Facebook removes fake Halimah Yacob account
18 December 2015
ricky l3 minutes ago
Kumar8 hours ago
ricky l1 second ago
ricky l3 minutes ago
Fake websites can be easily done - almost within minutes.
The trick is - where will the hacker host this fake websites.
If hosted in servers - whereby service providers will cooperate to release the account credential of this hacker - he can be caught very easily because network information will trace to him :-
(1) Eg. URL - and the corresponding public IP address - through DNS resolution.
(2) the hacker account credential to log in to the blog server that host his fake web page.
ricky l2 seconds ago
ricky l2 seconds ago
ricky l2 seconds ago
ricky l2 seconds ago
So just wondering - why html and xml developer not used the compilation of object code concept to develop web pages - so that the source code is not exposed.
This will cut down the easy creation of html and xml fake websites by hackers.

are u an idiot?

Object code such as executable file are binary files and cannot be edited by hackers to redirect input into the hacker database.
Thus if html and xml webpage can be compiled into object code or executable file or binary files - then hackers can't see its source code, edit it and will be of no use.
Currently, html and xml source code seems to be exposed and can be copied, edit and reproduce.
ricky l2 seconds ago
In this case, as the hacker is posting a fake webpage in the facebook, he will need an account to login to the facebook and post the webpages.
I think this hacker account credential will be easily established if facebook provide the account credential.
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