Thursday, December 17, 2015

Singapore Government Issues Warning on Fake Immigration Websites

ricky l
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ricky l • a second agoRemove
Fake websites that look exactly like the original sites - can be created very easily - within minutes or seconds - as they are html and their source code is available on the web.

Unlike application programs that can be compiled into object codes and executed - the source code cannot be copied.

To ensure the official website :-

Look at the URL will tell us whether it is the real website.

Look at the https - SSL sign by an authorised certificate authority.

Fake website that copied the web interface - is to fool users to key in their account credential - so that their credential can be redirected into the hacker server that will store their data into a database - and then will be used by hacker for financial gain.
ricky l
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ricky l • a second agoRemove
Unsuspected users are not redirected to these fake websites - by accessing the official websites.

Otherwise, the official websites is considered "breached or hacked" - by hackers with techniques such as cross-scripting or SQL injection - that hijacked user access to the official websites and then redirected to the hacker websites.

Users unwittingly access the wrong URL to the fake websites - mostly by hackers email to the users with the wrong URL - and users click it to access and then get directed to the fake websites.

Or when users do a web search through search engines such as google search - it pick the wrong URL and the fake websites.

This is how unwitting users got into the fake websites.
ricky l
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ricky l • a second agoRemove
What this mean is that ---- most Government official websites - will have properly secured.

Eg. using WAF IPS - web application firewall and intrusion prevention system. web defacement tool - it will have secured against hackers from hacking the official web sites such as using hacking techniques such as x-scripting, SQL injection etc.

Most of the time, it is the user end devices or end client or user ignorant in the usage of web sites - that got conned or hacked by the hackers. 
rricky l
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ricky l  •  28 seconds ago Remove
Moreover, there are advanced techniques that will have prevented official websites from being attacked. 
Eg. APT - Advanced Persistent Threat - to prevent zero-day attacks and 1st line protection by Virtual Patching.
Web Defacement Tool - to prevent web defacement.
DLP - Data Loss Protection - to ensure data integrity across multiple platform via discover, monitor and protect - through data fingerprinting.
 RRobin Hood
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Robin Hood  •  36 minutes ago Report Abuse
Now, why do people want to mess with CPF website?
1 Reply

  • rricky l
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    ricky l  •  6 seconds ago Remove
    CPF is not due to hacking. The website is down because of integration problem with other systems.

    ricky l
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    ricky l • a second agoRemove
    What it means is that CPF website need to integrate with other website (eg. authentication website such as Singpass, such as 2 factor authentication website) to authenticate users before it can access CPF website.

    The integration with other websites and passing of data - causes data integrity problems - as it pick up the wrong data.

    This is not due to hacking and phishing.

    ricky l
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    ricky l • a second agoRemove
    So now has answer the differences between ICA website and CPF website.

    Now fake ICA websites can be traced easily.

    (1) URL of fake websites is known - it can be track.

    (2) DNS resolution can be made to identify the external IP address - and the hosting sites and hosting server can be tracked and identified.

    (3) Hosting servers can be asked to cooperate by furnishing the credential of the account user that host the fake websites - with user id, user credential, IP address, blog page used for hosting the websites etc. (Unless the hosting servers are hosted overseas behind firewall, IPsec VPN - where the hosting service provider refused to cooperate to reveal the hackers credential).

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