Iran's Rouhani says it's up to Muslims to correct Islam's image

Both the Sunnis and Shiites need to reconcile.
Both the Sunnis and Shiites need to drop the extreme form of teachings - and embrace the peaceful moderate form of Islam.
Both the Sunnis and Shiites need to accept and coexist with other religions peacefully - whether with Christianity, Judaism and other religions.
The World will be peaceful, harmonious and prosper.

Even Catholics and Christianity took many decades to make peace with one another as well as making peace with other religions.
Islam - Sunnis and Shiites are going through the same path - and must make use of this windows of opportunity to make peace with one another as well as making peace with other religions.

Where Catholics and Christianity - means Catholics vs Protestants vs other varied form of Christianity.

Many conflicts and wars have been fought between the Catholics and Protestants ---- which up to as late as 1990s - before the karma religious seeds of the variants of Christianity finally expired and make peace.
Sunnis and Shiites is going through a similar manifestation of the religious karma seeds - and will have to go through the similar manifestation of this religious karma seeds ---- before peace can prevail.
Note :- at that time, "Christianity terrorism" is as rampant as "Islamic terrorism" ----- the same mirror --- because of similar religious karma seeds.

How can the Sunnis and Shiites can successfully forged peace and expired the differences of the religious karma seeds (like what the Catholics and Protestant did in 1990s)?
(1) drop the extreme form of teachings that preached crusade, jihad and other violent form of teachings.
(2) embrace the peaceful moderate form of Islam.
Just like the Catholics and Protestants - that drop crusade and other violent form of teachings. And the West embrace human rights, tolerance, peaceful coexistence, establish international laws that promote peace, harmony and prosperity.
Sunnis and Shiites will have to walk the similar path.
This is the Universal Law of Karma (for Peace).

Do we know the World is extremely lucky for the last 10 years, that President Obama is elected - which allow so many World conflicts to be reconcilable?
(1) We can start with Iraq conflict - hopefully peace can soon be restored.
(2) Next we can look at Syria conflict - let see how it goes.

Are we hearing about Christianity terrorism nowadays - where bombs explode here and there just like in the 1990s and earlier?
Now none, but in the 1990s and earlier - it is every now and then.
Now do we hear Islamic terrorism? Yes, every now and then just like the Christianity terrorism in the earlier years.
So do you think Islamic terrorism will cease just like what Christianity terrorism cease (now no one hear of Christianity terrorism)?
My answer is yes.
But both Sunnis and Shiites - have to drop the extreme part of the teachings - and embrace the peaceful moderate form of Islam - just like what the Catholics and Protestants are doing now.
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