Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Trump to provide US$12 billion in aid to farmers to ease trade pain

25 Jul 2018 11:49AM
Ricky Lim
Trump by using taxpayers fund of US$12 billion to subsidise China trade tariff will again add on to its humongous public debt which stand at US$21 trillion now and need to pay US$500 billion a year to pay the debt interest.
Ricky Lim
Also the dollar is bleeding red ink. Tax receipts into the US Treasury in the first five months of the current fiscal year, from October thru February, were $1.286 trillion while outlays were $1.677 trillion. Receipts are growing +4% per year, on average, while outlays are rising +7%, on average.

This mean Trump will have to borrow from banks, financial institutions or overseas lenders of US$12 billion to subsidise China trade tariff - further incurring more debt for US Treasury.

Trump is digging a big hole - for US taxpayers to jump in.

Worst as Trump's public debt is so huge - the debt interest for this US$12 billion will be very high - as lenders will not take a big risk by lending to Trump with such as a high debt leverage that Trump embark on.

Will any lenders trust a "Dai Yi loong" (loanshark) indebted borrower like Trump? Of course charge Trump high high interest lah .....
Ricky Lim
Trump thought his US$500 billion trade deficit is his BIG strength to attack China's trade tariff.

But China got US$3 trillion reserve and US$1 trillion US Treasury bond that US owe to China.

China US$4 trillion reserve firepower - will beat Trump US$500 billion trade deficit hands down....

Ricky Lim
Trump is leading US into a big Economic trouble - and his stupid trade war - is pledging US future as his chips.

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