Ex-Australia PM Abbott says West should 'proclaim superiority over Islam'

ricky l • Remove
One fair statement :-Reply
Islam teachings also evolved from Christianity.
Some of the sinful acts - like chopping of hands, heads, holy war, exclusiveness of other religions etc are also found in the bible.
The West has evolved overtime and has instill the value of human right and civilised way of treating humans and other religions - that deviate from what is written in the bible.
Some extremist Islam follow the Koran extreme teachings by the book. Moderate Islam like the West discard such extreme teachings and instead follow peaceful ways of living.
ricky l • Remove
The lesson is :-
"Do not follow the literal interpretation of the holy book.
Ask question, analyse, rationalise and adopt only the wholesome teachings - and discard unwholesome teachings".
ricky l • Remove
The guiding principle is :-l
"Do good. Refrain from evil."
- Think no evil.
- Speak no evil.
- Do no evil.
Think good.
Speak good,
Do good.

liz • Report Abuse
To be extremely fair, reminds us of the Dalai Lama who is apparently trying to be friends with the terrorists.
ricky l • Remove
Doubt that the Dalai Lama has sympathy for ISIS daesh - but rather the Compassionate way to deal with ISIS daesh may not be workable.
ISIS daesh disposition is "evil to the core" - and they will not negotiate and even they do negotiate - they will turn around and bite. We can see how ISIS daesh slaughter their own Muslim brothers - Sunni and Shiite.
The only Compassionate way to deal with ISIS daesh - is to cut supply line - finance, ammo, recruits, cut their information, video broadcast, communication, IT, logistics, water, food, medicine etc - and this will force them to surrender unconditionally.
Arrest them, bring them to trial for war crime, rehabilitate those who did not commit war crime --- is the only Compassionate way to deal with ISIS daesh.
The ISIS daesh will have to repay their negative karma - for committing slaughtering, atrocities on so many innocents - this is the Universal Law of Karma.
Only when they have repaid their negative karma and suffer all their negative karma in Hell - repented - can we salvage them back. This is the only Compassionate way to salvage ISIS daesh.
ricky l • RemoveRemember during Buddha's time, Devadatta has repeatedly commit the most obnoxious sins of :-
(1) Harming the Buddha
(2) Cause schism in the Buddhist community
When Devaddatta finally succumb to his negative karma and descend into Avici Hell, Devaddatta finally did repent and plead Buddha to salvage him from the Avici Hell as he suffer immensely in Avici Hell.
Buddha calculated that Devaddata has still not repaid back his negative karma and is not the right time to salvage him - but nevertheless Buddha with OmniBenevolence still lower a divine rope into the Avici Hell to save Devaddatta.
Devaddatta hold onto the rope and attempt to climb up. But half way as he climb, the divine rope break and Devaddatta fall back into Avici Hell ----- because he has not yet repaid all the negative karma he has committed.
Buddha shake His Head and tell Devaddatta - you need to repay back your bad karma - when you are ready - Buddha will come back to rescue him again.
Devaddatta is still in the Avici Hell - and repaying back his negative karma. One day, he will be salvaged because he has repented.
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