (recycled water from sewerage, toilet bowls and urine) poured into our reservoirs where Singapore drink with pride and dignity - even though we are being sneered at for drinking waste water.

    Though if we think logically, all water sources (whether urine, sewerages, liquid waste etc will still be recycled into water source for drinking water through evaporation to form cloud, rain and processed into drinking water).