Thursday, December 31, 2015

Indonesia to appeal rejection of $565 mn haze lawsuit

31 December 2015
The court decision not to punish errant owners that burnt lands and pollute the environment defy justice.

Just remember the mechanism of Universal Law of Karma :-
(1) If human legal law and justice - did not dispense the justice to correct injustice.

(2) Heavenly law - will take over to administer justice.

(3) If Heavenly law is not adequate in administering justice - the Universal Law of Karma will administer the karma - which will be final and just.

Just be careful that with passing over the administration of justice to next level --- it will be slap with interest and the overall justice will be compounded ---- for procrastinating and delaying justice.

Justice administer must be appropriate according to the law and not overly punitive.

Eg. if the law prescribe punishment of $100,000 fine - it must not be punitive to demand $500 million.

Another eg. if law prescribe 5 stroke caning for vandalism, then 1000 lashes of the cane should not be prescribe until he kick the bucket - just because he draw more cartoons than others.

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