Tuesday, December 29, 2015

South Korea, Japan reach landmark deal on WWII sex slaves

29 December 2015
Expressing repentance to close the WW2 historical baggage of wrongful acts - is not a weakness or coward ---- but in fact a heroic act.

This will effectively terminate the historical karma seed - and start afresh with a clean sheet.

Germany is a good example. No one in this World is blaming Germany of the WW2 act - because Germany has bravely express repentance of the WW2 atrocities ---- and emerge with a clean sheet.

人非圣贤 孰能无过 知错能改 善莫大焉
It means "Human is not Saint, sometime erring is unavoidable. Knowing what is wrong and willing to repent and never to repeat the mistake is a heroic act."

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