Wednesday, December 30, 2015

S. Korea WWII sex slaves protest against Japan deal

30 December 2015
What is gone in the past is gone.

One should be big hearted to forgive and forget.
If SE Asia can forgive the past atrocities, why can't the S Korea cannot.

One should remember that all this are done by the past ancestors and not this current generation of Japanese who is peaceful.

One must know how to let go of hatred and anger and not let it carry emotional baggage because it will be a seed of suffering.

See through, Let go, At ease - no sufferings.

The Japanese has apologise and is repentance.

S Korea should let the past historical baggage go - and not harbour on hatred of the wrong past that are done by their ancestor - and not this current group of generation.

Ability to let go of :-
(1) Ignorance of Universal Law
(2) Hatred
(3) Greed

are Enlightenment factors.

Heathcliff31 minutes ago

easy for you to say, because you are not the comfort woman

12 minutes ago

Japanese are not sincere and fair in its compensation. Therefore the victims have the right to reject the deals.

To let go is easier said than done.

ricky lnow

Do you know why hatred can carry on for decades and centuries - that are translated to war, terrorism?

It is because human are not able to let go of hatred - always carry along with them everywhere they go ---- this is the vicious cycle of sea of sufferings that human subject themselves to.

Sufferings will stick to those humans like shadow who are not willing to let go.

Sufferings only hurt yourselves if you don't let go (it hurt your mental states and your physical health) - mired in sorrow and miseries ---- it doesn't hurt your adversaries - who can simply ignore you and let you continue with your sufferings.

Thus there is a saying:-

"The foolish carry with them ton loads of sufferings - for failing to let go of the ton load of hatred.
For letting the ton load of hatred go and throw it away - the ton loads of sufferings vanish - hence such is the Wise One."

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