Wednesday, July 11, 2018

China does not manipulate other countries: Chinese ambassador responds to remarks from former Singapore diplomat Bilahari Kausikan

 (Updated: )

In this current context of trade protectionism and trade war, the World should cooperate in forging multi-lateral trade deals and bi-lateral trade deals as well as meaningful cooperation.

Bringing out animosity at this point in time is inappropriate and cause unnecessary and unwarranted fricition.

I don't think this stand is the official stand of the Singapore Government - and it is likely the personal opinion of this ex-diplomat.
The ex-diplomat should note that our Foreign Minister is an Indian - and he was well received and well treated by the China counterpart in many occasion when our Foreign Minister visit China.

And also we note the Chinese ambassador comments :-
"China’s ambassador said his country attaches “great importance” to Singapore-China relations and “cherishes the friendship established by several generations of our leaders”.
“Mr Lee Kuan Yew, with his extraordinary strategic vision, made important contributions to the establishment and development of our diplomatic ties. We are pleased to see that Mr Lee's strategic vision and commitment to the relationship have been inherited by his successors.
“Over the years, our ties have progressed and continue to do so based on the principles of mutual respect, equality and mutual benefit. China respects Singapore's achievements in maintaining racial and religious harmony. It has no intention of influencing Singaporeans' sense of their national identity and will never do so. Our close bonds in history and culture should be positive factors and not a burden in the development of our relationship,” Mr Hong said."

Our high level Ministerial bi-lateral yearly meetings - attest to Singapore stressing importance to China's relationship.

Thus this ex-diplomat comments is his personal opinion - and is not reflecting the official stand of the Singapore Government - especially in this very trying time of global trade fricition.
Kate Lau
Ricky Lim these are all cut n paste speeches by ambassadors, just change the names n dates, can be reused. get real, they don't mean anything, why detain our army vehicles if our relationship is so fantastic?
Kate Lau - there will be up and down in any relationship with any Countries.
The concern is not to bring up issues that are 2 years ago and have been resolved.

We have to move on and improve relationship - and not keep harping on unpleasant issue and make a fuss about it.

Diplomatic relationship need to nurture - and not keep harping on older issue that has been resolved.

Eg. will you want your husband to keep reminding and harping on things that you both quarallel upon - and bring it up at the wrong time, wrong place and quarallel all over again?
You got nothing than better to do is it?

Are you happy with a situation where, today you give a tit, tommorrow i give you a tat.
And then i give a tit, and the next day you give a tat.
Everyday spend the productive time doing nothing but quaralleling is it?
Kate Lau
Ricky Lim it not about this incident per se, im giving an example of what diplomatic speak is all about. the point is don't get carried away with nice words, they r standard cut n paste in any ambassadar's play boobk
Kate Lau
Ricky Lim it not about this incident per se, im giving an example of what diplomatic speak is all about. the point is don't get carried away with nice words, they r standard cut n paste in any ambassadar's play boobk

Ricky Lim
Kate Lau - for us as Singaporeans is very simple :-
(1) We want to maintain good relationship with all Countries as far as possible - which follow our foreign policies principles of :-
"Friends with All,
Adversaries with None.
Forge mutual benefits with win-win outcome."

Friendship will bring mutual benefits, adversaries will mean confrontation and hardship.

(2) We cannot expect our domestic and international interests will be exactly the same as other Countries.
Every Country will have their own domestic interests and international interests.
We should work hard to nurture our relationships with other Countries - emphasizing common interests and common benefits - but do not let differences escalate and become point of confrontation in our diplomatic relationship.

(3) We can discuss our differences at the right place, right time, with the right people at the right context - but not under the limelight of full public view that embarass one another - and this give the imperative of others to retaliate.

China leaders are bright people and they respect us as principle, honest and frank - and meant for the good of one another in frank exchanges.

But they have their domestic interest and concerns - just like we have our own domestic interest and concerns. As long as we understand each other with mutual respect - we can work together along the common interests while playing down differences without antagonising one another.

Like our Leaders openly said - Singapore and China have many common interests though there are some differences in opinion - which is expected - because Country-to-Country relationship - is not expected to be 100% similar in common interests.

But Singapore and China can accord mutual respect with one another and work to nurture and improve our relationship - better and better every year.
Henry Chua
Andrew Wang

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