Friday, December 11, 2015

Republican voters on Trump: no compassion, no problem

ricky l
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ricky l • a second agoRemove
Decisiveness sometimes may not be virtue --- it can be an impulse or decision without sufficient inputs that will result in catastrophe.

Let us examine his decision to ban Muslim from travelling into US.

This will mean all US citizens abroad will face immediate hostility in Countries with Muslims.

How he treat Muslims in US - will means Muslim will reciprocate on US citizens abroad.

Eg. if US citizens are harm in a Muslim country, what will he do - he will order a military invasion on that Muslim country. When more US citizens are harm in more than one Muslim countries - he will order war with more than one Muslim country.

This will trigger a massive war.
ricky l
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ricky l • a second agoRemove
Now let us extrapolate his decisiveness onto East Europe.

He felt that NATO interest is breached by Russian intervention.
What will he do, he will push NATO to fight a war with Russia.

A large conventional war will be triggered. In the event of one side losing a war, nuclear war will be trigged in Europe.

So is his decisiveness a virtue - or calamity for US and for the World?
ricky l
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ricky l • a second agoRemove
Assume he is not happy with South China Sea affair.
Instead of exploring diplomacy to resolve the issues - his decisiveness push him to invade the disputed islands through his 7 fleet - and trigger a war with China - which can be totally avoided.

Or he is not happy with North Korea who is building up the nuclear warhead - and because of his decisiveness - decide to launch a nuclear ICBM on N Korea - and trigger a nuclear war in Asia Pacific.

So is impulse, is decisiveness a virtue or a calamity? 

ricky l
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ricky l • a second agoRemove
He will ignite all the 3 World hotspots in one go ---- and trigger the feared 小三灾 simultaneously - and World War 3 exploded ---- that will mark the demise of human civilisation on Earth.

US President is not a joking matter.

The World is at stake - if a candidate display aggression, because he is wielding a powerful Army that can destroy the World.

ricky l
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ricky l • a second agoRemove
When he embarked on military supremacy and determine to be omnipotent ----- he will endanger US - because all the hostilities will be directed at US.

Economy will plummet because finance will be strained as large budget will need to be set aside to beef up his military, more US soldiers will perish with simultaneous war worldwide.

There will be massive job losses because World Economy will be disrupted.

The scenario of WW1 and WW2 will unveiled - worldwide destruction, millions of death worldwide.

But this time WW3 will end the human races - because many Countries wield the nuclear weapons that can finish the Earth many times over ---- just because of 1 person's decisiveness or impulse.

ricky l
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ricky l • a second agoRemove
Omnipotent, 称霸 - is a Satan disposition - and if he possess the most powerful Army in the World at his disposition - he will wield it and end the human civilisation.

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