Saturday, December 26, 2015

Unverified news leads to slander, disunity, says Najib

26 December 2015
It is vital for Malaysia to promote racial and religious harmony and de-escalate racial and religious tension.

This path is a vicious cycle - if racial and religious divide is manifest and fractured --- and will be very difficult to heal.

The fault line has surfaced - and steps are needed to mend the fault line ---- else the future of Malaysia will be conflict-prone.
  • Terrorism is scary - because it trigger chaos, death, injuries and damage but in a confined space and a limited scale.

    A racial and religious conflict - is widespread and will even cause the whole society and country to disintegrate - and result in a civil war - where chaos, death, injuries, damage and destruction - will be in magnitude of many fold that of terrorism.

    Just look at Syria, Iraq, Libya and others ----- look at the scale of destruction.
If this terrible scenario happen - no one will be spared - whether rich, middle class, average people or poor.
No races and religions will be spared ---- and everyone suffer the same fate - all wealth, prosperity, assets, harmony, happiness, infrastructure will be gone.
Just look at Syria, Iraq, Libya - wide scale infrastructure destruction, houses turn into ash and many are death, injured, turn refugees - and many families lost their loved ones.

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