Insight: In IS stronghold, residents trapped in "sealed casket" as Iraqi forces close in

ricky l • Remove
"Iraqi forces cut the hardline group's last supply line into Ramadi in November, surrounding the city and making it almost impossible for the militants to send in reinforcements."Reply
Yes, this is the outcome that we want to achieve.
Cutting off the supply line - will suffocate ISIS daesh from reinforcement, ammo, weapons, logistics, water, food, medicine ----- and they will be defeated in no time.
Large foreign troops need not be deployed - because they will get stuck in the war for many years, draining them of resources and come down with many casualties. It will also give excuse to ISIS daesh excused to recruit more civilians as their fighters - coining the excuse of foreign invasion.
This strategy is the highest military strategy. Because it involved local forces - who has a high stake to eradicate ISIS daesh that kill them and invade their land - and will be highly motivated to defeat ISIS daesh.
Cutting off supply line will reduce casualties and force surrender from ISIS daesh.
Targeted pin point airstrike from information by Special Operation Force - will reduce civilian casualties - and deplete ISIS daesh strategic military resources.
Great that the US and the coalition - has adopted this strategy and we are beginning to see result - though it take a longer time.
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