Want climate action? Give us cash, India tells rich nations

ricky l • Remove
The current situation is about life and death.Reply
If there are collective actions to prevent the worsening of climatic condition - there will be less death due to slowing down of climatic backlash - eg. temperatures soar to a point where major cities are no longer habitable. eg. water rising and flood major cities.
Countries can blame one another to stop action now - what is mean is that every human on Earth will suffer the consequences of certain catastrophe that is coming in this very century - where no one will escape.
ricky l • Remove
Highly likely that end of the World will happen in this century (2015 - 2100).
May catch it during our time, our children's time or our grandchildren's time.
But if collectively if all human and all Countries do something constructively, probably end of the World may happen in the next century (2200 onwards).
BTW, the movie "2012", the movie "the day after tomorrow" ---- are highly likely scenarios - that will happen to Earth.
ricky l • Remove
The supramundane vision of 3 Big Bangs ----- symbolising 小三灾 (the 3 minor catastrophe) that will wipe out the Earth is very real.
Human escape this fate in 2012 ---- but not sure whether human races can escape this round again in this century (2015 - 2100)?
Collective Human Mind and Heart - very difficult to predict --- because Human fate - will be determine by the thoughts, speeches and actions of all collective Humans --- who will determine the longevity of human races on Earth.
Universal Law of Karma - will be the final judge - of Human fate on Earth.
ricky l • Remove
In fact, the outcome of this climatic deal in Paris 2015 - will determine whether human races can last up to 2050 of 2100 or beyond.
A good climatic deal that severely restrict carbon emission - will mean human can live beyond 2200.
A lousy climatic deal will mean human race will face major catastrophe in 2050 - where human will experience disasters in ours, our children and our grandchildren's lifetimes.
Sigh, the supramundane vision - seems to indicate we may see it in our very this lifetimes - because of the 3 inherent evil root of Humans (Ignorance of Universal Law - karma, Greed and Hatred) ----- even at this very last moment of truth of Human survival.
ricky l • Remove
The following will wipe out the human races - when they reaches the maxim.
(1) 3 inherent evil root of Humans (Ignorance of Universal Law - karma, Greed and Hatred)
(2) 3 hotspots in (Middle East, East Europe, Asia Pacific)
(3) 小三灾 (the 3 minor catastrophe) of Natural catastrope, war, epidemic.
They are known as the 3 Big Bangs - in Supramundane vision - that end the World, the Earth.
ricky l • Remove
Of all the 3 ---- the most deadly factor that will end the human races is :- 3 inherent evil root of Humans (Ignorance of Universal Law - karma, Greed and Hatred)
ricky l • Remove
What it mean :-
"Every consequences on Earth, is a result of the Collective Heart and Mind - of every human beings". What we reap, what we sow.
When the condition of karma ripens, it will arise.
When the condition of karma disappear, the consequences will cease".
All the happenings and consequences on Earth - is the result of the Heart and Mind of collective human beings.
ricky l • Remove
This era is the "Dharma Ending Age".
According to prediction, Dharma Ending Age (is where Human - is reaping the consequences of collective karma) and Dharma Divinity that helps to alleviate Human mankind to Supramundane Spiritual Realm is ending.
Some religions called it the judgement day.
ricky l • Remove
The onslaught of the Climatic Condition ----- is the negative karma - that strike on the 4 Great Elements (Matter, Temperature, Water, Air) of Earth - for abusing the physical properties of Earth
The onslaught of terrorism - is the negative karma - that strike on the 5 Mental Aggregates (the collective mental faculty) - for Ignorance of the Universal Law.
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