Indonesia: Hundreds cheer as unmarried pair are flogged for being 'too close'

Punishment serve to deter but not to maim, crippled or worst led to death.
Else it become cruelty - and the punishment become over-administer, over punitive.

If the rotan land on the back instead of the backside - then it can cause serious internal injuries as the lashes can hurt vital organs such as heart, liver, lung, spleen etc.
If the heart of those who administer the rotan have good intention to ensure people do not sin, then lashing on the back of a human is a no go - because it will kill the person and she has no chance to repent and turn over a new leaf.

If the person who cane others on the back - that cause serious internal injuries or even possible to death - think is alright to do it, why not let that person who administer the caning - to be similarly cane by others to see what he did is alright humanely.

If you want to do it on others, do it on yourself first.
Eg. if you want to cane others - that will grievously hurt others - do it on yourself first to see whether it is humanely feasible.
If you want to stone others - that will kill someone, stone it on yourself first.
It you want to amputate someone's hands or legs - amputate on yourself first.
Only then, decide whether the punishment is administerable.

If you can't do it on yourself, don't do it on others.

Unless, the criminal murder, or hurt others.
Then law should prescribe the appropriate commensurate punishment.

Because cruelty for petty crime is different from law that punish a person to provide him or her a chance to turn over a new leaf.
If a person is stone to death, head chop off, limbs amputate, lash to death - for petty crime, that person is not given a chance to turn over a new leaf.
Heavenly is by nature - Compassionate and always provide chances for sentinent beings to turn over a new leaf - especially for petty crime.
If a person is stone to death, limbs amputate, head chop off, limbs amputate, lashes to death ---- how does the person turn over a new leaf ? This is akin to cruelty.
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