Sunday, July 8, 2018

'D-day' for Thai cave rescue as operation begins

By Pichayada Promchertchoo@PichayadaCNA
08 Jul 2018 12:52PM (Updated: 08 Jul 2018 04:44PM)
Ricky Lim
Water levels inside the cave dropped by more than 30cm on Thursday – the lowest level in the past two weeks. Rescuers can now walk from the cave’s entrance through its first, second and third chamber, which lies 1.7km from the area where the 13 survivors are trapped.
Look like Option 1 of the rescue approach has taken effect.
But as some places are 2.10m, 2.39m, 4.73m and 5.03m ---- some diving will still be required.
Hopefully, the 2 experienced divers per boy and coach --- can help them out safely.
阿弥陀佛 !!!

Posted on:-
03 Jul 2018 10:11AM (Updated: 03 Jul 2018 12:10PM)

Ricky Lim
Wonder is it feasible to block water from entering the entrance of the cave - eg. using sands or sandbags?

And then using water pumps to continously pump the water out of the cave -- assuming it takes days or weeks to do so?

Only when the water reach a water level of say less than 0.5 metres - guide the boys and the coach out by wading through the shallow water?
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Steve Goh
Reckless adventure gone wrong. Causing so much problems for everyone and death of one rescuer. No doubt their safety and rescue is highest priority. But everyone acting like they are some unfortunate tragedy victims, cheering for their rescue, offering world cup trips and goodies. Mindblown.
Ricky Lim
What you are saying now is totally inappropriate - when the priority is to save the lives of those trapped in the cave - in the name of humanity and compassion.

And the cheering of their rescue, the offering of trips --- are to boost the morale of the boys, the coach and the rescuers --- so that they will not give up and do their utmost best to conquer the Nature and emerge alive.

Mental strength need to be strong to overcome all odds. So that the perish rescuer effort is not in vain.

Thus your comments now are demoralising, and totally inappropriate.

Wonder if one of the boy - is one of your child ---- wonder will you say such a thing or not?

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