Also the dollar is bleeding red ink. Tax receipts into the US Treasury in the first five months of the current fiscal year, from October thru February, were $1.286 trillion while outlays were $1.677 trillion. Receipts are growing +4% per year, on average, while outlays are rising +7%, on average.
This mean Trump will have to borrow from banks, financial institutions or overseas lenders of US$12 billion to subsidise China trade tariff - further incurring more debt for US Treasury.
Trump is digging a big hole - for US taxpayers to jump in.
Worst as Trump's public debt is so huge - the debt interest for this US$12 billion will be very high - as lenders will not take a big risk by lending to Trump with such as a high debt leverage that Trump embark on.
Will any lenders trust a "Dai Yi loong" (loanshark) indebted borrower like Trump? Of course charge Trump high high interest lah .....
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