Obama vows to hit IS harder, says commandos now in Syria
Obama says US hitting Islamic State group harder than ever; US commandos now in Syria

ricky l • Remove
"We have to be smart, targeting ISIL surgically, with precision" airstrikes while local forces do the ground combat.
Yes the above statement is correct. This is a correct strategy.
Carpet bombing - will destroy too many infrastructure and will kill many civilians - all these will brew hatred by civilians against the international coalition.
Surgical strike will deplete ISIS daesh assets and provide better outcome than carpet bombing.
The local forces must also attempt to cut supply lines to ISIS daesh - and force them to surrender without food, water, ammo, weapons, recruits, finance, medicine etc.
Donald Trump ban against Muslim will back fire - and endanger all Americans abroad. The policy is totally out of line - it will endanger rather than protect American's interest and cause US to lose friends who are helping US now. It is not a competent move - but instead a very foolish move.
Try to narrow gaps with Russia over a political transition to end Syria's civil war - will be the best outcome as ISIS daesh will be further isolated - and the fight against ISIS daesh will be even more unified.
A range of evidence that IS is weakening, including what he called instances of its fighters defecting and its territory shrinking ---- is indeed true. From now onwards, there should be more speed to hasten the weakening of the ISIS daesh and more efforts should be made to shrink ISIS daesh even more.Reply
ricky l • Remove
Using Special Operation Force (SOF) - can call to direct airstrike and drone strike - on ISIS troop concentration.Reply
Thus ISIS will not be able to amassed large troop to do a big scale offensive - as large troop is highly visible - and airstrike will deplete them devastatingly.
ISIS daesh will also not able to mobilise mechanized assets such as seize tanks, armour vehicle or even normal vehicles - because they will attract attention and SOF or fighter bomber plane will take it out easily.
As such ISIS daesh can only move in small group - and local forces will be able to engage them effectively.
There is no need for US or coalition forces to deploy large combat troop into Syria and Iraq as it will :-
(1) strained resources, finances and result in large casaulties
(2) it will be seen as a foriegn invasion forces - and will attract more recruits to join ISIS daesh
(3) it will tie down the US forces if large combat troop is deploy - just like in Iraq and Afghanistan ---- but did not achieve the desire outcome.
Local forces are highly motivated to remove ISIS daesh - as they want their land be free from ISIS devils. Deploying large foreign troops - will brew hatred from the locals.
ricky l • Remove
Though we have to admit that - this method is slower to defeat the ISIS daesh - as it will depend on the quality of the local forces to defeat the ISIS daesh.
But if more focus is done on successfully cutting off the supply lines from ISIS daesh - eg. water, food, oil, ammo, weapons, finance, cash, recruits, comms, medicine etc ------ it will quickly hasten the defeat of the ISIS daesh.
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