Saturday, December 19, 2015

Syrian crisis simplified: Who's fighting whom, and why?

18 December 2015
  • Both US coalition and Russia coalition - should put aside differences and forge common ground - to restore peace first.

    Resolve difference through political process eg. carry out fair election to determine the Government supervised by neutral parties.

    This will be the most important steps that will :-
    (1) stop the civil war - so that civilians do not have to suffer - as there are already too many death, too many refugees and house, infrastructure have been destroyed and damaged that make Syria non-liveable.

    (2) stopping the civil war - will prevent more recruits joining ISIS daesh and stop refugees.

    (3) Unified to defeat ISIS daesh - and take back captured ISIS daesh caliphate. Quashed exteme ideology. Cut supply to ISIS daesh and suffocate them - to force unconditional surrender.

    This will be the fastest way to defeat ISIS daesh - no need to deploy large foreign troops - that will be seen as foreign invasion.

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