Sunday, July 15, 2018

US, China understand importance of aerospace to their economies: Boeing CEO

Boeing Chief Executive Dennis Muilenburg said on Sunday both the U.S. and Chinese governments understood the importance of aerospace to their economies, despite mounting trade tensions between the two countries.
15 Jul 2018 10:45PM
Ricky Lim
Speaking to reporters ahead of the Farnborough Airshow, Muilenburg said the two trading powers had shared interests as China needed the air transport capacity and the United States relied on the sector for thousands of valuable export jobs.
“Aerospace thrives on global trade, free and open trade," Muilenburg said.
US business group like Boeing and others will have to lobby Trump from stopping the trade tariff and trade war worldwide.

Only then free and open trade is possible - and all collateral damages cause by the trade war can be prevented.

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