Monday, December 28, 2015

Iraqi army declares first major victory over Islamic State in Ramadi

By Ahmed Rasheed and Maher Chmaytelli
28 December 2015

Well done President Obama - as Commander-in-Chief of the US military.
A well orchestrated military operation - that achieved such a superb result.
You see no need large American boots on the soil.
ISIS daesh trap to trick US with large American boots on the soil fail - and their trick to drive a wedge between the West and the Muslim countries - coining crusade invasion against Islamic jihad fails.

Phew! luckily not Donald Trump......

  • If Donald duck Trump -- now a lot of Muslims will create trouble in the West interest worldwide........

四两拨千斤 is a supreme military art - that uses little of the most pivotal military assets - but deliver the most overwhelming outcomes and achieve all the military objectives.

What are all the military objectives?

(1) Recapture Ramadi
(2) Very little civilian casualties
(3) Very little coalition forces casualties
(4) Minimal combat but fully, completely defeated the ISIS daesh.
(5) Coalition forces of different races, religion intact and cohesive.

Isn't it wonderful and need not carry a sledgehammer to crack a peanut?

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