Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Is Bumi-only digital mall a good idea, asks Zaid Ibrahim

16 December 2015
ricky lricky lnow
Datuk Zaid is right on spot.

Racially motivated or political motivated business - will be difficult to succeed.

 Because business is the entire food-chain end-to-end. No one has monopoly of the entire food-chain - and will require the cooperation of everyone - irregardless of race or religion.

If someone in the community is left out, the food-chain is broken somewhere - and business cannot go on before it reaches the consumers.

For eg. some community maybe good in producing parts. some good in marketing, some provide finances, all are consumers etc. If racial or religion consideration are force into the business food-chain - it will bound to fail.

  • Also, other than Bumi, the Bumi mall will not be able to attract customers from other races.
ricky lricky
ricky lnow
A country that is increasingly segregated by races or religions - will be creating more and more sectarian - where races don't mixed.

It will cause alienation, intolerance of other races, more misunderstanding, more mistrust ---- and as time goes on ---- when misunderstanding occur - it can erupt into something uncontrollable.

Eg. we see this in Syria, in Iraq, in Libya.

A dangerous development.
    ricky lnow
    Malaysia are increasingly tearing itself apart - through more sectarian motivated policies.

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